I'm back, with some signs from Lusaka

in #travel7 years ago

Well, hello Steemians, it's been a while since my last post from Lusaka, Zambia! My week there got busier than expected, and the follow-up last week was good and encouraging but didn't leave me much time for posting. I hope to make it up to you over the next couple of weeks.

So with a sheepish grin on my Steemy face, I thought I'd share some nearly random photos of Lusaka with you just to give you a feel for the place.

Signs, signs, everywhere a sign

For some reason, everywhere we went, I saw signs so let me share some of those with you, starting with my favourite.

Best slogan ever

Best slogan ever

I had plenty of opportunity to study this sign and internalise the wisdom of this sign as we sat stopped dead in traffic thanks to South Africa's president arriving that Thursday morning and his military escort causing all arterial traffic to come to a standstill.

This one is for @scienceguy - what these little guys are doing in Lusaka, I'm not sure....

![Penguin billboard])

Take your pick! A sign for everyone on this stretch of road.

Penguin billboard

No signs needed here. The merchandise speaks for itself.

Roadside stand

Haircut, anyone?

Barber shop

Before you judge based on this next photo, Lusaka has come a long way in terms of solid waste management. There are still many issues to work out with the Council, but there are a number of private companies now involved in waste collection and recycling - so it's on a good path.

Dump site

The two signs say (I'll write them as they are written):



Specialised in Welding, Capentry

Power Electrical Build Gym

Trainings and Many more

Kalililiki Compound Lusaka

And even better:



Specialised in Gabbagge collections,

cleaning services, pest control, recycling

(e.g. wax making) and many more

A healthy and clean environment

to serve the community

That deserves a pretty big green thumbs up, don't you think?

Thumbs up

Many home solar system businesses have sprung up in Zambia over the last year.

Solar home system business

And who doesn't need this service?

Broken phone fix

The Shalom Shop appealed to me...

...as did the impressive number of private gyms which have sprung up there over the last few years.

Private gym

That whole second floor above the Gym sign was full of modern looking equipment. Kind of devoid of people, I have to admit. Perhaps it's full first thing in the morning.

What would a trip to an African country be without a politician disrupting it somehow?

And here are a couple of shots taken as we drove at the expected clip westbound down Great East Road towards the airport:

Sign welcoming Pres Zuma

Closeup of sign welcoming Pres Zuma

There was a similar sign on the eastbound side of Great East Road, not far from the University of Zambia. One cannot help but wonder if a welcome sign on the road to the airport carries a subliminal message.

Here's a sign of a different sort, seeing President Zuma off from the airport:

One of 21 guns

I nearly jumped out of my skin when the 21-gun salute started. This particular example of Zambian hospitality was so well-timed it corresponded with the arrival of two of three international flights scheduled that day (the third was forced to circle the airport as the military had taken over the airspace). The Ethiopian and Emirates flights, already ready to depart when they closed the airspace, must have been delayed by an hour. Our South African Airways flight was delayed by an hour by this don't care attitude. There must have been at least 800 passengers on the three flights combined, with connecting flights and Friday evenings to get to.

What would you say that's a sign of?


Cool green thumbs up thanks to Pixabay, the rest taken from the car on my Huawei Mate 9 as we zipped through the streets of Lusaka


Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone


Both the signs and the use of the ability to delay and disrupt the lives of others without any other good cause is simply a LoL sign of self importance and self worth far beyond reality and actuality. It only shows that the person is not confident and needs a constant jolt of visual stimulus that proves that they still have the power to do such things. It indicates a propensity towards corruption to me because this would be another indication of self worth that such people crave like an addiction. Better the leader that lets others determine his value and esteem him/her accordingly. Better still is the leader who values others above himself and thinks of their needs first. 😎

Indeed, @deaconlee! And there are only a few political leaders in the world who could truly claim to be practicing servant leadership, or leadership the way you describe it so eloquently.

As an environmental technician, I really loved to know that Lusaka is well managing its waste. And also about using solar energy. Good news!!
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Hi, @juniordionesio, appreciate your perspective! I won't say Lusaka is managing its waste, but it seems to be managing it better than it did in the past. One foot in front of the other gets you to your destination....

I agree with you @kiligirl. Slow and steady.

wellcome back @kiligirl, you came here i think after 2 weaks.nice clicks you shared during travelling also nice written. keep it up and thanks.
Steem On

Thank you for the kind welcome back, @rabeel, and you're right - it's been nearly two weeks. It's good to be back! Steem on :-)

Nice when we start reading i feel that i am in Zambia and visiting . Thanks for this stunning effort

Thank you, @syedabuabdillah (this is the second time I am posting this reply - I hope it works this time).

i like such blog. this blog is more informative

Yay I missed you here on Steemit! 😬
Lusaka looks and sounds interesting!
Why the sheepish grin!?

Thank you 😘. Sheepish grin because I was convinced I'd be able to keep posting while I was in Lusaka 😂

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Hello Kiligirl..welcome back..I really missed you.. Had gone through your post.It seems you are very busy with your personal work in Lusaka...Had seen the sign boards on the road side. I think the government is taking steps to make the people aware of it..and the roadside shops were amazing..anyway, hope you will join us soon. Have a great time...

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