Do You Want More or Less Government Control?

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Most people I meet or already know in Northern California are conservative, especially men. But the "bay area",
(which we do not consider Nor Cal) is way more liberal. People take a lot of shit now for being conservative in this State.

If you are one to do SO, let me ask you some questions and give you a brief 1-2 into some personal experiences My family has dealt with.

I ask everyone this simple question regardless of race, creed, political affiliation and religious beliefs;

Do you want more government control or less?

If you said Less government control you are probably a conservative.

I also bet that the big issues for you is probably abortion and now through lies and media bias (swaying voters into certain parties) is now going to be immigration, right?

My father is a legal immigrant born in Canada and came to the US at 9. At 17 he joined the Marines. He went through hell during the Vietnam War and had to re-live it while trying to get a
US Passport.

The government wouldn't give a war hero, a veteran a passport and again he had been in the United States since age 9, 1953. He believed he was already a citizen throught his Parents and most of all because he fought his first battle in Vietnam on his 18th birthday.

Getting a passport, no problem he thought and most would probably think so too.
Oh, how naive we all can be.

Now if you said MORE CONTROL, that is what you will get and far greater tragedies then my father not being able to go on Vacation. I should note this was way before 9/11.

The process for him was humiliating and shell shocked relived but was resolved and he got his passport(in about 3 years). This was all because he didn't turn in some paperwork when he turned 18. How could he he was overseas with an m-16 in his hands shooting and being shot at. Hell of a way to spend your 18th birthday!
The recruiter also told him not to worry but that was 1964 and they didnt know they would be going to war months later.

So, Pops could not do so for he was in Vietnam fighting the governments illegal war. And yes Nana forgot to tell him when he got back.

Its people from Canada not just South America that go through hell.

Appalling Right? But there are other areas that the media doesn't talk about. This south of the border thing, its just propaganda to DIVIDE the people and FORCE us to pick a side.

Its not about immigration its about power over people and history doesn't lie it repears itself.
Want to see another time the US government has mistreaded its Veterans. Watch the video below for more of my seriousness.

Another thing with MORE government involvement ; means you want higher taxes and more of them too?

This is all a distraction to keep people split and divided while they sneak their Socialist freedom stripping laws in place. We are all being mind f***ed art of war style.

Look at the media it is like a damn playbook to The Art of War. I live in the capital of this once beautiful state and people here want to know how these laws and bills get passed when knowone ever hears about them.

I mean we live hear and only the bay area decides how we should live our lives. Hell, they are trying to ban the Bible and take away presidents day and replace it with international workers day aka May Day aka Socialist holiday.
Do Socialist get holidays?

What people also dont realize is L.A is new money compared to Marian county.
And we see that with both the new and old California Governors. Complete and utter insanity. Homeless Problem is huge and Kids are dumb but building a bullet train from Los Angeles to San Francisco for billions of dollars seem logical.
Help Us here in California.

We the people want some justice because Jerry "the Jesuit" Brown

(what the 90 year old from my local donut shop calls him and video above talks about) and Gavin whatever have already begun to run California into a Socialist state and we all know Democrats want workers..... Sounds familiar doesn't.

I can remember applying for a cooking position at "Red Robin" and was told " I could not have the job, you dont speak Spanish". When I went to study cooking abroad I had to learn the Language or I couldn't do my job.

This was illegal on Red Robins end and when I informed them they offered me his job. I turned it down just because of the hypocrisy.

Before you think im being intolerant, Im not, I love and hate everyone the same, we all are a little dinged up why make light of it.

There is a reason only somethings get talked about and there is a reason Socialism sounds like it might work.

In 1902, the soft feeding of Socialism started. And it has taken 4 generations to peek its head from the curtain. Do the research and you'll see its all connected.
If you agree or just want to support this post please upvote. If not thanks for coming.
Undecided well you've come this far why don't you come a little further.
Follow and check my YouTube channel it is called
God Bless

Photo I got from a google image search on conservative vs liberal. The member berry i made.

Here are some ways to help me Fight for better ways to treat Cancer, the Chemtrails Sickness and most important the Homeless Vets. I cook and prepare meals then go and pass them out all while filming chemtrails so If you want to donate and help please feel free and GodBless

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Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Socialism Destroying Everything They Touch
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