The Probabilities That Comes With The Future And Why External Forces Might Hold Greater Influence Than Us

in OCD5 years ago



Image owned & taken by me

Sometimes the probabilities that the future might not exactly turn out the way a person wants is actually of of the scariest thing. Truth is, man naturally likes to be in control after all he's domineering by default and always finds a way around things that proves elusive and somewhat difficult by all means. The future however is a phenomenon that the past and the present would normally influence however there's still the external factors or forces which would generally contribute towards proposing or disposing our preparations which has been set or put in place.

Needless to say, our future isn't set because we ourselves are not static or set in our dispositions, decisions or actions. Why is this? This is because change is one of human characteristics that's influenced by a difference in the turn out of events which happens gradually as the days go by. For example; a person might be set to attend a college, they have the zeal, the past record of a brilliant result in high school and of course the passion to improvise and carve out a better life than they're having at the present; however

Preparations, the alignment of the past and present isn't just enough and that's why we might crave a stress free future and it just wouldn't happen despite our efforts. This is to say that we are characters influenced by the outcome of different life's events, it's like being meant to be a protagonist but circumstances changes one to become a tragic hero. Don't get me wrong we influence our destinies, but only if the universal force* isn't More powerful than the effort we put in

Hardwork hardly guarantee anything this is because making effort would require fruitfulness, else all efforts put in would be for nothing. We're all wired differently and sometimes we're exposed to things differently, embrace the various ways through which a particular set event influences us. We're humans and the default feature of being unique is a blessing and a curse. However no one was born the way they'll die and I generally conclude that humans are only a vessel and they become an entity as a result of what they inculcate into themselves.

So back to the main issue, we can only think and worry, take precautions and prepare well, but when universal forces makes more telling impact we can only watch and hope. Truth is bad things will continue happening even to people who hardly deserves it and we can only make effort, we as humans can't influence beyond what we are meant to do unless spiritually and well meta-physically, but that's a whole new ball game. Sometimes the actions of others might just be that unknown universal force that upends us and we not knowing this shows how naive we can be Irrespective of how brilliant our mind can be