I Moved to Africa to Work at an NGO - STEEMING for Support!

in #life7 years ago

I have been thoroughly enjoying digging into the rich, black, worm-filled compost made from horse manure and used bedding. It is part of my work with the Earth Haven Project (www.earthhaven.org) in a mission to revive this dead land, turning it into a safe haven for the return of indigenous species that have long since left, as well as a food source for the local community.

This 'black gold' is placed in the pots in the eco-tunnel, where we are growing food for people, as well as around the base of all the berry bushes outside, including gooseberry, grenadilla and blueberry, which will provide sustenance for the insects, birds, and other animals.

In this way, we are not looking at these critters as 'pests', but rather as important parts of a dynamic ecosystem that is in dire need of humam intervention.

The moist, nutrient rich compost will nourish the plants , as after years of drought and farming, the soil in the area is not fit for much other than grasses and some plains trees. Land that has been parceled off, cleared, and then used for crops for so long is usually left uninhabitable and degraded as farmers literally move on to greener pastures to repeat the cycle.

The time is here for projects like Earth Haven to come in and clean up the mess, restoring the bountiful potential of the land as nature, in an almost graceful act of forgiveness, has provided us the time to do.

There is still time, but not an endless amount of time. Please support us so we can continue our work, taking responsibility where governments have let us down. We need you in masses, but it starts with one. One person, one dollar a month, one month at a time.

We have done so much with so little, your dollar will be stretched, that is a guarantee. Pledge here: www.patreon.com/earthhaven

#EarthHaven #planetearth #sustainability #communityliving #eatlocal


Wow great ..
You are doing great job ..

Look good my friend @kimzilla thank for sharing

This photo makes me speechless where African peoples were struggling for low yield of food.
I have heard African government itself has neglected to invest adequately in agriculture sector. I hope with your Earth Project Haven Team, you could unlock Africa's agriculture potentiality for agriculture. Farming is not just a work, it's a way of life to keep nature charm and our biodiversity and ecosystem alive🙂. The nature has given us a place to live, learn and enjoy and it's human responsibility to keep nature feel alive🙂


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