@Marcus.Pulis Now Flagging Evidence of Threats Against My Family, Finances, and Physical Security. WHY?
Help me get some answers. Please RT:
ATTN: @marcus.pulis, @benfarmer, @adamkokesh
This is not just going to go away.
Please let @Marcus.Pulis, @BenFarmer, and @AdamKokesh know this is unacceptable.
Help me get an answer here as well.

Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DLive and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)
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Just runnin around, flaggin it up! Don't know where he finds the time to do his actual job while he's spending so much time rolling around, being a douche.

Lol @ “TotalFuckupLine.com” 🤣🤣🤣
dey see me flaggin' dey hatin'.
Kokesh campaign is a joke when he first entered the scene he was a voice, that has turned into a joke because of his campaign. He is entertainment IMO but not to be taken seriously. And as a Libertarian if he got the nomination I would have to start looking else where cause I need a candidate I can believe in not one I think as entertainment. Sorry Kokesh but it is true, I like you dude for the things you have done but POTUS I don't see it..
The other things he has done like threatening people, running scammy donation campaigns, and doing sensationalist “journalism” endangering people’s lives?
I am talking years ago before he went off the deep end and made himself a joke, he was actually doing some good things even if it was sensationalized to prove a point.
He's always been a politician, in my view, and his record of campaigning and bizarre stunts seems to uphold this, even from the beginning, really. I used to be a big fan. But then he showed his true colors. Now I can see they've been there all along. He's always been this guy.