Are there string pullers hiding behind this fake who are having a good laugh at the successful staging?

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago


A few questions that the last 18 month has raised.

Why is anything at all still allowed and not everything already forbidden?
What are we humans, after all?
Are humans nothing more than an apartment building for dangerous viruses?
Are we seriously supposed to believe that all the totalitarian measures serve our health?😷

Why is everything suddenly so different now, and why is everyone suddenly so stupid?
Is it even possible that I am the only one on the highway who is not a ghost driver?
How much illogic can I take?
How much illogic from people resistant to facts, who don't question the Coronafake on principle and believe the media uncritically everything WILL I even bear?
Can't I just become demented in the face of this "madness of the masses" please?


Do I even want to participate in a public life that is shaped by those who want to make access to public life dependent on my vaccination status?🤔
Why is it that all of a sudden criticism of the powerful is right-wing, but deference to authority is left-wing?
Why is it suddenly Leftist to defend the pharmaceutical industry?

Are we perhaps simply no longer growing up?
Where does the desire for fear, the longing for the downfall and this desire to exclude other people (who have not been vaccinated) come from ?
Where does it all come from ?
Would we even recognize totalitarianism if it came and said "I am totalitarianism"?
Or should I rather fear that we would not only recognize it, but joyfully welcome it?


Is it even worth talking to each other anymore?🙄
Will vaccination fanatics and vaccination opponents ever get together again?
Will the next generations even be able to appreciate that some have documented the whole madness (keyword: fake pandemic) for them?
Isn't it also totally beautiful how clear everything is all of a sudden and to see on the basis of this global theater performance who tends to fascism and who opposes this FAKE?

Why is the young generation so lost?
Where have all the intellectuals gone, why are they silent?
What would Noam Chomsky say about all this if he were still heard in the media today?
Why did Orwell and Huxley actually understate so much, did they have too little imagination?
Why have most people learned nothing from history and are incapable of recognizing fascism and its mechanisms, although these said mechanisms have been revealed by this fake pandemic and the fight against all people who do not participate in the nonsense?


Or have we learned too much?

Perhaps we are still living in the Middle Ages?
Aren't we living in the Middle Ages, wouldn't that perhaps even be desirable in view of the terrible modernity?
Was Europe perhaps merely an Asian dream?

Are there string pullers behind this production who are having a great time with this theater and all those who fall for it?



 3 years ago 

That's so true!

Are there string pullers behind this production who are having a great time with this theater and all those who fall for it?

The questions that hold key to the truth but we have no one to answer. Good write up

 3 years ago 

After all, by asking the right questions we are already taking the first step in the right direction.

Thanks for your feedback ;-)

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