How facebook failed a black business and black clientele

in #tech7 years ago

Today I’m writing a post about how one of the largest tech companies, failed a black owned business and many urban customers.

Everyday I log on to facebook to check and respond to fans on my page. Often multiple times. Many of you know I’m active on twitter as well. Everyone knows about the Facebook Algorithm. It filters the posts that you supposedly want to see to the top.

However this hurts so many in my local community trying to promote businesses, products, mixtapes, club nights, whatever.

Today December 1st I logged on and saw a post from a local business, giving away free chicken dinners..on the 30th. Do you know what I ate the 30th? A packet of steamed vegetables with Mrs Dash Fiesta Lime. I would really have liked to have taken the opportunity to have a chicken dinner. This business would have liked me to come through.
But you have failed at delivering the right information at the right time. Even worse you taunt me with this information as I contemplate whether I will have Maruchan instant lunch ramen, or another bag of steamed vegetables so I can pay my phone bill. Facebook, you have failed this city.

Your algorithm provides me with nothing I care to see that much, and besides my fan pages I don’t even get the point in using your site as anything more than photo storage.

Do you really think I want to read George Takei crying about Trump 3 times in a row the same day? Right now the top post is from the Ottawa post, the 2nd is from the CBC, the third is from UKF drum and bass, all from the 28th and yesterday. Where the hell are my friends in the city I am currently in and stuff they are doing today?!

Why the hell are you playing audio on videos on my cellphone when I’m trying to make it look like I’m working?! Why on desktop when I click to hear sound you blow it up 90% full screen and if I hit full screen it just goes to 100 instead of minimizing and if I scroll to look at something else instead of the video you keep the video running in the corner? Why do I have to specifically turn on notifications to find out about updates on missing people?

It’s not a fair system, you clearly favor people and businesses that buy their way to the top. If I go on twitter and hit home/refresh, that’s all new shit. If I hit it on facebook it’s all yesterdays shit, and news from regions I’m not in.
I don’t know how or if you are trying to fix this but one thing is absolutely 100% certain. Ya’ll owe me a free chicken dinner.

I will accept it via paypal $10 cash for this injustice.

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