
나는 당신의 글을 게시하는 것을 좋아합니다. 포스트는 좋습니다. 나는 많은 팬들이되고 싶어. 좋은 아티스트가 되려면 이념을 성취하는데 당신의 지원이 필요합니다. 너 한테 도움이 필요해.@yooraa

nice post follow me thanks...

Wow.. @joythewanderer
You truly a beautiful wonderer wandering in exciting and charming locations...very nice narratives...great tourist sites...amazing photos and cute lady...thanks for all the sites and infos ... Keep it coming...

I'm cute and lovely too. I'm a girl inside me. Vote me :)

Always supporting hardworking steemians @tngflx

Wow how you know I'm hardworking? thanks man. I really wrote everything from all of my heart.. I'm pretty dissapointed with earnings so far. But everyone experience that even with youtube. So I'm not giving up yet.

Sure... Me too... I joined steemit seeing huge earnings from steemians and was hoping to earn big and alas...earnings dropped but it even motivated me to keep steeming hot and build up my rep and save some sp gradually.. Check my updated posts...i know you love them 😎

Ya.. Patience is key to everything. Lets work together for better contents!! :)

Sure and let's make things happen here positively ...thanks and steem on...😎

Hey tngflx, thanks for coming by. I wish you good luck on Steemit. :D

Thanks kenhudoy! I will. You too! Steem on!

Sure ..lets keep up the steem and also support one another in the spirit of steemians... Do also find time to check my blog posts...😉

I love Barcelona!

We were just there several weeks back. Actually, I was in the market and just off La Rambla when the horrific attack took place. (enough on that)

What a vibrant city and the people are wonderful. Although, you do need to pay attention as you are vulnerable to pick-pockets in certain parts. They are very good at distraction.

We'll go back for our 4th time sometime in the future.

I like your perspective.

Thanks bigsilver! I will.

I see, the attack was horrible. It was so sad.


Bless Barcelona!

yes, absolutely!

So sad and crazy BS that people hate people they dont even know.

Most people in the world want the same things - security for themselves and their family and to make a decent living to look after the family.

Yet, people get things so screwed up.






What camera do you use? Great shots, looks like you had a blast! Love the pic where you are under all that clothes that are drying, funny.

Thanks for commenting, runicar. I was using iPhone camera. I was also impressed by that street!

Beautiful scenery. Barcelona can indeed be one tourist destination. if we are in spain..

Thanks for coming by, rizalfachry!

Ur welcome, i hope some day u can for come on my post. See u againt and always success
Have a nice day😁

lovely travel post.... good work..... have nice day @joythewanderer

Danke, homeartpicture! Many thanks for resteeming :D
Have a good day to you too.

you are welcome my dear...

Beautiful place my friend!

Thanks for coming by, amico sardrt! :D <3

upvoted nice post..i love travel

Thanks mrblu. Always great to meet fellow traveler here!

What a beautiful landscape beautiful

Thanks ismailsteem!

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