Jefri Gaming– Skill and Hero Alucard Build Item the Games Mobile legends(ENG-IND) #13

in #indonesia7 years ago


Hello friends steemian how are you tonight, Come again with me @jefrim503 I will discuss about online games and Android. In this post I will explain a little hero in mobile legends, I explain a little bit about hero Alucard.

Alucard Mobile Legend's Story:

When just a child, both of Alucard's parents were killed by demons and he was imprisoned and suffered cruelties at their hands for several months, until finally he was rescued by demon hunters and raised by them. from a young age, he was raised to be an outstanding demon hunter, with an extreme enmity for the demon race. The there iron laws of the demon hunters are: Swear no allegiance to any army. spare not a single one of demonkind. Never stop carrying out missions.

Attributes owned by Alucard:

  • Movement Speed: 260
  • Physical Attack: 123
  • Magic Power: 0
  • Armor: 21
  • Magic Resistance: 10
  • HP: 2821
  • Where: 0
  • Attack speed: 0.9
  • HP Regen: 39
  • Where Regen: 0
  • Basic Attack Crit Rate: 0
  • Ability crit rate: 0

In the legend mobile game Alucard has its own trick capabilities and tips as follows:

Alucard Mobile Legend Skill:

a. Pursuit: Passive

If exposed to 1musuh, give damage x 1.2. If about 2 enemies give damage x 1.1. The next basic attack after using the skill gives damage x 1.2 and moves to the target.

b. Groundsplitter: Cooldown: 10.0

Jump forward and launch 1 attack. Each attack generates 240 (+ 160% extra physical ATK) points of physical damage to the enemy and slows down the enemy.

c. Whirling Smash: Cooldown: 5.0

Melikai enemies in the area, producing 230 (+ 140 physical physical ATK) physical.

d. Fission Wave: Cooldown: 30.0

Increases the 20% lifesteal of the hero while he also locks in the enemy. Generating damage to the enemy in 8 seconds should trigger extra Passive damage, as well as a 100% increase of current lifesteal effects. while its ability to effect, the hero can cast a powerful attack wave, resulting in 440 (+ 220 physical ATK) points of physical damage.

Items used in Alucard:

 1. Haas's Claws: +70 Physical Attack

Uniqueness: + 20% unique passive lifesteal-madness: When HP falls below 40%, heroes will receive an additional 10% physical lifesteal.

2. Warrior boots: This item can add 22 armor. uniqueness: 40 unique SPD passive-valor movements: the physical defense will go up 5 with some attacks received, to increments to 25 points, ending 3s.

3. Hunter Strike: +100 physical Attack + 10% Cooldown Reduction

Unique Passive-hunt: Attack the enemy 5 times in a row and increase the movement speed hero by 30% for 2 seconds. This effect has a Cooldown of 15 seconds.

4. Malefic Raor: This item can add 60 physical attacks

unique: 40% passive passive passive PEN: basic attack will see 20% defense of the armored steel tower.

5. Blade of Despair: This item can add 170 physical attacks + 10% attack

passive passive despair: implies an additional 10% of enemy damage in abnormal attacks (stunned, knocking air, changing, stopping).

6. Immortality: This item can add 800 HP + 40 magic RES. passive uniquely-immortal: rises after death 2s after death and gets HP And the shield can absorb 300-1000 attack points. Hold the shield for 3s.cooldown for this 180s effect.

If you like this post please follow @ jefrim503 wait for the rest.

Best wishes for a steemian friend ...?


Hallo teman-teman steemian apa kabar malam hari ini, Datang lagi dengan saya @jefrim503 saya akan membahas tentang game online dan Android.Di postingan kali ini saya akan menjelaskan sedikit hero di dalam mobile legends,langsung saya jelaskan sedikit tentang hero Alucard.

Kisah Alucard Mobile legend's:

Ketika hanya seorang anak, kedua orang tua Alucard dibunuh oleh setan dan dia dipenjara dan mengalami kekejaman di tangan mereka selama beberapa bulan, sampai akhirnya dia diselamatkan oleh pemburu iblis dan dibesarkan oleh mereka. Dari usia muda, dia dibesarkan untuk menjadi pemburu setan yang luar biasa, dengan permusuhan ekstrem untuk ras setan. Hukum besi yang ada dari para pemburu iblis adalah: Bersumpah tidak setia kepada tentara manapun. lepaskan satu setan saja. Jangan pernah berhenti menjalankan misi.

Atribut yang dimiliki oleh Alucard:

  • Movement Speed: 260
  • Physical Attack: 123
  • Magic Power: 0
  • Armor: 21
  • Magic Resistance: 10
  • HP: 2821
  • Mana: 0
  • Attack speed: 0.9
  • HP Regen: 39
  • Mana Regen: 0
  • Basic Attack Crit Rate: 0
  • Ability crit rate: 0

Dalam game mobile legend Alucard memiliki kemampuan trik sendiri dan tips sebagai berikut:

Skill Alucard Mobile Legend:

a. Pursuit: Pasif

Jika terkena 1musuh, memberikan damage x 1.2. Jika mengenai 2 musuh memberikan damage x 1.1. Basic attack selanjutnya setelah menggunakan skill memberikan damage x 1.2 dan bergerak ke target.

b. Groundsplitter: Cooldown: 10.0

Melompat ke depan dan meluncurkan 1 serangan. Tiap serangan menghasilkan 240(+160%ekstra physical ATK)poin dari physical damage kepada musuh dan memperlambat musuh.

c. Whirling Smash: Cooldown: 5.0

Melikai musuh di area,menghasilkan 230(+140ekstra physical ATK)physical.

d. Fission Wave: Cooldown: 30.0

Meningkatkan 20% lifesteal dari hero sementara dia juga mengunci pada musuh. Menghasilkan damage kepada musuh dalam 8 detik harus memicu efek Passive damage ekstra, serta peningkatan 100%dari efek lifesteal saat ini. sementara kemampuannya berefek, sang hero dapat melemparkan gelombang serangan yang kuat, menghasilkan 440(+220ekstra physical ATK) poin dari physical damage.

Item yang di gunakan Alucard:

1. Haas's Claws: +70 Physical Attack

Keunikan: + 20% lifesteal pasif unik-Insanity:Ketika HP turun di bawah 40%, hero akan menerima tambahan 10% lifesteal fisik.

2. Warrior boots: +22 Armor

Keunikan:+40 movement SPD pasif unik-valor:Pertahanan fisik akan naik 5 dengan beberapa serangan yang di terima, untuk kenaikan sampai 25 poin, berakhir 3s.

3. Hunter Strike:+100 physical Attack +10% Cooldown Reduction

Pasif unik-hunt:Menyerang musuh 5 kali berturut-turut dan meningkatkan movement speed hero sebanyak 30% selama 2 detik. Efek ini memiliki Cooldown 15 detik.

4. Malefic Roar:  +60 Physical Attack

Keunikan: +40%  Physical PEN Pasif Unik-Armor Buster:Basic attack akan mengabaikan 20%defense dari denfensive armor turret.

5. Blade of Despair: +170 Physical Attack +10% Attack Speed

Pasif Unik-Despair:Menimpahkan tambahan 10% kerusakan musuh di setiap serangan yang tidak normal(tertegun, Mengetuk udara, diubah, dihentikan).

6.Immortality: +800 HP  + 40 Magic RES

Pasif unik-abadi: naik setelah kematian 2s setelah kematian dan mendapatkan HP Dan perisai dapat menyerap 300-1000 titik serangan. Tahan perisai untuk 3s.cooldown untuk efek 180s ini.

Kalau kalian suka dengan posting ini silahkan follow @jefrim503 tunggu kelanjutannya.

Salam sejahtera buat kawan steemian ...?

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