The Good Life Lessons

in WORLD OF XPILARlast month (edited)


Hulk Smash, back in the day. <3

So my little man had a soccer match today and it was a biggie for him because it was against the school which one of his best mates attends, so needless to say the egos were rearing to go and Jude also had his shiny new boots to show off. Those of you that read my boots for the future post a few days ago will know… Jude takes his soccer pretty seriously.

To give you a little perspective on this level of passion, let me tell you about his first EVER match in grade one haha!!! That did NOT go as ANY mother or parent would hope, lol. Though I do my best to be at ALL of Jude’s matches and even practices if I can, I was not able to be at that one for whatever reason - I cannot recall, but I was still running my business at the time, so obviously there was something going on.


My little karate warrior <3

Nevertheless, I got a phone call from the school secretary at half time to please come and fetch my child. Obviously I was a little taken back because I knew that the match could not possibly have been over yet.

I headed down to the school, parked and walked toward the soccer field, where I saw my son sitting cross legged on the side lines with the grumpiest little expression I think he could muster, lol.

As it turns out, the game was going really well and he had already scored one goal, but a second goal opportunity had apparently presented itself and Jude had missed… after which he apparently shouted “Oh Fnck!” WAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!


You mean this little angel said the F word? Neverrrrrr lol

Obviously I have absolutely NO idea where he ever heard such words lol 😀 because it absolutely, definitely did not come from me… hehehehe!!! Anyhooooo, I obviously had to handle the situation like the gutted, shocked and totally responsible parent that I am and ushered my reprimanded child home, lol. So yes, he took his soccer as seriously then as he does now - just thankfully we have not had any reprimands like that since, lol.

Sadly, today's match did not go his way and though we did not have any four letter words expressed (not that anyone heard anyway, haha) but he was absolutely BLEAK!!! He normally gets into the car after a practice or even a practice match and has so much to tell me, but today… absolutely nothing. Not a word - and it broke my heart!


I said what?! lol

It was obvious very quickly that no amount of cheering up was going to work - not even the offer of a KFC chicken wrap worked and Jude ALWAYS tries to hustle one of those on the way home from soccer, lol.

Though, despite his disappointment - I was pleased to observe that it steered him in a positive direction because he shifted his focus quite soon after, to doing more endurance training - not today, but talking about the fact that he wants to do it and up his fitness levels. He is unquestionably one of the teams strongest players and he knows that if he had a little more endurance today - he would have been able to change some of the situations that escaped him because he was running exhausted.

Not short... compact awesome :)

I do have to say though that despite their 4-2 loss, Jude did score both of those two goals and I am exceptionally proud of him regardless. It just doesn’t make it any easier as a mom… seeing him so disappointed, - but hey… those are the good kind of life lessons aren’t they :)



Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx

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Typos make me human. I may or may not get around to correcting them.

All written content shared here is my property, unless otherwise credited


I am glad I do not have to deal with the sport drama as well school is already bad enough. Did you have to pick him up because of a word?
I never did the pretending word and never will.

I'm sorry the game is lost but he did it great - 2 goals - and this is not a solo but group game or?

Enjoy the weekend with or without nuggets. Ice cream?


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