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RE: What is being prepared by them while using the events in Ukraine as a distraction.

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago

hello, how about you dear friend @josua1 I share your publication saying that the media always tend to be scandalous because I think that many media have already exceeded the threshold of information besides playing with the morbid, thus capturing people and that in the end they translates into pure advertising, then you see all the channels and social networks talking about the same topic, personally it suffocates me to see how the media boom proliferates.

Excellent topic to publish and study friend.


 3 years ago 

Thanks Buddy, can't say it any better I guess.

In Germany media representatives talk one-sidedly always positively about certain parties, their politicians in return advocate to constantly increase the compulsory fees for the broadcasting stations, for which their employees again diligently advertise for these politicians and so on, what is a true vicious circle.😔

I can only assume that it runs off in other countries after a quite similar system and sometime also there like here "hopefully" will fail, because each way, on which the masses follow the respective state broadcasting further sooner or later into the abyss leads!