How Did Steemit Know I Was A Dude? Releasing @jockey To Steemit! 😉 🐴 UPDATED! 😉
In all my Steemit posts I have really tried to keep my sex out of every statement. Yet Steemians instinctively seem to know I am male...
Why? How did that happen? It could only be the way I write!
This is odd but maybe not so strange?
How Did You Know I Was Male?
I like many Steemians concerned about anonymity! As a good Steemian I will happily refer you to @v4vapid's post about being on Steemit for 1 year and his perspective on anonymity.
I concur with @v4vapid's perspective 100%! 😉
When I joined Steemit I wanted to see if it mattered if you posted a photo of yourself or divulged personal details. After a few months now I can confidently say: "No it doesn't matter!" Just write the truth and be polite and you will make friends. Steemit after all is a social network!

Why Am I Releasing Myself Into The Steemit Wild?
There are several reasons for this. I think most Steemians have worked out now that I am male is probably the biggest factor. Secondly I am not embarrassed about myself and I don't mind sharing myself with you. I have a great smile which is always in effect! 😃
So perhaps soon we can see some pictures of the jockey! I think Steemit will like it! 😉
For those of you who have seen me please don't answer. Anyone who has never seen me I'd be most interested to hear what you have to say!
Jockey loves you All and Steemit! 😉 Jockey votes for @teamsteem as a witness!
Funny enough I always thought you were male. And now realize I never knew for sure. I guess I just figured jockeys are usually male or it was the way you write... Not sure. But I do know that if you'd tell me now that you are actually a woman I'd be very surprised...
Fantastico! You are so funny! I am doing a full belly laugh here! Excellent! I will rarely employ men to ride my horses. Only occasionally. 97% of the time it was women or gay men. Much more compassionate to my babies! LOL! You rock! You are now on my auto-voter! 😘 🐴
True. Women are usually kinder to horses. I practice natural horsemanship only here and teach my kids the same. Thank you for this. And you, SIR, are awesome!
Ahhh... bless your little tan ridding boots! Love your sense of humour! "SIR". LOL! UPvoted again and sending you tropical regards from an unusually still Phnom Pehn night!
I want to make you laugh now:
I'm a very poor rider!
Couldn't respond earlier because I only had my phone, but that actually did make me laugh out loud (my kids were looking at me funny...) And little tan riding boots...I love it, it would be correct if I didn't have shoe size 8 (UK)/ 10 US LOL
LOL! We can get you some custom made ones from Asia! Tan or burgundy? UPvoted! ;-) x
Haha, you're the best! After a day full of trying to make a deadline and research, it's nice to read something that makes me laugh. I love burgundy lol. I'd say flying to Asia just for a pair of boots is a bit much huh?
I can send them to you hun! Tailor made of course.... we could go exotic leathers or maybe something organic, vegan and free from pain? UPvoted! ;-)
LOVE your profile image BTW! =)
Thanks. I love it too. That's me: the loving anarchist :)
So cool! UPvoted for the style! ;-)
I think most people honestly don't care whether you are male, female, gay, straight, Christian, Muslim, Atheist etc., etc., etc.
It is much more about who you are, how you respond to others, and whether you are trying to scam someone. All I care about is if a zombie invasion starts, will you have my back if I have yours!
All the other stuff is just stuff.
Very well said, this is a lovely thought and comment.
Completely agreed my digital sista! UPvoted with pleasure! 😃
People are getting smarter my friend. One more thing, I guess female does not use a donkey as an avatar. Haha
Not a donkey. A beautiful horse.
Bless your little ridding boots! UPvoted! 🐴
Brilliant! Yet you never know! Glad you spotted the donkey/horse difference! Followed and UPvoted! 😃 Excellent! 🐴
Don't get me wrong I love donkeys, cute furry little guys, but they don't have the grace and beauty of a horse. Although the guy you have pictured here isn't showing his graceful side. 😂
Hahahaha! Bless the riding boots...
The image of the graceful horse is one that only those that watch them believe. They look great when they run.
However, if you work with them intimately you know they can be as wonderfully ungraceful and odd as humans. Often more!
I laugh so much when I get to work with horses!
UPvoted! 😃
Being that I have been involved in horse racing in the past I was 90% sure that you were male from the first time I read your writings. Most female jockey's are quick to point out that they are female in the racing world. But since we are not racing horses here what sealed it for me was the bribing your way out of a country a while back ago. Had you been a female, that post would have been a different story line, and somehow would have included that the government official was looking for a "personal favor " along with some cash to get your visa papers in order to facilitate your departure. Because the government official was a male and we know all males only have one desire besides money.
Until next time,
I can't ride mate! LOL! I breed and deal with everything from birth until death... strange perspective! LOL! =) UPvoted!
I'm so happy to contradict your view my friend.
I have many attractive female friends who often have had to bribe their way out of a country. I always help if I can. In almost all cases the money is what talks.
Occasionally the girls might be asked for a number to go and drink coffee... Fairly innocent!
Well spotted for reading my blog though!
UPvoted again! 🐴
Well thanks, evidently they haven't had to bribe their way out of the US yet, because according to our "news" , damn near every government official is or will be involved in some sex scandal or bribe, the politicians who are really good crooks manage to combine both into most deals.
They are looking to hire the immoral. Easier for them to corrupt and bribe with protection!
Well, even though I believed you to be male from the start. As most often a jockey is male. But for me, the sex of a person does not matter. What matters is their personality and behavior. Are they open, friendly, kind hearted. Or do they behave like a big ass. No reflection on the wonderful donkey. =) I simply like who I like. Great post, @jockey .
Awwwww bless your little organic fair-trade cotton socks! 😉
What you have written is so true and I loved your sense of humour. What a treat!
UPvoted and followed with pleasure!
You totally rock from reading for some time!
PM me any time I always want to chat to cool Steemians!
Warm regards from a hot Phnom Penh! 😃 🐴
Oh my gosh. You are quite funny. And so sweet, what you said. I am just shy of speachless. And that almost never happens. =) Hmm. I wonder who could have told you that I wear organic socks. Hehe. I love that photo. I have it somewhere on my Fb pet page. Yes. I am a huge animal lover. Once again. Thank you for your wonderful reply. Having a bit of a struggle in life just now. No worry. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other. While trying not to trip over myself. =) Your unexpected reply really lifted my spirits. Actually I am still grinning like an idiot. Anyway, we have spoken before. If you have not realized who I am yet. No worry. You will be seeing me around a bit more soon. Ok, my silly cat is knocking on the door to come in. So keep smiling. =) Catch you later, @jockey.
Goodness me.... I thought I recognised your voice in my head. Still I don't know who you are! I kindda like that! LOL! 😉
I'm sorry to hear times are hard at the moment. I am sure they will change because the Buddha always taught about the impermanence of life.
My experience of life has taught me that this is true. Each to their own though!
I am deeply sad that my herb Guru and amazing human being left us this week. If there is something that natural healing can assist with perhaps I can suggest something or introduce you to someone with more qualifications.
Please feel free to PM me if herbal healing can help!
Maybe some UPvotes? I just got my autovoter working!
LOL! 😃
One foot in front of the other my sista! UP n attem!
If you need just call and the Steemit community will come running!
You are correct. Things do change. And I have my faith and determination. I am so sorry about your herb guru. Is funny that you mentioned herbal healing . As I have much experience in that subject. Having ran my own herbal and health supplement shop offline for a long time. Until something bad happened. I still have trouble talking about it though. I went through a very dark time after that. But I believe at times we need go through darkness to get to a new light. I think Steemit could be my new light. =) You mentioned I could feel free to pm you. Hoping i dont't sound like an idiot. I have not yet gotten a chance to figure out just how to do that yet here. Oops. =)
I am so sorry to hear your distressing story. You are right - often we must pass through the darkness to understand the light. There are silver linings all over the place if we just have eyes to look for them. To get your PM service. Register an account using posthuntress on
Then download discord and join the various channels. There are a number of good videos on our @steemmasters channel. If you have any issues feel free to leave me a message. I will help you!
Thank you so much. @jockey. You really are a sweetheart. =)
Thats such a nice thing to say! Thank you back! UPvoted! I have been thinking of who you might be??? LOL!! =) x
You are one of my favorites whatever you are. I will admit, I am glad to see when people know what gender they are.... lol!
Sweet as a button! UPvoted! 😃
You called yourself Jockey (men's underwear) and you write about conspiracies.
I haven't seen many female conspiracy researchers in the 20 years I've been reading this stuff :)
You got me curious (I'm sure you know all this) - Based on American statistics, women comprise only 14 percent of working jockeys and ride only 10 percent of all race starts. Only two percent ride at the elite level.
Bless you! I did not know those statistics. The trend is shifting in Aus/NZ. I have been waiting to break out a great pair of "jockey" undies for a picture! You have inspired me to get back on with that. I know quite a few female researchers these days but you are correct they are not as numerous as the men - yet! LOL!
UPvoted and warm regards from a sunny Cambodia!
Mine are on the right! 😉