Random acts of kindness........another aspect.

in #undefined5 years ago

Yesterday Lisa, a new friend, popped in to say hello to us at my daughter’s home in Johannesburg.

I’d met her at a supper at the biggest, newest shopping complex, the Mall of Africa. We were mesmerised by the incredible setting sun through the meshwork of giant statues of giraffes walking across the African continent.

I discovered that she was a talented web designer and she was surprised to find out that I painted, mainly in water colours but also currently experimenting in gesso work with acrylics and oils.

After the hugs and exclamations of ‘how time flies and is it really almost 6 months since I was here last’, she brought out a gift for me.
As it wasn’t my birthday (thank goodness ) and I hadn’t been ill (thank goodness) it was simply a ‘random act of kindness’ It was totally unexpected and delightful.
My veins began to fizz…………..champagne has the same effect on me.
I felt incredibly special.

She presented me with two beautifully handmade canvases of the quality that only truly reknown artists can afford. I felt honoured as she showed me that in her opinion, my artwork Is of the highest order.
Nothing but the BEST was good enough for me.

I’ve had to suppress my natural inclination to ‘gift’ her back, except for an email of thanks.

In my opinion one has to learn to receive without one’s often ill begotten idea that one now owes that person a return gift.
My feeling now is to ‘pass it forward’.

On my travels round Johannesburg I was shown a big wall visible from the main busy intersection through the chief business area of South Africa in Sandton. It belongs to the Draeger Company.
They obviously pass forward Random Acts of Kindness.
The wall is most often used for advertising their products and gets huge exposure to a whimsical public with a short attention span.

So imagine my daughter’s surprise one day when she read on that wall the injunction…….BE KIND.
She gave her staff a Friday afternoon off that week.

The following week it bore another unexpected message saying
“PHONE YOUR MOM if you’re fortunate enough to have one.”

She did…………..phone I mean.
I was delighted by the extra and totally unexpected call. My face glowed to the extent that people asked me what had me look so ridiculously happy!

That too is the meaning of a random act of kindness. It’s when you do something for someone that it is totally unexpected and causes joy in someone else’s life. If it is noticed and reported upon it should be as much as a surprise to the doer as the doee. (Is there such a word?)

When she made a comment about the sweet texts on the Draeger wall she was told (and it’s true) that late workers in the building had noticed an owl flying by at dusk unfussed by the traffic growling below it.

They spoke about it and management had an Owl house fastened securely to that wall of advertisements and caring, ‘trite, until someone acts on them’ sayings.
It now has a resident owl family and the side benefit is that the Draeger roof garden is rodent free!

Do we do enough to celebrate the ordinary days and things of this life? Probably not and we have a million excuses for it or confine the red rose for Valentine’s day and champagne for a BIG O birthday.

Let us be mindful that a random act of kindness does not have to cost anything. Even if it only a broad smile to a stranger or an appreciative comment to someone who serves you competently in a shop, it is rich in potential.

Being kind randomly, in my opinion, is FABULOUS and to be celebrated every day.
Seek out opportunities and feel THE GLOW.


Copyright Justjoy - all rights reserved


Something to remember every day, people feel uplifted giving/receiving random acts of kindness.

Visiting from #teamsouthafrica

So true Joan, if only more of us did this!

I totally agree with your post, lets give more random acts of kindness!!

My act of kindness this very early morning in freezing Johannesburg is taking my 4 grandchildren to school for my daughter! lol.............it's my pleasure to do so.

I love the buzz I feel when I do something kind and love even more the joy on people's faces when they receive the cup of coffee, the little gift, picking up something that is dropped .. whatever I do. It stays with me like a warm glow inside me. Kindness is good for the soul justjoy. A lovely heart warming post. Slowly but surely, kindness will emanate more and more in the world.

I love your positive statement........
"Slowly but surely, kindness WILL emanate more and more in the WORLD.
Oh yes! that after glow burn makes it all worth it.
Thanks for your heartwarming comment.

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