My power up / #club5050 / 20%goes to steemitphcurator / 11-21-2021

in Steemit Philippines3 years ago



Greetings to all members in this community.

Here I am today to share again my recent power up. A total of 77 steem has been power up. From 191 steem power before now I have 268 steem power.

As I fully support #club5050, I power up the half of my earnings here in steemit. This is my third power up. I promise that I will always commit in #club5050 everytime I will do my cash out.


How important #club5050 is? Today I am going to share what are the benefits that we can get by commiting to #club5050.

  • higher chance to earn extra votes by our curators.

If we will commit in club5050 we can have a higher chance to be upvoted by one of our curators. Although upvote is not 100% guaranted but we can have a high chance if we just continue to post quality content. We just have to wait and never surrender.

  • building your steempower

having a high steem power can make you earn more curation rewards.


My first reaction to #club5050 initiative is confused and upset at the same time. Why? Because I was thinking that because of this iniative my cash out will be lesser. I know that some us find this initiative hard at first just like me. But as time goes by I have understand that commiting in #club5050 is like investing for our future. We just have to keep on posting quality content and always follow the rules of this platform and the most important thing is avoid plagiarism.


Before I end my post I just wanna ask the steemit philippines team about the delagation I made. It was my first time to delagate and I wanted to know if I did it right or I have done it wrong.

  • the first thing I did is I click on this button👇


  • after I click it, this icon appears



That is how I made my delegation and I'm not sure if I did it right.


Thank you and god bless us all ❤
Yours truly @jeanalyn

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