Do we vote or not?

in #politics7 years ago

Raising the 2 scenarios, we can see and realize that one of the reasons why many Venezuelans want to go to vote is that it is useless to give all the governorates, also with supervisors and candidates of the MUD will be more complicated to cheat. It is on the other side, who by displeasure and disagreement of the July 16 plebiscite and for not obeying the mandate of the people, say that you can not vote because you would be justifying the ANC and the CNE, apart from leaving in vain the killed during the protests. For them, what's the point of going to vote? That would be to be accomplices of the government and justify everything that happened. Now, making a comparison and knowing that an election is a political trial, we pose this question: If you make a trial, you defend, right, even if the TSJ is chavista or do not defend because you assume that you can be imprisoned? Any person in their right mind would defend themselves, that defense is with the vote.

On the other hand, why did not the MUD create a parallel government if that was what the 16j was voted on? First, it must be understood that they elected the magistrates and no progress was made because they were imprisoned and persecuted, most of them had to take refuge. The politicians who ask for this creation of parallel powers and lack of good sense do not participate in the elections; Did they ask for these magistrates? Did they stand in solidarity with their families? The answer is no. Secondly, the international community did not support the creation of a parallel government since it makes the country more ungovernable than it is today.

Raising these two scenarios and knowing our reality Who benefits from abstention? Nicolás Maduro and the PSUV candidates. Voting or not voting does not make you less human, or makes you less Venezuelan, each one is free to act as they wish, what I do believe is that voting is the most sensible democratically speaking. And yes, sometimes, you have to say what you should be, instead of what people want to hear.

"Progress is impossible without change and who can not change his mind, can not change anything" George Bernard Shaw