Configurable Custom Laptop/PC Cases and Frames | Biometrics |

in #design7 years ago (edited)

"We make thoughts reality because our actions dictate our outcome."

Telegram ID : @plxusco


All pictures and videos can be found at


KickStarter Gallery and Description

Instagram Gallery

Our Kickstarter

Is being verified at this moment with a 15K crowdfunding goal. We have videos and pictures of our protoypes and products if you would like to take a look and either leave feedback on #steemit or kickstarter.

Description and Plan

I, as CFO of PLXUS, am looking into the possibilities of launching our ICO to match our companies value.

By 2022 we plan to expand into biometric production, and Cybernet blockchain security and encryption.

We will be incorporating within this year and should be in production either by 2019 or 2020.

We plan to start production with profits from my Cryptocurrency and stock investments. We also have a possible 50k in funds coming to us if Nickolas Cea wins an entrepreneur concept competition.

So far we are the only team with multiple functional prototypes. We also plan on funding the company with our stock once we incorporate.

At PLXUS Design and we plan to bring you fully customizable and configurable PC frames, cases, and Laptops to the market. We will range from LEDs, to misters, to waterfalls, to USB banks, adaptors, locks, solar charging (so you can always stay at 100%).

We will be involved in encrypted GUI Display Hardware wallets will multiple security features and cool designs.

Our long-term focus will be biometrics, computer/software design, and Automotive system AI communications.

Risks and challenges

Well, our main disadvantage like any startup company is funds. Currently, PLXUS has 1.3K for use, which is not nearly enough. We are expecting a 15-30k return from our businesses investments within 2 years.

Our prototypes are functional all we need is a constant supplier of parts to be able to start production.

And of COURSE, we need people who are going to want the product.

We have a constant growing flow of interest in our company and ideas on the west coast of Florida where our HQ resides.

We are prepared to overcome these obstacles as we have possible funds coming in within the next year or two. We would really appreciate YOU potential investors to help us start up and you will be greatly rewarded I would like to assure you.

Levels of awards

Our team is currently discussing probable rewards for our investors and funders.


I am Jeramill and I am an Automotive Technician that hopes to change the AI car, can-bus electrical communication in vehicles in the long run by 2040.

In this company, I am CFO and Chief Marketer and we will be PLXUS Design will be PLXUS Co. by 2019.





PLXUS Designer Nickolas Cea and can be found at


He is studying computer engineering in Florida. He is one of the most innovative persons I have ever met and when I regroup with him (as he as across the state from me) we will make another video discussing our plans for PLXUS Design.

"You can count on us to always put in work."



We have submitted multiple business plans propositions to big companies and have received a personal letter from the chairman of Apple Inc.

Unfortunately, we are too small of a company for Apple Inc. to take the risk to invest.

But that is okay! I believe the community would be interested in this current product we are offering and our future progress is sure to bring in new technologies and advancements.

I am dedicating my life to the growth of PLXUS Co. and its future subsidiaries.


We will be accepting KickICO currency for our products if you would like to hold an early prototype.

Currently, we offer custom PC and laptop frames and cases with varying configurations.

We are also working on mini computers that can be used transaction-enabled encrypted hardware wallets.

We offer the basic LEDs, multiple extended USB hubs, Solar power charging, vapor machines, cooling fan upgrades and many more things to be discussed.



Lead Designer | Nick Cea

PLXUS Design


Telegram ID @plxusco

website is being designed at the current moment

Facebook page and group is currently being made

Telegram group is currently being made