Going food shopping can be really difficult but worth it to see how hubby reacts.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

Me and hubby went out food shopping today in Tesco, its a massive store that sells just about everything. I needed to pick up a few birthday presents for my sister. We picked up Glen's mum, she usually comes with us a couple of times a month to pick up her heavy shopping.

Growing up I have always been taught to start at the entrance then work your way through each aisle until you pick up everything you need but going shopping with Glen's mum is so different, as it was with Gran who we lost last year. Its such hard work, they go back and forward all over the shop,

I need porridge
Off we go to the cereal aisle

I need salad
Back to the front of the store

I need tea
Off we go to the tea aisle, which is next to the bread aisle

I'll get some bananas
Back to the front of the shop, Which is next to the salad

I will get a bottle of wine
Off we go to the back of the store.

I need some ham
Back to the fridges which is at the front of the store, close to the salad.

By the time we have finished we are shattered, thankfully I am in a mobility scooter, think my scooter was fed up of going into reverse, but the look on hubby's face wasn't pleasant. I have to keep saying get back here we will do this aisle next, I said I am going to buy her a pair of baby reins so I can keep her close by and do the shop properly.

We had a good laugh about it on the way home as we usually do but it happens every shopping trip. Its worth it to see hubby's face.

Thank you @son-of-satire

Thank you @artedellavita


I feel your pain, especially this time of year it's overly packed everywhere which doesn't help! Not a fan of shopping.

It was 20 minute shop that took over an hour.

Makes me tired just to read about it! I do the aisle by aisle routine as well. It doesn't help when you are not familiar with the store though. One of our favorite stores (actually just the most conveniently located) closed its doors recently so we are getting used to a new supermarket and we do some backtracking occasionally haha.

Its annoying not knowing where things are, she haa bee to this shop with us a few times, think she likes to wind her son up lol

is very nice

Hahaha. 😂 who needs the gym. My first real laugh of the day. I 'm not laughing at you...honest. Besides, you were scooterised. Poor hubby.

He wasnt happy, seems thats the way she likes to shop 🙄

Lol. I know what you mean. I do my mother’s weekly shopping, but when she comes along it’s a much more complicated process.

Its a major chore that nearly kills you lol

Oh my, I wouldn't have the patience for a chaotic trip like that. I shop like you do, work your way around the store. I'll bet you even do your list in order of what's where in the store. Good on you for hanging in there!

I know where things are so start at one end finish at the other, no wonder shes a fit 77 yr old

Lol! Well, that's one perspective I didn't think of... all that running around would keep her fit. Good point!

I'll stick to my scooter lol

Been there and done that with my mother-in-law. You know all those horrible horrible mother-in-law stories you hear. Well, she was them personified! Shopping trips with her were a nightmare. It would take me days to recover and then it was time to take her again. And she would only go shopping with me! Lucky me...😭

Haha they do make a simpls task into a nightmare

I am allowed to push the cart, have you noticed you get the veggies first, then the light breakable items, and the heavy things, last.
The proffesers spend years designing shops just to make you buy more.

They get the shop wrong, all the heavy stuff ends up on top. Its handy we have the scooter and trolley so put the soft in the scooter unless glens mums there she puts her shopping in the scooter :)

The designers spend years working out where to put things, nothing on the shelves is random, the dearest stuff is at eye level, the cheapest on the bottom shelf or on the top shelf where you need to be 7feet tall to reach it.
Have a look this week when you go shopping.

Oh, that would drive me bananas.
When I shop I basically take a right at the entrance then go up and down every aisle, whether I need anything in them, and work my way around to the front where the fruits, fresh veggies and frozen foods are. Then off to the registers. It drives my husband nuts but I absolutely LOVE grocery shopping. LOL

You love food shopping Are you mad woman it drives me mad lol

I've been told I'm quite mad sometimes. LOL
YES! I love grocery shopping to the point where I had once considered offering a service for the elderly and handicapped. Right now I'm without a second vehicle so I wouldn't be able to, but I bet it would be quite popular in my area.

usually one organizes the shopping list according to the route of the supermarket, but it is true that not everyone has the same purchasing habit.
Thank you very much for sharing this experience dear friend @ karenb54
I wish you a happy rest

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