Now that the HF is in the rearview mirror, what's next?

in GEMS5 years ago

STEEM just underwent a very controversial and contentious HF, now what?

Is there a road map for STEEM going forward, and if so, what is in it?

Plans for new exchange listings, plans for integration of the currency with games/websites, or even plans to exchange for TRX at some point?

I have heard rumors of all of the above but nothing definitive from steemit,inc in the recent past...

If there are plans to continue building with steem, I suggest you also figure out how to fix the economics to make the entire system more circular.

Meaning, figure out ways to drive more demand so that it's not just a one way street of people showing up, start blogging, and then cash out their earnings.

Figure out how to greatly increase the demand for the coin.

A circular economy is needed for things to be more sustainable long term.

I don't pretend to know the best way to do that, but I do know that Voice talked about using ad revenue to back their currency and to pay out users, which is much more sustainable than our current system.

Anyone know anything about the direction STEEM is planning to take?

Stay informed my friends.



Steem is heading for Chinese markets... They're slowly replacing English language features with Chinese language versions ;)

At least that's something!!

Have you seen the Chinese replacement for steemauto... The code is hilarious...

Road ahead, swap to tron, erase everything and pretend it never happened! lolz!!

What is your own view for fixing the economy?

One thing I would have done is implemented ads long ago and used the ad revenue to buy up steem every week, at least that would help put in a floor in the price of steem. Plus if you have an influx of users it would cause ad revenue to go up which would mean more money to buy steem with which would help the price go up... could sort of build on itself.