Only a matter of time before the discount in GBTC turns to a premium...

in #bitcoin3 years ago

The discount in GBTC is slowly fading away

GBTC is finally getting through the majority of share lockups which means the aggressive selling is slowing down.

By the time we get through July just bout all the major lockups will be done.

As it stands now it looks like GBTC is already trying to get back to parity in terms of a discount or premium.

Check it out:



I am a buyer with any discount at these BTC prices.

You get a nice bang for you buck with the extra 12% that will likely kick in at some point.

Imagine if it goes back to a premium... (though if it does I don't think it will by much or for long)

Stay informed my friends.



Discount remains.

It's actually higher today than it was then.

Been hovering around 12% for a while now.

Would like to see this go away, soon.

Not sure what is going to do it though.

These guys collect massive fees...

They need to hurry up and do something.

GBTC doesn't track exactly with btc.

Looking for someone to step up and force these guys to act.

Lot of big investors in here.