Hacks For Your Self Discipline

in #life8 years ago

Self-discipline is one polished standard of the modern day civilization. There are huge diversities of its implemented form. Still, self-discipline has some fundamental characteristics that one has to follow.

What Is Self Discipline?

Different brains have different answers about the matter, but the standard says self-discipline is the perfect approach and systematic working reflected in one’s life, which directly or indirectly contributes towards positive life.

This is one important factor if a person needs his/her life to be successful. All success stories have a section to explain the self-discipline part in their life, which fueled their success saga. Speaking on a vast scale, we all practice a loose version of self-discipline; that’s why we wake at least by 7 in the morning; manage to take some breakfast by 8, & reaching office by nine.

But fine tuning this one section in your life holds the key to many success factors.

How self-discipline helps you be a better human being?

Being a better person is always a factor of survival. If the society has to choose you over others, you must hold the torch of perfection. Being perfect is directly proportional with self-discipline. If the life has a rhythm then working out of it makes you uncomfortable thus you always stick with that. This helps a person plan his life ahead.

That’s is why an ex-military man always finds time to do everything, Taking care of their family, Getting their work and projects done or community service! Their life is on track, so they run through it very well. They have a routine but at the same time, They challenge themselves, They do work that is uplifting and uncomfortable. So they can practice that self-discipline muscle.

Tips to improve yours!

Speaking broadly there are a hundred suggestions to implement self-discipline, but choosing the best fit for you is the key. Say you love weight training, charting a routine for seven days helps to plan your training session and other activities, thereby always keeping you committed and free for self and needs.

A routine is critical for self-discipline. If the life has a pattern then confronting the unexpected wouldn’t be an issue with you. Some activities that can help you improve self-discipline are weight training, body building, practicing martial arts, community services, yoga, and meditation. These things can be hard to do; You have to practice self-discipline to do these activities.

  • You require self-discipline to force yourself to do something uncomfortable.

  • Self-discipline is a necessary factor for your success.

Focus on your self-talk

Your self-talk is so important for so many areas of your life; It's also important for self-discipline. How do you talk to yourself when you know you need to do something? How does the voice in your head convey the information to you? In a rude way? Or a nicer way?
You want to work on altering your self-talk, so it sufficiently motivates you to get what you need to do.

  • Do you focus on all the uncomfortable and bad stuff about doing something?
  • Or do you concentrate on the good things, and all the incredible benefits of doing it?

Changing your focus can improve your self-discipline because if you are focusing on the good outcome, it's more likely to motivate you into doing what you don't necessarily want to do.

Myths About Self Discipline

You can always watch the life of a well-established and successful person in your life zone to understand how he/she works. There might be something in their life they never miss, which helps them stay in synch with the pattern and uphold self-discipline.

"If you want something done, Ask A busy person to do it" - Lucille Ball

People tend to look at those people, Who manage to get everything done, and they assume the person has a perfect life, They have worked hard to maintain their self-discipline. The activities that they do every day, probably aren't very fun. They have activities they hate too. Just like you do, The only difference is they focus on the reward for that activity and they go for it anyways, even though it may be annoying or uncomfortable.

Many people also feel that self-discipline is something you "have" or "don't have" when in reality it's a practice.

Thank you unsplash for the pretty photos


To be self-disciplined I found it helped to eliminate distractions and temptations. That way I can stay focused on my goals. There's also no perfect time to start a project or activity. If you want to accomplish something, you really have to just do it.

OMg I love this comment I agree 100% With everything hehe.

Its a matter of making yourself used to it.

To add to your post, Self discipline is what your soul wants you to have when your body says no. Excellent post broken down for all :)

Exactly! Thank you for your comment :)

Beautiful writing kaylin, thank you!!

This is excellent advice. Allow me to add a layer here. As a parent, self-discipline is perhaps the most difficult skill to conquer. Yet, how can we expect to effectively discipline and teach discipline to our children if we do not practice it ourselves.

Self-control is a lost art in my opinion. Particularly in cyberspace. We seem to grow an extra-large side of boldness when we're staring into a screen and not a human face. The nastiest parts of us come out to terrorize our prey - it's so out of hand, we've come to expect it. Even a new platform like steemit already has its fair share of people with no self-control.

There has never been a generation that needed to be taught self-discipline more than this one, myself included.

But as a parents we also need to control ourselves especially to the kids of these days.

Self discipline is responsible on the person's life outcome. What a person wanted to become relies on how he/she manage self discipline. It's not actually how you wanted it to be but rather how are you going to pursue on it with discipline.

It's a daily practice. I have had stretches over several years of extreme self discipline. One day you wake up and it's no more, and you cant remember the turn. Thank you for the post

I've done extreme fitness off and on since the 5th grade. I have been so motivated and self disciplined, that i trained myself to just close my eyes and meditate for rest and very rarely needed sleep because i was so disciplined in more than a few training programs. I had trained my brain to stop thinking....now i cant stop thinking and i feel exhausted most of the time. Lol

Great job :) I Love that! I"m like that with art hehehe

self dicipline is the real dicipline the self itself, has to posess from the inward, it is the soft pedaling on the brakes in the inner self to control the action you carry out. so it is very important to have it, in dealing with life decision.

It is matter of implementing what is wrong and what is right.

As DJ Khaled would say " Self Discipline is key!"

There is also the act of creating environments for yourself to be disciplined. F

For example if you have a habit of surfing steemit posts and emails in the morning instead of making it to the gym as planned.

Do this: completely power down your computer before bed. In the morning you won't want to wait the couple minutes it takes to reboot......so you'll just leave for the gym instead.

Powering down a computer is something that is very hard for a teenage kids to do.

I suppose I have a different take on self-discipline.
I see it as the focus necessary to do what you believe is right, in the face of challenge or instincts for otherwise.

The Japanese tea ceremony is something which was/is still learned to the finest micromovement. So much so, it is an art. People choose to control their thoughts, movement, breathing, and actions to complete this simple task. Buddhist monks harden their body and open their minds with self-discipline. Soldiers learn to stay calm and focused in a firefight. Firefighters control their fear to go into a burning building, which is against our nature.

A young child may will themselves to clean their room, when really they just want to go outside and play. Walking by a SALE sign, doing homework, getting up on a Monday morning. These all take self-discipline. It is the set of skills and application thereof, to do what we think must be done.

It is easy to be lazy. Discipline is the opposite. There is a choice. The results of self-discipline are smarter, stronger, better people who will contribute more to society. I personally strive every day to apply and reinforce my own self-discipline. That too is a choice.

Its the same principle but its application is broad and extensive.

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