Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)|Danger: It Is Said That You Can Have This Virus But You Have Not Noticed|Deep look👀

in #biology7 years ago

Hi friends of steemit as every day I come to give you a brief and direct information in the medical field, in some moments I can tell an echo that has happened to me or I can talk about a subject that deserves the attention of everyone.

Today I bring you a topic that has created many doubts around the world, We have to pay close attention because it is very dangerous to our health.

This is a virus that is neutral of gerenero (when I speak of neutral I mean that it can affect men and women alike) this is the case of the human papillomavirus and it is the topic that we are going to deal with today.

I want to clarify some doubts as it is contagious with sexual transmission, or it could be transmitted from mother to child, we will have to vaccinate our children from very young?

Let's start with the most important thing

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What the human papilloma virus is really about

The human papilloma virus (HPV) is a group of related viruses. They can cause warts on different parts of the body. There are more than 200 types. About 40 of them affect the genitals. These are transmitted through sexual contact with an infected person. Some of them can put you at risk of developing cancer.

HPV infections are the most common sexually transmitted infections in the world. Anyone who has been sexually active can get HPV, but is at greater risk if you have had many sexual partners or if you have been with someone who has had many partners. Because it is very common, most people get HPV shortly after being sexually active for the first time.

This is important since there are people who develop genital warts due to infection with HPV, but others do not show symptoms. Most eliminate HPV infections in two or three years without developing cancer. However, some infections may persist for many years. "These infections can cause changes in cells that, if left untreated, can become cancerous."

After knowing what it is, I'll talk about how it starts and how it ends

The life cycle of HPV is linked to the program of differentiation of the infected host cell, the keratinocyte, but the expression of high levels of viral proteins and viral assembly occur exclusively in the upper layers, that is, in the spiny layer and in The granular epithelium of the squamous epithelium The cells in the basal layer consist of stem cells and cells in transit that are dividing continuously and provide a reservoir of cells for the supra-salt regions.

The infection of these cells by HPV leads to the activation of the cascade expression of the viral genes that causes the production of approximately 20 to 100 extrachromosomal copies of the viral DNA per cell. This average number of copies is stably maintained in the undifferentiated basal cells through the course of the infection. Viral integration is more common than occurs in cells that contain this number of episomes.

How this virus is reflected in our body

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In our body you can present this type of symptoms:

  • Small warts in the ano-genital area: cervix, vagina, vulva and urethra (in women) and penis, urethra and scrotum (in males).

They may vary in appearance (flat warts not visible or acuminate if visible), number and size so it is necessary for a specialist to assist in its diagnosis. Papanicolaou alterations that tell us that in the cervix there are squamous intraepithelial lesions (areas infected with HPV, which can cause cancer).

Many people become infected with several cutaneous types of HPV during their childhood. Papilloma viruses have a protective protein coat or capsid, which may then be able to survive in the environment for long periods of time. Contact with contaminated surfaces, such as communal or airline shower floors, should be avoided, reducing the risk of cutaneous HPV infection. Also treating common warts very soon, you can reduce the spread of the infection to additional sites.

Genital HPV infections can be widely distributed over genital skin and mucosal surfaces, and transmission can occur even when there are no visible symptoms. Several strategies should be used to minimize the risk of developing diseases caused by genital HPV

Could this virus be cured?

At present there is no specific treatment for HPV infection. However, the viral infection, in general, cancels itself to undetectable levels. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the body's immune system clears HPV naturally within two years for 90% of cases, however, experts disagree on whether the virus It completely eliminates or reduces to undetectable levels, and it is difficult to know when it is contagious.

The treatment of HPV infections is currently based on the use of some available topical creams whose antiviral activity is not well known or which act by activating a local immune response against the virus. In the case of precancerous lesions produced by HPV, the most appropriate treatment is the removal of the affected areas by surgery. In large part, this treatment is effective because HPV produces well-localized superficial lesions, and HPV does not cause systemic infections

Relevant information (Not everything is bad news)

After having obtained the corresponding authorization from the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the first vaccine that protects against nine different types of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) has been approved in Spain, specifically types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58.

In this way, the new vaccine protects against five types of HPV more than the existing vaccines until now, being the only nonavalent vaccine available.

"The inclusion of five additional types of HPV can increase protection to almost 90% of HPV infections responsible for cervical cancer, 96% of anal cancer, 85% of vaginal cancer and 87% for vulvar cancers and also a high percentage of precancerous lesions, "says Dr. Ignacio Salamanca, coordinator of the Studies and Research Unit of the Instituto Hispalense de Pediatría.


In this post for being educational for adults and also for children I did not want to use photos that go beyond the imagination of the youngest. As always I will leave the references which will find many more information.

I will also leave a video which is explained more accurately.

It is very important to highlight that this is a very delicate disease, which can lead to dangerous disorders and even death. But the most important thing about this issue is the self-care of how women should demand from their partners the use of condoms and, even more important, the taking of cytology every year or whenever abnormal things are noticed in our body.


Information Source

  •  Baseman JG, Koutsky LA (2005). The epidemiology of human papillomavirus infections
  •   Parfenov, Michael. Characterization of HPV and host genome interactions in primary head and neck cancers 
  •   Lowy DR, Schiller JT (2006). Prophylactic human papillomavirus vaccines
  •   Chouhy D, Bolatti EM, Perez GR, Giri AA (2013) Analysis of the genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of putative human papillomavirus types. J Gen Virol 
  • Ref 1
  • Ref 2
  • Ref 3
  • Ref 4
  • Ref 5

  Thank you for taking the time to read this publication. I hope you have a happy day, see you in the next. Do not forget to leave a comment about what you thought, thank you very much.@juanjdiaz89 


Es importante conocer sobre este tema y que llegue a muchos. Hace un tiempo yo compartí una presentación en este repositorio

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