Get your A$$ MOVING!!! Stop procrastinating, Stop with the laziness

in #life8 years ago

Have you been struggling to take the first step? You are certainly not the only one. The Truth is taking decisive actions can be sometimes challenging. Most of the times, it’s an extremely daunting & very slow process. However, this does not suggest that taking decisive actions is impossible, nor does it imply you will by no means achieve your goals. If you want your dream to materialize, you will need to consistently take actions daily- you could take baby steps and keep moving, remember that life is a journey and making daily decisions to take action will move you closer to achieving your dreams, goals, and aspirations.

Here a few steps that will help you take actions that would lead you to that desired goal.

Clearly set and know your goals

The important part is to outline your actual goal(s) clearly before taking any action. Identifying your goals equips you to take the next step. Remember, it’s quite difficult to create a road map with no knowledge of the place you are going to.
For example, if your goal is to start a dog training and become an authority in the field, clearly outlining and setting your goal could inspire you to write a book on dog training, to increase your recognition among dog enthusiasts.

Set sub-goals and time limits

To help you stay on course, you have to break down your big goal into sub-goals. By doing this you know the milestones you need to reach, and you can clearly see if you are making steady progress.

Get enthusiastic.

Enthusiasm is a wonderful emotional state to help you to get started and take action. But if you aren’t enthusiastic that’s fine too because you can practically create enthusiasm within. Being unenthusiastic, bored and indifferent isn’t fulfilling or pleasurable. It makes life gloomy, slow-moving and distressing. Enthusiasm, however, is similar to an inner sun which makes life less difficult, shinier and even a lot more fun.

Start small

To find your way from a state where you merely feel like sitting on your chair and doing absolutely nothing to one where you take action repeatedly: start small.

Starting your biggest task or most challenging action might seem too much and land you in Procrastination. So alternatively, start out with something that doesn’t seem to be hard.

Focus on the how instead of the if’s

What if’s can mess with your mind. It is possible to spend days, weeks or many years contemplating on what might happen when you take action. Hence rather than allowing your mind wander off in what if’s, concentrate on the how. In a situation give attention to how you can take action, ways to solve a problem or accomplish a goal. Do a little research if you have to or even get help and support from others.

Being focused on the how puts your mind to better use and translates into an optimistic attitude within as opposed to a damaging and uncertain attitude. This makes it less complicated to take action without hand-wringing and time spent thinking.

Lighten up

One great way to dissuade yourself from taking action is to take everything you are going to do too seriously. That will make it look too big, too hard and too terrifying. But when you relax a little bit and brighten up you’ll often discover that those challenges and negative feelings are simply something you are creating in your mind. With a brighter state of mind, your work seems lighter and turns out to be much easier to get started.

Be accountable to yourself

Over time a much more consistent or even healthier approach to cultivating a habit of taking more action is to answer to yourself rather than others. To set your benchmarks and guidelines and principles for how you will conduct yourself.


Theres no time like the present!

So true!!

We need time to do so I think. How can we free our time? How can we change our behaviour in order to succeed? The power of a strong mindset... Everything is available right now!!! We have to be in the now! It is all that it takes...

I LOVE this comment.

Just the pep talk I needed to get my next blog post done. I've got a list of titles or ideas for at least 10 more articles but........thanks!

GOOD JOB! Heheh I do the same thing, I Make long lists then write whatever I'm in the mood to write about :)

Well thought out, procrastination will be the downfall of society. Too many people want to sit around and wait for everything to come to them, instead of putting in the work to achieve their goals!!!

Exactly! People need to get off their butts and go get stuff done.

Agreed, Carpe Diem............ seize the day!!!

LOL! This is perfect

Procrastination is part of human nature I think, but with proper discipline one can surpass and value their own time and put effort to overcome it. Thank you for sharing!

Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no laziness, no procrastination: never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. ~Philip Stanhope

I think it is, sometimes we also procrastinate, To focus on things that will "mentally" help us for a break.
I LOVE that quote you put!

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OK, OK, I'll go make my bed! :p

Not for night shift workers in North America...

Aww night shift? i don't miss those days!

I've been doing them for 20 years. I kind of like them. I have every DAY off!

Aww night shift? i don't miss those days!

What? I just woke up. What is this magic?

Do you live in the US ? haha.

After a long research into my whereabouts whilst being witness to people talking in estonian and shouting in russian, my mind has concluded: "Apparently... not." The magic is gone now.

Thanks for this great message @kaylinart, it inspires me a lot. I appreciate it really.

Hi @kaylinart - I like your posts! Although I have to mention that you should take your own pictures or use stockphotos and link to the source. Just a friendly tip.

I'm going to try and take more of my photos :)
Thanks for the tip! I will link it next time hehe.

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