Hallo steemian ๐Ÿ˜Š my name is karinaa

in #introduceyourself โ€ข 7 years ago

Hello stemian yang ada di seluruh dunia ๐Ÿ˜Š

Perkenalkan nama saya karina, tinggal di kota lhokseumawe dan menjadi salah satu mahasiswi di politeknik negeri lhokseumawe jurusan tata niaga. Saya lahir di aceh utara pada tanggal 10 Januari 1998.

Saya memiliki ketertarikan dalam bidang yang berhubungan dengan seni, hobi berolahraga, terutama jogging.
Saat ini saya tinggal bersama mama saya yang berprofesi sebagai penjual baju di kota bayu.
Demikian sekilas riwayat hidup tentang saya .

Riwayat hidup sudah saya ceritakan ,sekarang saya mau menceritakan tentang bagaimana saya mengetahui steemit dan alasan saya bergabung di mana steemit .

Saya mau menceritakan tentang bagaimana saya mengetahui steemit dan alasan saya bergabung di mana steemit .

Awal mula saya mengetahui steemit dari teman saya yang sudah duluan mengenal stemit yang bernama @isfar . dia menceritakan semua hal positif tentang steemit ,hal yang membuat saya ingin bergabung karena dia mengatakan bahwa steemit adalah wadah untuk saling berbagi ilmu , dan katanya teman teman yang ada di steemit saling mendukung satu sama lain . disitulah saya merasa tertarik :)

Demikian cerita singkat saya semoga dapat diterima :)


Hello stemian around the world ๐Ÿ˜Š

Introduce my name karina, live in lhokseumawe city and become one student in polytechnic of lhokseumawe country majoring in commerce system. I was born in aceh north on January 10, 1998.

I have an interest in art-related fields, a hobby of sports, especially jogging.
Currently I live with my mom who works as a clothing seller in bayu city.
So glimpse of my life history.

My life history has been told, now I want to tell you about how I know the steemit and the reason I join where steemit.

aya want to tell about how i know steemit and reason i join where steemit.

At first I know the steemit of my friend who already knew first stemit named @isfar. he told me all the positive things about steemit, the thing that made me want to join because he said that steemit is a place for sharing knowledge, and he said friends in steemit support each other. that's where i feel interested :)

So my short story may be accepted :)

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Welcome here on Steemit Karinaa. I hope you will enjoy your stay with us. Already nice pictures. Thank you!

Welcome to Steemit Land! Great to see you continuing to post more often now!
I wish you the best! Hope you gonna have fun with our community and see you soon.

Cool. Lets keep in contact. Will be in Indonesia in November.

Welcome :D

Hello! Welcome to Steemit.

In order to prevent identity theft, identity deception of all types, and content theft we like to encourage users that have an online identity, post for a website or blog, are creators of art and celebrities of all notoriety to verify themselves. Verified users tend to receive a better reception from the community.

Any reasonable verification method is accepted. Examples include:

  • A post or tweet on an established Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or other social media account with a link to your contribution on Steemit.
  • A reference or link to your Steemit account on your website or blog.


Thank you!

I want to confirm my account, this account is mine @karinaa

Below is my instagram link


There is no confirmation on your other social site.
Just, because you hold the sign that your scammer buddy ask you to hold does not make it verified.


You have only 24 hours left to confirm your identity. Please refer to our other comment underneath.

I want to confirm my account, this account is mine @karinaa

Below is my instagram link


There is no confirmation on your other social site.
Just, because you hold the sign that your scammer buddy ask you to hold does not make it verified.

So , what should I do ?

Steemcleaners gave you clear instructions few times.

Welcome to steemit ๐Ÿ˜Š actually, same with me too. Hope we can be friends as we both continue to learn more about this community ๐Ÿ˜…

So, welcome to us and lets enjoy ๐Ÿ˜Š

Welcome to steemit
Hope you join this wonderful place

selamat datang ke steemit

welcome !!

Hey there , how are you doing, it is great to have you here , I hope you have a great time here as you contribute to the community,I hope you have a great time here and I would be looking forward to reading more of your post , would be here to support you.
Im @janrotas feel free to check out my page ,i am sure you would find something that interest you , do follow also , looking forward to being good friends . Do have a great time
Cheers !

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