Game Bloody Roar History Review #1

in #gaming7 years ago


Hiii.... Stemian , How are you today ?

I want tell you about Bloody Roar Game, but firstly we must know history abot the game, This game has the term "Fight like an animal"

Bloody Roar: Primal Fury, also known as Bloody Roar Extreme in Japan, is a video game fighter developed by Eight in 2002. This is a side story made between Bloody Roar 3 and 4.

It features a new artistic direction, specifically the designer fighter who performed from the previous urban style installment for a modern and sporty look.



Bloody Roar: Primal Fury Opening

"During the Age of Feuding between humans and Zoanthropes, a new kingdom was born.

Founded upon and dream of peace and equality, for both, the new landattracted scores of Zoanthropes from far and wide. However, the kingdom was young, and heavily relied upon its Zoanthrope army for security and on its special brigade of Zoanthrope mercenaries for income. 

Even more troublesome for the infant nation were rumors of cruel experiments being carried out on Zoanthropes to uncover the secret behing their ability to transform into fighting beasts. Though nearly everyone, both Zoanthrope and human alike, strongly opposedthese experiments, no one could prove that they were actually taking place, much less who was responsible for them.

In an effort to bring the nation together and show off the power of their Zoanthrope army and mercenary brigade, the kingdom decided to sponsor the ultimate Zoanthrope fighting tournament. The winner would not only earn the title "Zoanthrope Champion," but also take home a handsome cash prize. If only the participants knew what was really awaiting them..."





Hudson Soft


Kenji Fukuya


Hiroshi Igari


Tetsu Ozaki


Yuichi Ochiai, Kenji Shibayama


Geki Katsumata


Hiromichi Furuya


Primal Fury (Gamecube)

March 19, 2002NA 

April 25, 2002JP 

May 3, 2002PAL

Game Features  

 Arcade

 Versus

 Time Attack

 Survival

 Team Battle

 VS Team Battle

 Training

 Com Battle

 Movie Player

 Extra Option

 Option

Characters & Locations  

List of Characters

Returning Fighters

• Alice the Rabbit  

• Bakuryu the Mole 

• Busuzima the Chameleon  

• Gado the Lion  

•Jenny the Bat  

• Long the Tiger  

• Shenlong the Tiger 

• Shina the Leopard  

• Stun the Insect

• Uriko the Half-Beast

• Xion the Unborn  

• Yugo the Wolf

Returning Unlockable Fighters

• Kohryu the Iron Mole  

• Uranus the Chimera

New Unlockable Fighters

• Cronos the Penguin  

• Ganesha the Elephant

List of Locations

• Stages

Asian Gate  , Chinese Temple  , Freeway  , Aircraft Carrier , Midnight Rooftop, Back Alley, Aquarium

• Unlockable Stages

Indian Palace, Evil Labotary, Chaos Labotary

Well, that's the first review that I post, for the game Bloody Roar has many characters and Arena that we can play, But there are some who are still locked because we have to complete the mission to win against the locked character. So my post may be useful information this game, please criticism and suggestions in the writing or the contents of my post, Thank You


Hiii.... Stemian , Apa kabarnya hari ini ?

   Saya ingin bercerita tentang Bloody Roar Game, tapi pertama-tama kita harus tahu sejarah abot permainannyaGame ini memiliki istilah "Berjuang seperti binatang"

Bloody Roar: Primal Fury, juga dikenal dengan Bloody Roar Extreme di Jepang, adalah permainan video petarung yang dikembangkan oleh Delapan pada tahun 2002. 

Ini adalah cerita sampingan yang dibuat antara Bloody Roar 3 dan 4. Ini fitur arah artistik baru, khususnya desain pejuang yang dilakukan dari gaya perkotaan angsuran sebelumnya untuk terlihat modern dan sporty. 



Bloody Roar: Pembukaan Primal Fury 

"Selama Era Feuding antara manusia dan Zoanthropes, sebuah kerajaan baru lahir. 

Didirikan dan bermimpi tentang kedamaian dan kesetaraan, untuk keduanya, nilai Landanthropes baru dari jauh dan luas. Namun, kerajaan itu masih muda, dan sangat bergantung pada tentara Zoanthrope untuk keamanan dan pada brigade khusus tentara bayaran Zoanthrope untuk mendapatkan penghasilan.  

Yang lebih menyulitkan bagi negara bayi adalah rumor tentang eksperimen kejam yang dilakukan terhadap Zoanthropes untuk menemukan rahasia kemampuan kita untuk berubah menjadi binatang buas. Meskipun hampir semua orang, baik Zoanthrope maupun manusia, sangat menentang eksperimen ini, tidak ada yang bisa membuktikan bahwa mereka benar-benar terjadi, apalagi yang bertanggung jawab atas mereka.   

Dalam upaya untuk membawa bangsa ini bersama-sama dan memamerkan kekuatan tentara Zoanthrope dan brigade tentara bayaran mereka, kerajaan tersebut memutuskan untuk mensponsori turnamen pertempuran Zoanthrope yang paling akhir. Pemenangnya tidak hanya akan mendapatkan gelar "Zoanthrope Champion," tapi juga membawa pulang hadiah uang tunai yang tampan. Kalau saja para peserta tahu apa yang sebenarnya menunggunya ... "   





Hudson Lembut 


Kenji Fukuya 


Hiroshi Igari 


 Tetsu Ozaki 


Yuichi Ochiai, 

Kenji Shibayama 


Geki Katsumata 


Hiromichi Furuya 


Primal Fury (Gamecube) 

19 Maret 2002NA

25 April 2002JP

 3 Mei 2002PAL 

Fitur Game 

 Arcade

 Versus

 Time Attack

 Survival

 Team Battle

 VS Team Battle

 Training

 Com Battle

 Movie Player

 Extra Option

 Option

Karakter & Lokasi  

Nama Karakter

• Alice the Rabbit  

• Bakuryu the Mole 

 • Busuzima the Chameleon  

• Gado the Lion  

•Jenny the Bat  

• Long the Tiger  

• Shenlong the Tiger 

 • Shina the Leopard  

• Stun the Insect

• Uriko the Half-Beast

• Xion the Unborn  

• Yugo the Wolf

Fighters yang masih terkunci

• Kohryu the Iron Mole  

• Uranus the Chimera

Fighters baru yang terbuka

• Cronos the Penguin  

• Ganesha the Elephant

Daftar Lokasi

• Arena

Asian Gate  , Chinese Temple  , Freeway  , Aircraft Carrier , Midnight Rooftop, Back Alley, Aquarium

• Arena terkuci

Indian Palace, Evil Labotary, Chaos Labotary

Written by: @jee.sandy
Langsa, Aceh, Indonesia, 27 January 2018

Source Reference 1 and 2

Nah, begitulah review tahap awal yang saya posting , untuk game Bloody Roar memiliki banyak karakter dan Arena yang dapat kita mainkan , Namun ada beberapa yang masih terkunci dikarenakan kita harus menyelesaikan misi sampai menang melawan karakter yang terkunci tersebut. Demikian postingan saya semoga bermanfaat informasi game ini , mohon kritik dan saran dalam penulisan ataupun isi postingan saya , Terima Kasih :)


cool ... i played bloody roar

I Upvoted and followed you... do the same for me and we could help each other Earn

okay friend :)

I like it, I vote u. Dont forget follback @gunswan.


ok , thanks bray , vote again

following the gaming account registered in indonesia, Langsa city


thanks currator 😁

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