Things you don't learn in school | Part I

in #life7 years ago

We enter the educational system in kindergarten and most of us get out after finishing university or a Master, so we spend a big part of our life in school.

Since we spend so many years learning, we would expect to get out of the educational system prepared for life, with enough knowledge that will help us cope with every situation we might encounter.

Unfortunately, this is only theoretical, because practically, we don’t know anything about life after we finish our studies. These are the things they don’t teach you in school.


You don’t learn how money works.

How do you make money, how do you multiply it, how to you lose it, you won’t learn anything about that in school. The system teaches you that it’s good to have a diploma and aspirations for a job that will prepare you to advance in your career.

In reality, that diploma is mostly useless, because you will see that you will struggle month by month with a small salary that you work hard for and you’ll learn that not the diploma makes you advance in your career. You make credit after credit to buy things you saw on TV and your life is made out of your job and your bed.

You don’t learn how to make relationships

Even if you like it or not, your life will gravitate around the relationships you make. To quote Tyler Durden, “We’re a generation of men raised by women”. Men have no idea how to approach a woman, and women are 10 times more afraid of men than they like to show, so it’s a reciprocated fear.

A relationship starts with contact. To strangers meet and a process of getting to know each other starts. But how do you control that process and make it go in the right direction? In school you don’t learn anything about the importance of a smile, a look, your voice, body language and how to create a nice impression in general.

You don’t learn where to get information from

What they teach students now in IT profiles is going to be expired in a few years. What’s even worse is that they don’t teach us where to search for what we need, or how to do it. Google is a great tool if you know how to use it, or a nerve generator if you don’t.

You don't learn about Steemit


My name is Farcas Ionut. I am a young entrepreneur, 21 years old, living in Bucharest (I hate Bucharest) and going to university only to lose my time. (my parents wish.)

I am a blockchain enthusiast, ethereum being my favourite. I am holding some coins & tokens. I am trading when I am in the mood & obviously when I need more money.

My passion is social media marketing. I don't like numbers, I don't care about quantity, but about quality.(less when it comes to crypto) I like creating relationships, talking with people, strangers. I like being updated with all kind of news.

I joined Steemit in June 2017. I started with 0 Steem Power. I worked hard to be visible here. I knew it's a long way but I did it. Steemit is paying now my rent & the other taxes.

I can't wait to finish my studies. I will be free from all points of view. Probably I will tattoo the Ethereum logo on my hand soon, or maybe on my big nose.

And this is me while my girlfriend is shopping.


-Thanks, @jwolf-


I wish someone taught me in high school to keep away from the crazy student loans and absurd credit card interest rates. The banks are exploiting young people by getting them into debt as soon as they start their adult lives.

I can't think of anything more vile than the current exploitative financial system.

I am lucky my father told me, never work with banks.

Everyone should jump into crypto as soon as possible. Even you're in school you should get into it. Because you will be lucky as much as faster you can join with cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies . And if you're here in steemit even you're in school be proud of yourself my . Cause many people yet didn't think about it in dream 😎

Very good. Very good read.
Very nice.

The education system we run lacks a lot of basic elements we need the succeed in life. I once read that no educational institution can offer above 40% of what we need to survive.

I decided to go to the University for the sake of the certificate. In this part of the world where I come from, without a certificate, you can hardly get anything no matter how skilled you are.

Thanks for sharing these things that no school can teach us @jwolf

Even with a certificate, if you don't know sumone prominent you won't get anything

Valuable is related post.....i think 50% theoretical and 50% practical subject should be include our education.....
thanks for another important post.... @jwolf

To learn all this you have to interact with the society.Something you will learn from family,something you learn from society and lot more.Some thing you will learn automatically.Thanks for the post.

school is the best way to learing.but our socity is important to learn better things.good post.really appriciate

nice topic ,i like your blog

Yes i agree with your nice article that human have learnt mostly with school system and social life.
In other way the school learning is good but its practically use after long time in life.
All the best and steem on

I did an Engineering degree at university and have worked in Engineering ever since. I've only needed to differentiate/integrate once in all the years since then - maths I did as a 14/15 year old. I did many hours of extra maths during my degree. As for all the other school subjects, probably even more useless. I agree learning about how to save, budgeting and 101 other things would be more useful.

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