My review of steemit : a comparison with Facebook, Twitter and Reddit

in #steemit8 years ago

Hello everybody,

I am using steemit for exactly one week now and I want to share my thoughts about this platform. I see many people over here talking comparing steemit with facebook. This is to my opinion a bad comparison, because facebook is so much different from steemit.

On facebook people can add each other easier and it is possible to post something directly on someone's wall. It is also easy to chat with your friends and make group facebook pages where groupmembers can share content with eachother. Facebook is focusing on placing of quick content without depth. People are placing 100 pictures of their holiday on their wall, without telling a story behind it. On steemit it is not possible to have 1 on 1 communication, also all content is open for everybody. Steemit tries to focus on high quality content, when you are placing pictures of your holiday it is possible to tell the story behind it.

For me steemit looks more like a combination between 'reddit' and 'twitter'. I would say the best of both worlds. Twitter is all about following eachother and sharing small content (tweets) on your profile. The followers can see your tweets and you can see the tweets of the people you are following. I am not really familiar with reddit, but for what I know people can share their stories and there are lots of good discussions going on about all content that is placed there. It is normal that the information is being discussed by the community of reedit. Steemit combines both world by making it possible to share 'stories' like reedit and to follow contentmakers you really like. I feel sorry that here on steemit the stories do not lead to discussion about the topic discussed in such a story.

When I look at steemit the lay-out is more 'calming' and more 'clear' than reedit. I do not think steemit can compete with the lay-out of Twitter or Facebook at this moment. A profile page looks a little bit empty and that should really be improved in the future. For many people the design of a social media platform is as important as the functionalities the social medium has to offer.

To my opinion steemit has the potention to become a big player on the 'social media' market. I think steemit must continue with developing an own identity. The target audience should be the reddit (85 million users) and twitter (310 million users) users and bloggers. At this moment I do not think we have to think that Steemit is ready to take down the leader Facebook (1.1 billion users), because a lack of functionalities compared to Facebook.

At the beginning of next week steemit is coming up with big news. I wonder what this news will be. What do you think this news will be?

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