Maduro in his illegitimacy decreed on August 20, 2018, the day of cutting five zeros to the right to the values in Venezuelan currency, that the salary would have the equivalent value to 30 dollars and after three months, 90 days only, the salary of a Venezuelan is equivalent to a value of 4.8 dollars per month, has been reducing the salary in three months, to a sixth (1/6) part of the 30 dollars a month, converted today at only 4.8 dollars per month , in a very short time of 3 months.
A package of flour for bakeries is Bs 8,000 plus Bs 1,000 transport. It results Bs 9,000 an amount of 50,000 gr. It is double Bs 18,000 the amount of 100,000 gr. Each gram of flour is Bs 0.18 only flour per 300 gr is Bs 54, plus other components of the bread, plus gains the price of selling a bread is Bs 108.
The ambition of easy profit by exploiting consumers makes bakers sell bread at twice the price, taking advantage of the consumer's need at Bs 215.
The bakers will know that because they are ambitious in selling bread, that every day they rotate the capital with profit in 25 days, every day 40% to the capital, in a month they are gain of 1,000% monthly, the consumers will be able to attack those Businesses and there will be the possibility that bakers lose Life in an instant because they are ambitious.
Say that on January 10, 2019 the current presidential term expires is to give a Letter of Good Conduct Maduro, missing only the Frente Amplio will place a gold cord to Maduro on its merits of assassinating many Venezuelans. Do you understand this?
Unity, the Union in Venezuela refers to the will to exercise their constitutional rights among others the right to vote in elections, with the proviso that they be neat elections without vices as the Electoral Register is maintained, with false data integration. It must be under a manual process, while purging the databases corrupted on purpose by Delinquential Band interested in doing so.
It is not sitting in an auditorium to seek friendship with those who have the best chance that luck will help them to be candidates that are homologous to Maduro. Is producing political ideas to change vice presidential term, not be brash and try to lead a herd of Venezuelans to vote in elections to all presidential term available if the ladies should wear underpants Red panties and men pink.
It is thinking, writing policies, it is not heating a chair and being photographed with the most prone pendants of the public treasury with absolute constitutional mandate that the one who uses it has already signed for the armed forces to have concentration camps of people and then gas chambers for extermination in form of groups of people who oppose a criminal regime. Who thinks must write and if you think of Venezuela you should write and disseminate ideas and not warm chairs. Improvisers left over. Sensible men are missing.
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