from-en translation to German - #19 - 1050 words translated

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)


Project Details

This project is about the translation of Economics and Ethics of Private Property Studies in Political Economy and Philosophy. I believe that knowledge has to have easy access to people, in order for them to build critical thinking and wisdom. This is a contemporary subject that can help to understand politics and economics.

Links related to the translation

Source Language


Translated Language

I am translating to German. The first eight subprojects are now 100% completed by me. In the next subproject I translated now 79%.

Number Of Words

Number of words translated on this contribution: 1050

Proofread Words

None at the moment I was translating. The translation is still unfinished. Proofread depends of the project owner.

Previous translation on the same project

Number of words translated on the project before this report (if any): 20568

Proof of work

Before translation:
After translation:

Men co-operate through exchange of goods and services in organized markets, and such co-operation implies mutual gain.
Männer kooperieren durch den Austausch von Gütern und Dienstleistungen in organisierten Märkten, und diese Zusammenarbeit bedeutet gegenseitigen Gewinn.
The individual enters into an exchange relationship in which he furthers his own interest by providing some product or service that is of direct benefit to the individual on the other side of the transaction.
Der Einzelne tritt in eine Tauschbeziehung ein, in der er sein eigenes Interesse dadurch fördert, dass er ein Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung bereitstellt, die für den Einzelnen auf der anderen Seite der Transaktion von unmittelbarem Nutzen ist.
The average man, whatever his errors otherwise, at least sees clearly that government is something lying outside him and outside the generality of his fellow men—that it is a separate, independent and often hostile power, only partly under his control, and capable of doing him great harm….
Der durchschnittliche Mensch sieht, was auch immer seine Fehler sonst sind, zumindest klar, dass die Regierung etwas außerhalb von ihm ist und außerhalb der Allgemeinheit seiner Mitmenschen liegt - dass es eine separate, unabhängige und oft feindliche Macht ist, die nur teilweise unter seiner Kontrolle liegt und fähig ist, ihm großen Schaden anzutun….

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