Two INCREDIBLE Steemians You HAVE To Follow! - Meet The Innovators

in #steemit7 years ago

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I'm writing a little promotional piece today as I've been incredibly impressed over the years watching both @StephenKendal and Jeff Berwick the @DollarVigilante make bang-on trend predictions and targets when it comes to cryptocurrencies.

Of course we all know Jeff. The man has been giving us correct investment advice with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for more than half a decade.

He called Bitcoin, Dash, Ethereum and of course he's the reason many of us are on Steemit today! We've witnessed the self coined phrase "The Berwick Effect" often times as Jeff puts together an analysis of a cryptocurrency and we see it skyrocket, and then we see it correct right after he says it's about to correct.

Coincidence? Possibly. But seeing what happened with Steemit after he joined, it's certainly not always a coincidence. ;)

He's truly changing the anarcho-capitalist world and bringing flocks of people to this incredible platform!

If you don't follow him, you're missing out!

A recent interview I did with Jeff:

Then of course there's Stephen Kendal! I like to brag a little that I gave him the initial heads up about Steemit last August and low and behold he took to it fast and has become one of the most influential people on the platform! His mind numbing, quick analysis of STEEM and Bitcoin are phenomenal!

He predicted an imminent target price of a $2.80 peak when STEEM was at about 42 cents! People laughed at him. Well they didn't laugh long! STEEM peaked several weeks later at exactly $2.80 before correcting!

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His imminent year end target price is now $4.70 with a 650k year end user rate!

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Stephen is someone who was also looked at as if he were crazy back in 2007 when he pulled his money out right before the crash. He's a derivatives expert as well, calling out the heavily manipulated debt driven markets inflating bubbles left and right. We were lucky to see him on Max Keiser and invite him on to WAM.

You can see one of our many interviews with him here:

These two people are in my opinion some of the most important people to follow on Steemit.

Now there are countless other amazing Steemians that are also incredibly important to follow and I will update you on some of those people in the coming weeks when I have time. I just wanted to send those following me who haven't already followed Jeff and Stephen over to check their incredible work out!

Both of their advice have made me a pretty good sum of money over time and as the fiat empire collapses, insuring your wealth is more important than ever.

As people flock to the crypto markets, we're seeing tell tale signs of people rightly losing faith in the fiat centrally planned system. We are in a renaissance... we're on the ground floor. Don't miss out!


Thanks for reading! Don't forget to Upvote, Follow & RESTEEM! :)


Thanks for sharing; I knew about Jeff but not Stephen..I appreciate it!

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks, i haven't followed Stephen Kendal. Already long time follower of Jeff

He's definitely a worthy follow! Thanks for reading! :)

Yes nearly as good as you Josh :)

Thanks for sharing, The Dollar Vigilante I was following already, I like his content. Will start following Stephen too!

Same for me, thanks @joshsigurdson , i'll follow you aswel!

This Post!

One of the best post hope to have more money on Steem congratulations on the pioneers I admire them both

Thanks for the shout out Josh. I appreciate it. Shared on twitter. Stephen

I've been following Jeff ever since I joined Steem. Stephen too but not as closed as Jeff. And the third I guy is none other WAM uncompromising reporter @joshsigurdson. Upvoted, unfortunately, resteem has been closed at this time.

I consider Jeff a friend. I know well about the BS rumor those guys started and there's no truth to it.

It is not BS. It has been proved without a doubt that he stole money from people.

You are just setting up more people for a fall.

Shame on you.

I do agree he is a smart crook of course :)

You will soon see info come forward debunking it all. It IS absolute bullshit and that can easily be substantiated. Stay tuned for that.
He is not a crook. He's one of the most decent people in the liberty movement. You will feel ashamed to have called someone out for something you know nothing about when you're proven wrong. Stick to what you know.

But I do know for a fact it is true.

I also know for a fact if anyone belongs in prison for white collar crime it is him.

I can substantiate everything I am saying with evidence.

Can you?

Because some guy said something some time online? Being an investigative journalist, the first thing I learned is to not take random people's testimony at face value. I can substantiate everything I'm saying and the time will come. ;)

It was not just "some guy"

You are marginalizing the situation for effect while trying to deflect the question.

You should probably run for office instead ^^

Could the time you clear everything up be now? If it is so easily substantiated without the fluff piece i imagine you are writing at the moment. Then why has that not happened in the last two years?

Using addiction as a cop out wont cut it you know.

So please put me in my place and prove anything I say wrong!

maybe you missed all the videos with himself talking about his so called mistakes? I don't know.. he sure hightailed out of the Red Pill Expo show quickly.

Look guys I don't know what has happened for sure, but from what I've researched hi didn't stole the money. Ken Johnson was the guy who took advantage of a beautiful idea for his own personal interest. How I know for sure? I don't, but similar thing has happened to me, so I sympathise. I had an idea to help young and aspiring artist become something with there art. I wanted to create a place where they can gather, exchange and channel there ides. To provide a social channel for there affirmation, and an institutional help they needed. My idea was solid but it was only that an idea - I had no money and no space. My brother from my aunt was a painter but is working all kind of jobs to survive - roof construction and other manual labour being a waiter etc. I proposed the idea to him, having him in mind first when it comes to the type of people the idea is trying to help. Long story short it was my project and everyone knew that I was backing it up. I did interviews for radio show, local newspapers, even most established national TV stations. We where looking for investors and sponsors, and found out about a contest that Erste Bank organized that was based on cultural development. We won the grant from a bank, had all sort of donations - from individuals, private firms, other institutions, and whats most important we had the will of all people to help out the idea. Interior designer would charge for the design, we had around 20 people crew willing to work for free - great social capital at our disposal. AND MY OWN BROTHER fucked everything up. I caught him withdrawing about 1000 euros from the bank without me knowing. When confronted he made an excuse and said that the money is still there but its in cash and he did it so that we wont go to the bank so often. We confronted again about that money (he didn't put it back in the bank) he started to be aggressive, telling me its non of my business and stuff. Then he confessed about spending the money, and the damage was irreversible (there where some legal issues on how you have to justify money when spending it), so I left the project devastated knowing that it was all gone to shit, and notified the bank, and other people working for us so that they won't waste any more of there time. They didn't want to stop, non of them realized what had he done, and he said to them that we had a fight about the title of the CEO. Later I've been informed that he took all of the money (in total about 5000 euros), and left the country. As someone who was the face of that project like Jeff was for Galt's Gulch I had tough time explaining that I had nothing to do with it.

@joshsigurdson sorry for the long one, I know its off topic but I had to stay in defence for Jeff.

Ok sucks that happened.

Completely irrelevant though.

I do not understand how seemingly intelligent people can believe such baloney.

It would be different if he had not done this countless times.

Not just once or twice.

He has lied time and time again.

He has stole from every single person who was stupid enough to give him a cent.

Yet he lives in a mansion.

People like you are what make this world a terrible place.

To defend such a man while either being clearly misinformed or biased is a travesty to your fellow man.

EDIT: Slight exaggeration saying "stole from every single person". It was only every person I could find.

Thank you JoshSigurdson - I have already been following DollarVigilante...just learned about Stephen from you and started following first visit to his page showed that Steemit is right now at 1/100th of ONE percent - I am excited to see when we grow to 1% then to 5% and 10% etc...exciting times.

Thank you for pointing Stephen's profile! Upvoted and followed.

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