Campus Connect Engagement Contest Week 3 - My Experience On Campus As A New Student In My University

in CampusConnect2 years ago (edited)

Hello friend
Special greetings to you and you are highly welcome to my entry. Indeed I am so much happy to be a participant of this great contest that was organized by CampuSconnect Community. Let's head straight to see what my entry looks like.

What was the atmosphere like?

Indeed entring a new place for the first time is usually strange. At first when I found myself in campus every where was looking so strange to me and the atmosphere was cool and everyone was looking so busy as people where just moving up and down running from one lecture hall to another, whereas some where just running from one offices to another with files on their hands.


The atmosphere was cool and calm because it was a rainy season period that I started as a new student. Indeed as at then anyone that I came across I will make sure that I greet the person very well not knowing that the person is even a predegree student whereas i myself was a full time student.

I was afraid then because I was thinking that in higher institution there is seniority not knowing that there is nothing like that happening in higher institution.

Who were some of the people that you met during your first week in school ?

During my first week in school I met some wounderful friends both male and female friend. The first person among the people's that I met in campus was a female and her name is Veronica Akpan.


I met Veronica the very day that I went to pay my acceptance fees at microfinance bank. At first as a new student then I was very confused about what was happening inside the bank because I was seeing multitude of people wearing suit struggling to be at the line. After observing what was going on that was when I then walked towards Veronica and asked her some questions like please I am a new student here and I am here to pay my acceptance fees.

So after talking to Veronica she collected my acceptance fees and forwarded it to one of the bank teller that help me and process my acceptance fees untime.


Also within my first week in school I also met with other ladies and guys and some of them are Esther, Queen, Goodness, Okoro Emmanuel, Rowland etc.

Did you guys turn out to be greater friends in School?

Yes all the guys that I met during my first week in school we all turn out to be greater friends in school. I and Okoro Emmanuel turn out to be roommate and seeing ourselves in the same department was something great for the both of us as we usually study together.


The truth is that half of my friends in school were all my coursemate and I never regretted knowing them because we share a lot of academic activities together that makes each of us to excel during our days in school and even till today we still communicate with each other which is to show how great our friendship was like.

I am inviting @emmy7924, @preye2 and @josantos to also join me and participate.

10% Goes to @campusconnectng

Thank You Friend For Stopping By I Really Appreciate Your Time Here.


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SteemCor07 - Lifestyle Curation Team

 2 years ago 

Hello @josepha thanks for sharing your experience on your first day in campus. Truly everyone used to feel strange. I couldn't stop laughing when you said you greeted almost everyone you see lol 😂 and it's good to know that you've made some great 😃 friends. Continue to be active in our community I wish you success in this contest!

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Keep sharing friend


 2 years ago 

You made great friends. Thank you for sharing your story.

Thank you for stopping by

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