Greetings from here great steemians, after coming across the picture I saw it as a responsibility to do an article on Heritage.
The man you see in the picture is not a mad man he is also not stupid, as a matter of fact he is the president of a nation, yeah a nation called New Guinea and this shot was taken by the mass media while he was attending a meeting at the UN (United Nations) just alongside other presidents and Heads of states.
He is seen humbly on his traditional and customary wear, though half naked but fully principled with his tradition and custom. A lot of people including other workd leaders and delegates saw this to be stupid and inappropriate. But then, what do you think?
I have come to the realization that a lot of changes have taken place decades ago that have gradually contributed to the extinction of some customs in the world at large.
For instance, my country Nigeria well known to have a lot of tribes in existence, culture here is what looks like its still %100 very valid or highly valued but the truth is a big No. Culture and tradition is dying everyday, every year and by the parking of every generation.
Culture and tradition is only remembered when there are festivals and traditional occasions, this is what makes it look as though our heritage still carries it's essentials. But this is only a blurred vision.
Have you observed that 80% of children living in this 21st century cannot speak thier native languages, they only speak the formal language that dominates in the country. I'm not saying this is not a good thing, I mean speaking a formal language but then it won't also be a bad idea to farmiliarise oneself with the native language.
What measures have our parents taken on this Note?
What has the educational board done on this?
English language for instance, is a language and is widely and extremely taught in so many schools you can ever think of. But then, if English can be accepted, developed and learned in educational institutions of the country, then how about the native or tribal dialects. E.g Hausa, igbo, yoruba(majorities).
I'm still thinking about one university that promotes native languages to be offered as courses.
Alright now pointing out something else, how about our dressing (dress pattern)
Just like the new Guinea president, it's a well known fact that every community has a dress code and though to a great extent is usually influenced by weather conditions and differences.
Well Africa is one of the hottest or warmest continents you can imagine. Nigeria as a country is in some deal a warmer part of the world, but don't be surprised when you see scenes of a man putting on himself a full set of coat/suit and locking his neck with knotted tie all under a very hot sun, in a pool of his own sweat.lol.
What comes to your mind when you see this? For me, I see a forged culture and the truth is that a scene like this is what is very common here and sighted everywhere.
Our heritage is slowly dying and when it finally dies, it will be the worst scenario to ever happen to any nation, country or community. Imagine a Nigeria for instance that cannot speak or understand igbo, Hausa, or Yoruba anymore, this will be a thick shame as it will portray loss of identity and this measure lies in the hands of two sensitive instruments of the community or social compass. -The Government and the home. Necessary measures must have to be taken and some foundations must have to be for the grounds of our Heritage to be strong. Our heritage shouldn't only be remembered during the the festive periods as end of the year or occasional festive meetings.
I suggest every parent in the country especially the civilised societies should go extreme miles to engage thier children in their local or native dialect just as they also learn and speak any formal language they want to speak.
The only way or let me put the best way rather to engage our children is through communications (communicating with them in their native language)
On the other end, it won't be too late or a bad idea for the government to shape the educational structure of a country in order to make it possible for local or native languages to be taught and developed as courses in the educational institutions.
i am @kennyc
photo 1: www.ngyab.com
other photos from www.gettyimages.com
I think its important we all uphold our heritage
Very correct brother. I uphold that notion as well. Steemon!
Nice one
Thank you.
Our history, our heritage, our culture, should never be toyed with. In it, is our true identity.
I agree with you 100% @olawalium especially when it's almost all we've got. Keep the steemon! I sincerely appreciate your time here. Godbless.
Thank you brother.
Excellent article with great views! It is not only our responsibility but also our moral duty to save and conserve our heritage, culture and traditions. We should teach the young generation our native languages and colorful culture so that they can carry forward it to the next generation. It is the high time! we should be proud of our past in this modern era.
Indeed great steemian @sukhnidheyfilms I totally agree with its actually high time we realized how far we could go in safe guarding our norms and culture. The earlier measures are put to place, the better! Thanks so much for your time on this article. I do appreciate. Steemon!