
Keeping one's word is persuasive because it provides consistency. If you're trying to decide how much credit a person's word has you look at your experiences with how often they keep their promises. Of course there are always exceptions that prove a rule such as if a commitment was made with faulty information or if the values of a party have shifted. When an extenuating circumstance arises communication and evidence based dialogues become a necessity in order to maintain consistency even when a promised action can't or won't be performed.

From a personal perspective I totally agree with kennyskitchen. Follow your gut even if it doesn't end up like you think everything will work out in the end.

It's a tricky choice though, so I've been letting my gut guide me at this point, and it seems to be working. Thoughts? Experiences? I'd love to know someone else's thoughts on this.

I was going to say this same thing. It's probably more of a follow your heart or gut thing than using your mind.

Have you heard Bashar's teaching of Following Your Highest Excitement?

P.S. Your life sounds amazing - it sounds like you travel around and go to events!

I don't know if I've heard that particular piece from Bashar, but I'm familiar with the teaching.

Most of the time though, none of the potentials are really much more exciting than the others; they're all things I could give or take.

I've shaped my reality into one where every experience & interaction brings healing, connection, learning, and joy... which is great! It also means that unless one of the options has some crazy awesome thing about it, then to me it really doesn't matter to much which way I go.

I struggle with this too. Keeping my word is important to me. I am very careful with volunteer commitments. I no longer sit on boards. I choose to volunteer for 1 day or 2 day events at most for various organizations that mean something to me. I seem to always follow the same pattern. A day or two before, I wished I did not have that commitment (because I love having free time and I am an introvert). However, each time I get there, within 10-15 minutes, I am happy to be there. I'm energized by the event and the people. At the end of the event, I feel good about having contributed.

you should just follow if it is useful @kennyskitchen

What's on the menu kenny?

Wow!!! Wonderful philosophy... And I said it is very good thing to keep to one's word., it makes people have much trust in you.

Please do well to read and upvote my post on hypertension here

Nice quotes tks

I don't have much thoughts on it though, I'm just happy that you had a very nice experience from the trip and everything turned out to work well with you during your stay in Austin, Texas.

Hey man, don't would I sound crazy to you, but I don't care in the end... Not saying this because I think I know more then others or so, it's because I decided just to be myself and speak my opinion not caring how it will be received. Yea man, oooooo yeeeaaaa hahahaha

Anyway, what I wanted to say is that we are infinite creatures having possibility to end up in whatever reality we want to. You said you didn't want to go to some event and something always happen so your desire really happen. Like you step in reality where your attending the event didn't happen. It's because your vibration desire let you in reality that matched you desire and the event didn't happen. If you thought there is no other option beside attending the event, you will end up in that event.

Basically, what we are experiencing as life is shifting realities all the time, every moment of our life. It's like there is infinite cartoon in front of you and you are choosing from all that Kenny's what Kenny you will experience as your experience. In the same time there was reality where you attended those events, but also lot of other realities, one of them was you not attending them. You obviously choose to experience reality where you didn't attend the event.

Everything is projection of our inner thoughts, desires or whatever. How many times you hear someone say 'When I change my attitude, everything change!' Yes, you choose to enter reality where you desires will manifest.

This all say a lot about nature of reality we experience. It's not like most of people think. Well, they believe they are little powerless me and because of it they are experience that reality. When they change those thought, they will move into reality that matches their inner thoughts.

I wrote randomly, but I hope you understand what I want to say.

An interesting topic and some very good points you make in there. Got me thinking about my own philosophy regarding commitments. After doing that I would have to add that in my experience I sometimes also make a commitment because by doing that I motivate myself to actually do what I promised with no excuses or changing of minds in the last minute because I do believe that respecting commitments generates trustful and sincere relationships... which can stay healthy even if I sometimes have to communicate my way out of a promise already made. Either way - as you pointed out - the experiences turn out great :) All the best to you @kennyskitchen, I appreciate your work on helping out new steemians in general.

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