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RE: The concept of highly skilled work

Hahaha...Yeah, well, um, the banks are under attack continuously by an illegal, self taxing authority called black hat hackers. The evil diabolical anonymous self righteous group that steals so much, especially from banks and credit card companies, that wages are and capital are artificially forced to nothing.

Then again, you may be completely correct. Good points made 🤪


To be honest, I didn't know there was anyone who stole more than banking institutions. And also someone who steals more than the state. The problem for me is that all the money just ends up in someone's private pocket, not an institutional or government pocket. That's the way the country I live in works. And they have never announced that any bank has fallen into the hands of black hat hackers, so that there is a reason for me to sympathize or feel sorry for them.

Well, Alexander the Great, Nebuchadnezzar, Darius, Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar, the First Emperor of China, Greece's Constantine emperor of Byzantium or The Eastern Roman Empire, Somebody in Turkey, Charlemagne, Atila the Hun, Somebody who led the Bulgars😜, Ivan the Terrible, the Saracens, Spain, France, Napoleon, Britain, Hitler, Patton and Eisenhower, MacArthur, the Soviet Union, Persia II, and I would add the United States but in case you haven't noticed, we always give it back unless the population votes to join the country, the British too gave it all back in the form of commonwealth rule.

So we see banks aren't the biggest thieves and if you need a loan for a car, house, or business guess what?

Admittedly they no longer pay decent interest on savings but that because Anonymous has robbed them blind. Really Anonymous has robbed them blind - I know.

In other news, I have figured how to decipher an sdkmesh DirectX 11 file and load it in to a DirectX 12 file. I had it correct for longest time and didn't know it as soon, I will have game engine two.

Good for you for living in a country where banks aren't the biggest thieves. 😃 In my country the banks and service companies are so tied to the government that I don't know who is the bigger robber. And they have proven it over the years. Increasing taxes, fees, bills, and in the end nothing, nothing improves, nothing is gained in return - the money just flows into someone's pocket. When I last went to the biggest bank I close my account with, I photographed some of the terms they advertised for their savings accounts: 0.00% interest. At the same time, their fees are the highest, they're cutting staff, and probably wages, and there's no news of hackers robbing the bank itself...

Probably are being hacked, which is most likely embezzlement an inside job.Loans defaulting.

And with 6 or 7 million people in the country there might not be enough experts to figure it out.

It is very tough to figure out and what is worse nowadays the hackers seem to be able to turn innocent people into the culprit and the innocent have no idea what is happening.

The have little devices that can scan the credit cards right of a wallet or purse in an instant and you never know it.

The caught an illegal immigrant gang just the other day before yesterday.

Here they announce it all the time. There's commercials that tell how many people have suffered identity theft and corporations and businesses as well. Businesses and government suffers more losses than the average person or family. It has gone on for a long time. But remain cheerful and hopeful because this to shall end.😊

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