Scientific curiosity; Panspermia

in Popular STEM4 months ago

Scientific curiosity; Panspermia

The birth of life by a comet is one of the theories of Panspermia, which affirm that there are two levels, one level would be that the basic elements to form life came aboard comets and asteroids, mainly comets, and the upper level It would be that living beings also arrived on Earth aboard asteroids and comets.

The latter does not solve the issue of the origin of life, it simply transfers it, we still do not know how life was formed, the explanation is simply how it came to Earth, in the first there are many scientists who support the first issue that comets were able to bring the essential elements for life to arise because many of the elements of the molecules necessary for life to form are built based on cold conditions and in the area where the earth was at that time in the In the early days of the solar system there was too much heat for could synthesize those molecules, therefore, they had to be synthesized in another place far from the Sun and the best vehicle for them to have been able to reach Earth was through comets.

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