Introductory post Part 2: What Is The Significance Of A Series Of Accidents In My Life

in #introduceyourself7 years ago


Whom Do You Blame For Misfortunes?

Misfortunes do occur in our lives. They have occurred in mine too. What is your intepretation of such misfortunes? Whom do you blame?

Some blame God. God does not pride in misfortunes of people. Maybe Satan does it all and blames it all on God. It may just be life. Can you imagine life without ups and downs? It will be very boring indeed. Maybe you will think it will be a type of utopia. No! It wouldn't be. Have you tried doing the same things over time? The sweetness everporates from it. The gist finally escapes and we remain living an empty shell.

As I am going to narrate my accidents to you, you should understand that God has a purpose for every happening. Blame it not on the evil hand. There is no witchcraft or voodoo concerned here. Everything happened to the glory of God.


The Mombasa Accident

The day had just began like any other day. We were excited as we were going for the National Music Festival in Mombasa. This happened in 2008. Our school was among those to perform in the Music Festival and we felt very excited.

Teachers, parents and students were among those who boarded a bus to travel the more than 700 km to the venue of the festival. Melodious singing accompanied us as our journey began.

The journey was to soon turn into a nightmare. The car began developing numerous mechanical problems one after another. As soon as we repared one problem is when another developed. The singing finally stopped and we looked melancholy as our bus coughed and puffed as we moved on. Our prayers seemed not to reach our God. Some evil spirits seemed to intercept the prayers and bounce them back to us.

We travelled on. A journey that was to take about 20 hours was taking more time than it was supposed to. The driver was now too tired and drowsy. He had not anticipated the long time spent on the journey. Many were the times he veered off the road and brought the bus in control again.

Nobody comprehended what happened next. Our bus left the road and rolled several times before landing on its rooftop in a ditch. We all sustained minor enjuries and treated at Voi Hospital. Though we were all in bandages, we were released from hospital. Our vehicle was badly ruined. We had to hire another one to Mombasa. Our enthusiasm for the Music Festival was ruined. We did perform though, yet some items were lost on the way.


The Wedding Accident

My neighbor was doing a wedding. I was one of the peg boys. We were to collect the bride from her home. As the convoy of the bridegroom snaked through the trees lining the winding path, the vehicle I was travelling in veered off the road and plunged in the famous Iguhu river. We were unhurt but the muddy river was washing us downstream. If it were not for a big boulder that blocked and trapped our car, then I would not be narrating this story.

A rescue team was summoned and we were uplifted from the water into safety. We went to hospital. At the hospital, we were examined and found to be in good condition. We changed clothes and the car and went for the bride.

Call it being lucky if you want but God was with us. You cannot imagine the shock when we all emerged with the bride amid pomp, music and color. It was an amazing wedding. We lived to tell the tale.

My life is in the hands of the Lord. He knows my every journey. He is the only one who knows the beginning and end of my life. Misfortuñes may come and go. Yet God stands with me. Whetever I go, He stands by me. It does not matter how dark it is, God is my guide.


December 2016 Accident

December are days embtoidered with much celebrations and festivities. It is a time when young and old alike look firward to. Christmas is the culmination of these celebrations.

2016 was no exception. Festivities were high. In this year, there was the traditional male circumcision too. We celebrate the initiates before and after circumcision.

Did I say that I am a dancer? Dancing is my hobby. My body involuntarily begin twitching to sweet music. In my community, we have a dance of three drums of different sizes called isukuti. Isukuti is supposed to have been coined from three English words, 'it is good'. I love dancing to the Isukuti beats.

Evenings are echoed with sweet melodies accompanied by isukuti beats. The sounds beckoned me from home and I found nyself in the social arena. We sung and danced. It was bliss!

A good thing like this could not be confined to the arena. We took it to the road. That is when the singing and dancing was charged like fully charged electrode. I was now gyrating drinkenly like one possessed by a mad spirit. My eyes were tightly closed and I was almost in a frenzy. As someone told me later, I was foaming at the mouth.

I was unaware when a car came from behind and knocked me. The force jerked me skyward ane dumped me at the side of the road. I passed out.

I regained consciousness in hospital a day later with a hip dislocation. My treatment and operation at Avenue Hospital Kisumu was successful at an expence of more than $5,000.


A Broken Wrist

The last accident was last December when I fell down as I came from the Dining. I hit a stump of a tree and fell on my wrist. It was luck that I wrote my exam with a broken wrist but passed and admitted at the university.

Every accident has a purpose


God has a purpose for your life.

I believe so @sirkim

God sends tests to those whom he loves. you have a cheerful disposition, and there is a desire to live. this is a good trait. good luck!

Oh my! You’re a brave young man! My son injured his leg once - it was the worst! So glad you have made it for university! Who are you studying to?

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