Today is a good time to talk about agriculture. (What happens when the flowers appear on your zucchini plants)

in GEMS4 years ago
Dear Friends . We start a new week with a lot of energy, which is very good to take advantage of and do some farming. Visiting the garden is an opportunity to discover new reasons to grow as a family, a fun and entertaining way for these days when we must stay at home.

Source. Family album

Those who follow my activities will remember the commitment we have made to follow up on the plants of the zapallito trunk. A few days ago the first flowers began to come out, it is the signal that we were waiting to start working on it.
The zapallito plant is not very demanding, even so, we must remember that there are maintenance tasks that make planting a success. Escarpir, bringing soil to its stems and forming the irrigation circle is essential to accompany growth.

Source. Family album
Applying homemade preparations is vital at this stage. As most plants need a nutrient, the essential ones are "nitrogen" "phosphorus" and "potassium". With the first flowers, it is a good time to prepare and supply one of our ¨potassium¨ based liquids. What this liquid does for the plant is sensational, ideal for when the flowers grow and start, it will help the fruits and consequently the seeds.
Source. Family album

Source. Family album
I love to share things that turn out well, the preparation made from banana peels my parents used for many years in their garden, now I follow their methods and the truth gives me very good results . The preparation is simple and straightforward. We take and cut four banana peels, place in a container, add a liter of water and boil it for fifteen minutes.

Source. Family album
Once it has boiled, the next step is to filter and remove the shells, we wait for it to cool, finally we add three liters of liquid for every liter of homemade tea. Once cold, we are able to go to the garden.

Source. Family album
The application is not complicated at all, it is to make accounts that do a regular watering, I recommend watering in the furrow that we have done around the plants, this is much better to avoid any disease to our plants.
Source. Family album

The zapallito plant is vulnerable in its growth stage, if it has to compete for nutrients from the soil with the herbs it is likely to lead to losing. This image is a clear example and shows the situation very well
Source. Family album

As you could see, the growth of our zapallito plants is going very well, the flowers are indicating that we are close to seeing the first fruits, something that caught my attention, is that the flowers are all males, as you know it is the female flowers that bear fruit. However we must be patient, they will come
Source. Family album

This post was based on fulfilling the promise of showing the progress of plant growth, and the actions we take in each step of it. I hope it has been to your liking and usefulness. Until any moment. I wish you an excellent week.

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