JULIAN ASSANGE HAS ME ON PINS AND NEEDLES - by Jennifer Skyler - With Love From Portland

in #life8 years ago


As Clinton slips and Trump surges in the polls, I can't stop thinking about Julian Assange's interview with  British journalist Afshin Rattansi - published on Anonymous's News website. 

Julian Assange declared he will "bring Hillary down" before the debate on September 26th. According to Assange, the information he plans to release can't be ignored by the FBI. Hillary Clinton would be forced to step down as a Presidential Candidate, and Bernie Sanders could run as the Democratic Party's Candidate. 


Gah! Assange, you had me at Sanders.

Hi, I'm Jennifer Skyler; fiction writer, nutrition nerd, and a concerned U.S. citizen. 

Between you, me and the Blockchain, Steemers, I was horrified by how Sanders was treated by the DNC. I was bewildered by the delegates who clung to Hillary - when so clearly the popular vote of the our party was for Bernie Sanders. I also believe there was voter fraud committed in favor of Hillary Clinton. 

Right now, I tow the party line because I believe I'm voting for the "lesser of two evils". I've stopped criticizing Clinton on social media (except here, shhhhh) because the last thing I want to do is give someone a reason to vote for racist, sexist, inarticulate, narcissistic Donald Trump. Please don't vote for Trump.

I can't lie, though. I still want Bernie Sanders to be my President.

I'm on pins and needles. September 26th is only a week away. 

Will an EPIC political plot twist occur in the next 7 days?

 Only time, and Julian Assange will tell.

With Love From Portland,

Jennifer Skyler


What would pure evil look like if it had a body double?

I wonder if @berniesanders will upvote this.

Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.

You do realize that the GOP tried to do to Trump what The DNC did to sanders right? That in itself should tell you something. The neocons that hated Trump have moved into the Clinton camp. The alt-right has risen and taken the party back from the corrupt war mongering elitists. Those who still toe the party lines on either side purely just to toe them is cognitive dissidence at its finest.

You throw insults around like racist and sexist at Trump while in the same breath saying you will vote for Hillary. Hillary... you know the one who calls young black men "super predators" the same DNC who referred to Hispanics as "taco bowls." The same woman whos friend and mentor was a Klan leader who NEVER denounced the KKK. You say things like racist and sexist yet support a woman who has taken countless millions of dollars from countries that DO NOT LET WOMEN DRIVE and THROW GAY PEOPLE FROM ROOFTOPS. Calling trump these names and supporting this woman just because she says she's a democrat is purely virtue signaling and shows that you don't actually think that sexism and racism is that big of a deal. That or you are severely misinformed about your candidate.

Its also ironic that you use the Anarchy and Freedom tags while at the same time wishing for the big government party.

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