PALM SCANNING PAYMENTS ARE HERE! - Panera Introduces Technocratic Palm Payments!
See the FULL video report HERE:
Josh Sigurdson reports on the new palm scanning payments introduced by Panera Bread utilizing Amazon One's payment processing that's completely cashless and uses the palms of your hands.
This is going live in several locations and quite possibly could be introduced to one of their many thousands of locations for loyalty members. Panera has around 25 million loyalty members.
This is yet another example of the coming crackdown on cash as the cashless society gets more extreme by the day.
Governments around the world are attempting to create chaos in order to get order and that order is a new world order based on a centrally planned central bank digital currency (CBDC) utilized to track and trace everyone and restrict free movement and payments connected to a carbon credit and social credit system.
In this video, we break down this Amazon payment mechanism and how they're utilizing inflation and a banking crisis THEY created in order to bring in the so-called "Great Reset."
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
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