Welcome to Hind Whale Community

in Hindwhale Community2 years ago

Application for the Community Curator.jpg

Dear friends and HWC members,
First of all, I extend a warm welcome to everyone in this new community and to all HWC members. More people have subscribed and become involved in this community than we anticipated; this is our major accomplishment. More than 50 people have subscribed and more than 40 people have become engaged in one day.

This community is not intended to harm anyone; rather, it was established so that workers would receive the proper compensation and advancement. If you work hard today as a member of this community, you could become a moderator tomorrow. Likewise, if you work hard today as a moderator, you could possibly become the administrator of this community tomorrow. Therefore, let's perform the task as instructed in the Bhagavad Gita without anticipating a reward, and our reward will come to us naturally.


I applaud the entire team, @cryptogecko, @deepak94, @pea07, @lavanyalakshman, @pathanapsana,@chiabertrand, and @dove11. We'll soon make clear the duties of our moderators and administrators in accordance with their schedules. I implore every moderator to manually check each post as it arrives. In that way, we could get support from curators.

As soon as possible we are going to have a big contest with the bumper prize, we are discussing the title and terms of the contest and we will launch it shortly, moreover, then we are going to have great contests every week so everyone please participate and wins the prizes.

You are welcome to get in touch with us by visiting the Discord window below, where you can also promote your posts and join the channels for public conversation to share your opinions.

HWC discord: https://discord.gg/SBcEfBMR


Discord : @jyoti-thelight#6650 Telegram :- https://telegram.org/dl



hmm, there are currently three India based active communities in steemit. Steem India, Incredible India & Hind Whale Community. I see the same Admin/Moderators started the above three communities.

I'm really confused about the main objective of these three communities. Would you please explain it ? One country-based community is enough, I think.

@steemcurator01, @hungry-griffin

@cryptogecko, @deepak94 & @monz122

I need to discuss about this matter. This three country based communities must be merged to one.

plz, provide your discord channel in where we can discuss.

@steemcurator01, @hungry-griffin

 2 years ago (edited)

Hello @rme,

Steem India is a country based community, but hindwhale community is not a country based community. It is a general-purpose community that is created for people from all over the world.

We left the Steem India community for a reason. And I am not the only one who has left the community, but all the other CRs and members also faced the same kind of problematic situation there.

We do not want people to get disbanded in the middle of their journey so we created #hindwhale. The keys of which are shared with all the admins, so nobody can run with the steem tokens for themselves.

To know more about the problematic situation read this comment

Discord: cryptogecko#3308

I need a channel in where we can discuss with each other.

  1. @monz122 Steem India
  2. @cryptogecko, @jyoti-thelight, @deepak94 Hindwhale Community
  3. @sduttaskitchen - Incredible India


Plz, join. I know a resolution will come...

Joined sir!

 2 years ago 

When someone runs a community in the name of the country, he should always keep in mind that if he comes out after powering down, then he will break the trust of all the people associated with that community and will defame the name of the country. We did not want to do this but circumstances forced it and ahead of time we thought it necessary to create a hind whale community.

This is a decentralized platform and if we bring any new initiative for the development of steam then no one has the right to stop it but in the previous community, we were being stopped.
You must read this post and the problems written by all the users below.link

My discord Id - deepak94#7616

cryptogecko - cryptogecko#3308

 2 years ago (edited)

Thank you @rme, yes we are willing to discuss this our idea is to work together in an already well functioning community to help our members who are already in a mess rather than putting them in yet another mess.
Discord : jyoti-thelight#6650
My discord Id - deepak94#7616
cryptogecko - cryptogecko#3308

I am very surprised that many country based communities grow their own SP and close their activities. A solution is needed And I see here is that three new communities have been launched in the same country. I think all the admin moderators should get together and run a community.

 2 years ago (edited)

कम्युनिटी बनाना आसान है लेकिन उसको एक ऊंचाई तक ले जाना मुश्किल होता है और अगर आपको पहले पता चल जाए की भविष्य में वह कम्यूनिटी बंद होने वाली है । तो सबसे बेहतर तरीका यही है की उस कम्युनिटी को पहले छोड़ दो । नही तो जो भरोसा लोग हमपर करते है वो भरोसा किसी और के वजह से टुट्ट जाएगा। और हम नहीं चाहते की हमारे देश का नाम खराब हो। में हमेशा भारतीयों के लिए काम करना चाहता हूं । इसीलिए सभी यूजर हमारे साथ जुड़े है क्योंकि हमने हर एक परिस्थियों में उनकी मदद की है।

Exactly I want the same to happen and according we could work together for our country . Leaving the reasons and the fights aside if we work unitedly it would be better for our country. My Discord ID:monz#7477

According to me we should have a group discussion and accordingly work together for our country.

Rather showing imperfections and blaming each other if people focus on growth of the country together it will be better.

 2 years ago 

We very much agree.

We prefer to support one Country Community for each country.

We hope the Steemians in each country, particularly the Country Reps, will work together to support and build one Country Community.

After a long discussion of about two hours with all the admin & moderators of the three communities on the Discord channel, we came to the conclusion that -

  1. Steem India is India's only active country based community
  2. Hind Whale Community is an open community (multipurpose)
  3. Incredible India is an open community of art and recipes

The admins/moderators of the above three communities have been given several guidelines to run the community and maintain transparency.

Problem solved :)


 2 years ago (edited)

Thanks @rme brother to sort out all the things now we will work with our Hindwhale community with my all team members and i welcome all the user to join our community to develop our skill and knowledge.

I am grateful that there is a mutual agreement. This is a wonderful thing. Together we can make ordinary things extraordinary. Thanks for the enlightenment.

Finally after a long discussion thankyou very much dada . Let's work together for the betterment of people .

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much for your valuable response and resolution but I would like to clarify just one thing and that is incredible India is working with Art and Culture and I shared the post related to the same.


 2 years ago 

Thank you @rme for the great conclusion, we will follow the guidelines and build a better community on steemit.

Steemit team can provide perfect support only if everyone works together. Community buildup will be three times faster if everyone from three different communities work together. ✌️

 2 years ago 

Sir, all the representatives of our country were already working together but @monz122 alone took many decisions arbitrarily without consulting us, because of that so many disputes arose and as a result the development of the community was hindered and she does not accept his mistakes but instead disputes with us. A person who is in high charge of a community should have responsible for their merit, she is not able to do it, and does not work accordingly. Then also we agreed to let her work with us in our team. We continue our work in our new Hindwhale community to avoid harm to members as there is already a lot of confusion and consent to others joining us.

I too totally agree with you sir misunderstandings and everything can be sort out to work together . I have been on this platform for more than 2 years and each day I tried to support my country members. We are human beings and definitely make mistakes and learn from it too. According to me in a teamwork rather than pointing out the mistakes of each other if we will work for the improvement of the country people and development of the community it will be better for us keeping aside the personal enmity . My goal and aim is very clear no matter what I will always be there for my people and will work hard to achieve new heights on this platform.

 2 years ago 

My dear! It's not good to make comments under your comment. Let me say something. There are many Pakistani people who are working actively. Some are newbies. I'm Pakistani. Steemit Pakistan moderators and Admins are not actively working. That is what I think against the rules. That's why we are not getting support. I'm not CR, but still I think that we should guide newbies and others to focus on their posts. So that they can get support from dear curators. We want to grow together. There is only one active CR from Pakistan. I want your precious suggestion. Should I build a community with the name of Steem4Pakistan . It would be a country community. Because we all are part of this system. We will grow together. There are two or more specific communities from Pakistan. But I build a community for all Pakistanis. Where they can share #steemexclusive #bot-free content. I just want your precious suggestion.

  • Active CR should join our community.
  • We will follow guidelines.
  • I request to all other CRs to delegate sp to our new country community . So that we can support quality content.
  • We will actively participate in Steemit Engagement Challenges.
    We will follow @steemitblog updates.
    Note : If respected Steemit Team allow me and support me then I will build a community for our country.
    And I request to Steemit Team that Team should give precious suggestion.

Rb 1.png

 2 years ago (edited)

नमस्कार @rme

1 और 1 मिलकर 2 हो जाय यह गणित है।

1 और 1 मिलकर 11 हो जाय यह संगठन है।

हम हमेशा एक ऐसे संगठन के लिए काम करना चाहते है जो लंबे समय तक चले । उस संगठन/ कम्युनिटी में लोग एकजुट होकर काम करे।

हमारे इस कम्युनिटी का भी यही आधार है जहा सभी लोग मिलकर काम करे और अपने स्किल के साथ साथ अपने अकाउंट का विकास करे ना की कम्युनिटी का पेट भरे । किसी भी कम्युनिटी को चलाने के लिए केवल एक मक्सद होना चाहिए की सभी लोग वहा एकजुट होकर काम करे।

हमारी कम्युनिटी किसी एक देश के आधार पर नहीं है हमने एक जनरल कम्युनिटी बनाई है जहा सब का स्वागत है।

Screenshot 2022-10-11 174713.png

हम इस कम्युनिटी को सुयोजित ढंग से चलाना चाहते है इसीलिए हम समय समय पर शुरुवात से ही सभी एडमिन और मोड़ टीम द्वारा मीटिंग की जा रही है ।

हमने इस कम्युनिटी के सभी महत्वपूर्ण key सभी इंडियन CR को बांटी है जो इंडिया के चारो कोनो से है ।
@cryptogecko - गुजरात (पश्चिम)
@deepak94 - उत्तर प्रदेश (उत्तर)
@jyoti-thelight - तमिल नाडु (दक्षिण)

ऐसे में बढ़ते बीते पिछले कुछ दिनों में कम्युनिटी पॉवर डाउन के कारण हमें यह करना पड़ा और हम एक सफल समुदाय के निर्माण में अग्रसर है।

 2 years ago (edited)

Your confusion is accurate; all three of us CRs have been working in Steemindia. We all put in a lot of effort to build this community and raise it to a high standard, especially @deepak94 and @cryptogecko stand out for their hard work and specific expertise.

Our goal is to assist and encourage each new member so they will continue to post on this site. However, we have been unable to work freely for the past two months as a result of unforeseen challenges from the Steemindia admin, and we have not been able to assist our members effectively. As a result, the community could not access essential resources including booming support and engagement contests.

We three CRs decided to build a new community together called Hindwhale as a result, and ever since the community's creation, more and more members have begun making their posts. It is now functioning well, and we never mind to add other administrators from different Indian communities to join us.

We are willing to collaborate with them, and our goal is to do so with the other members of India.

Hello @rme,

Each of the three communities you mentioned was founded by a different person at a different time.

The Incredible India community is primarily focused on art, craft, and other skill-based topics.

The Steem India community is committed to providing a community for people from India.

The admin mismanaged funds and made impulsive decisions while we were part of the community some time ago, leading us to leave.

HindWhale was started as an example of a community that does not cater to the needs of only people from a specific location or language-speaking population, but we have also introduced a variety of niches, and people from around the world are able to participate in community activities.

It is our main goal to create an environment where people can learn as much as possible and, in the process, reach new goals, such as becoming dolphins, orcas, or whales.

Due to the kind of help, guidance, and like-minded platform our community offers, many people have joined the community, and you can see on the community's main page that more than 90% of our members are active.

Hello sir steemindia is the first Community after shutdown of BestofIndia Community and I spoke with @blacks sir for some sort of support for Indian people and I think one community will be enough where proper work could be done and all the Indians can be supported.

Right like you said @rme Almost all communities that exist today are all the same topics and programs, maybe the presence of the country community will have a more positive impact by the way they do steemit promotions.

So far, I've seen some of the country's communities that are as thriving as Venezuelan steem. Actually this step will be very interesting if all active users can contribute in Country.

If all Steemians can help the community of the country I believe this has great potential for Steemit progress in their respective countries. I hope this step can provide benefits and initiatives For state representatives involved more widely. As is the case with our country community STEEM INDONESIA.

Hi, I am not that old on the platform and dare to participate in this conversation.
But, here is what I think till now.
It's actually been very easy to build a community on the platform, so anyone who collects a little bit of steem instantly creates a community. (No offense, to those who build communities) The thing is, communities built like this don't last long. And finally it gets deactivated like this. The easiest solution I can think of is to not allow anyone to create a community unless they have 35,000, or 50,000 steem power. or any other terms and conditions recommended by the Steemit team shall also prevail.

 2 years ago 

Thanks so much my dear @jyoti-thelight for giving me the previllege to work in this community. We will work together and take this community to another level through our hardwork. It will really be an honor working alongside with others such as @cryptogecko, @deepak94, @pea07, @lavanyalakshman and @dove11. I believe we all will put in our best and ensure this community is booming

Once more thanks for the warm welcome 🤗

 2 years ago 

Nice to have you on our team and I hope your commitment is good as you said , Thank you

 2 years ago 

If you work hard today as a member of this community, you could become a moderator tomorrow.

Thanks for including me in the team of mods, but I am a bit hesitant despite my past working experience in editing and moderation of more than three years. I accept this invitation and hope for the best. Let's pledge to make this happen. Let's take our community to the moon.

Today, I will come up with a post in the community regarding my doubts and their possible results/reactions despite being on a trip to a city in Rajasthan. My best wishes to team and all the respected members of the community. Have a nice time.

 2 years ago 

This is an example of how one can reach any great level with true hard work and honesty. Wish you to rise further and this community will be with you.

the Bhagavad Gita without anticipating a reward, and our reward will come to us naturally.

I completely agree with you. If we work there without expecting any rewards, then our earnings will follow us.

At present, I tune my mind like this: lol. That's why now not think about rewards,which I like just going through them as much as possible.
I hope our community becomes one of the strongest communities on this platform.

Take care, my friend.

 2 years ago 

Yes we do our duty and the result comes automatically sometimes it is delayed but the reality is it is not upto us but a force above us is directing it.

Yes dear. Well said.

 2 years ago 

Yes, if you do work hard and work fast so your skill will increase and one day you are able to manage community, This is a stair of growth, Few days ago I was only member of community but today I oppointed as MOD, before that I never mind for this rold in any community but I focus only for learn and gain knowledge, Thank you so much @jyoti-thelight, @deepak94 and @cryptojecko and all my supportive members.

Let's go ahead with new vision and mission.

 2 years ago 

Your speed and passion shows us what level you are going to be in the coming days, congratulations

 2 years ago 

Wow you have said some very important things here about various topics. Thank you for sharing important words with us.

You are right that if we work, our prize will come. I will try to do my best

Have a good day mam.

 2 years ago 

If each of us is doing our duty with satisfaction then we can improve ourselves and our surroundings, all the best

 2 years ago 

Well, I'm also interested in becoming a moderator, and I will work hard to be a moderator for this community in the future.

 2 years ago 

Obviously! We were once minnows and have now advanced to this level. In Steemit, your diligence and integrity will always be rewarded. Wish you all the best

 2 years ago 

Hey @jyoti-thelight,

You working as mod in many community and you have own community which is #steemphotos, I hope you manage this community like other communities, mostly your all communities growing and your taking interest personally in many community, kindly needful for this specially, I'm respecting your telent and your experience so work as universal.

Thank you so much for make this community I hope we will grow one day.

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