Can milk be used to treat poisoning?

in #health8 years ago


Milk has often been used as a first aid to treat someone who is poisoned. But, do you know the reason? And really milk can be used as an antidote to poisoning?

According to Dr. Dr. Ariani Dewi Widodo SpA (K), milk is not a medicine for poisoning. But milk can provide certain benefits when a person experiences the condition.

"The benefit of milk is first for dilution, it means for dilution, so when someone poisoned, if we give fluids in large quantities, automatically toxic levels become small," said Ariani during a discussion with Forum Ngobras at KalaKopi, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Monday / 8/2017).

Another benefit of milk is that it can coat the gastrointestinal tract. Milk, said Ariani, can rinse so that a person does not experience a narrowing of the gastrointestinal tract. Milk also contains lactose, so when consumed in large quantities, it will also be quickly removed. Especially for people who can not accommodate large amounts of milk or lactose intolerant.

"If we drink a lot of milk, the stomach will feel bad and then go to the toilet, that's all we need to get rid of toxins," he said.

So what about water? Ariani said water has several functions similar to milk such as rinsing, dilution and make more dilute. "But baseball is no function to remove at high speed," he said.

Still, he reminded that milk is not recommended for the treatment of poisoning. If it is poisoned then it is advisable to be taken to the doctor. "If we get to the doctor, we will put the tube into the stomach, rinsed, given a lot of water, sucked up again, given a lot of water sucked until the poison runs out," said Ariani.


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