🌴🌴|| STEEM PLANTS CONTEST WEEK #12||Orange tree care and some important information.||BY-@kingrakib||(08 /05 /2021)||🌴🌴

Hi everyone

I am @kingrakib came from Bangladesh.

Trees balance our environment and save our lives. I love planting trees, I hope you like planting trees too. You plant trees yourself and encourage others to plant trees.

Today i am going to participate STEEM PLANTS CONTEST WEEK #12.@knopka145 Madam, thank you very much for organizing such a beautiful competition and for giving me the opportunity to participate in such a competition. This is my first post and in my first post I will discuss with you about the orange tree. How to plant and take care of orange trees and grow from small to large and bear plenty of fruit.

I am trying to make my orange garden in a short range. Creating a garden is a difficult task. Money is needed, a lot of space is needed and the biggest thing is the mindset to create a garden. I have no mentality to make a garden, but due to lack of space and money I am not able to make a garden on a large scale. I will tell you about my orange orchard today. Hopefully everyone likes to eat oranges. Oranges are delicious fruits and lots of juicy fruits.

I will try to highlight the orange tree from the first day of planting until the fruit ripens.

Oranges We all love to eat. Oranges can be eaten as a fruit, orange juice can be eaten, and also orange peel has many medicinal properties that help us to take care of our skin. So let's get started, let's learn some information about the life secrets of this orange tree, how to plant an orange tree, how to take care of it, and finally we will discuss with you today about everything from picking fruits and ripening oranges. Please read the post with a little effort.

  • Step 1

I will tell you about planting orange trees in phases. As you can see in the picture, it is an orange sapling. It will be four to five months old. After four or five months, the tree has grown a little and it is clear that it is an orange tree.The orange tree was born in my backyard. If we leave it in the yard of our house, then we have goats and cows in our house, who will eat the tree. So I took great care of the tree and planted it in my garden.

  • Step 2

The best time to plant an orange or lemon tree is at the beginning of the rainy season or in the month of June, and in other words, now is the best time to plant an orange tree. Now there is light rain which helps the orange tree to grow very fast. I brought orange trees from my backyard and planted them in my garden.

The soil for planting oranges must be good, dry and fertile. The organic matter in the soil needs to form a balanced mixture of sand and clay. Determine whether the soil is healthy for orange trees. It remains to be seen whether one inch of standing water will be absorbed into the soil after one hour.Orange lemon trees need to be fertilized in the hole while planting as fertilizing does not damage the roots of the orange tree.

If weeds are born at the base of the orange tree, they have to be cleared very soon, because if there are weeds at the base of the tree, the growth of the tree is hindered and it is hindered to grow in sufficient quantity. Weeds have caused a lot of damage. So the tree has to be weeded constantly.

  • Step 3

It's May. It is the rainy season in Bangladesh so there is no need to water the roots of the orange trees regularly. There is a lot of water during the rainy season, which is enough to grow orange trees. Orange trees die very quickly if excess water is added to the base of the tree or water accumulates. Usually orange trees are mostly cultivated on the slopes of the hills. Because water does not accumulate at the base of the tree on the sloping land of the hill, so it does not die. Orange trees have to be irrigated regularly, but the rainy season is now in Bangladesh, so I do not need to water the orange trees. But it is good to know that orange trees need to be watered abundantly.

  • Step 4

If you want to cultivate oranges, you have to take a lot of care of the orange tree. Regular watering, application of poisons, weeding is to be done. When the tree is young, it is necessary to apply the poison once. For the insects not to eat the leaves of the tree and not to eat the roots of the tree, it is necessary to mix the poison in water and spray in this way.

When the tree is 1 to 2 years old, it is necessary to apply poison again, because the leaves of the orange tree are eaten by insects and if the leaves of the tree are eaten by insects, the tree dies, so the amount of poison has to be applied.

When the plant is two to three years old, the poison has to be applied again. Because if you don't apply the right amount of poison, you won't get very good yield from the orange lemon tree, and if you don't get more orange, it is harmful for me.

When it is time for the orange tree to bear fruit, in a word, when the tree bears flowers, it is necessary to apply poison once. This is the last time because when the flowers come, the infestation of insects is very high, if the poison cannot be applied, then all the flowers of the orange tree are destroyed Resulting in the fruit of the tree holding the com. In a word, the orange tree needs to be poisoned three times. Adequate amount of poison should not be used. Excessive poisoning will not yield good yields from the plant. So we need to use enough poison.

  • Step 5

The roots of the tree should be cleaned once every 5 to 7 days. When the orange fruit comes on the tree, the roots of the tree should be cleaned as much as possible and water should be given as much as possible. Because when the fruit of the tree is gone, the nutrition of the tree is needed a little more. Therefore, weeds need to be cleaned and water needs to be used for adequate nutrition of the plants. Sometimes using a little organic fertilizer is very beneficial.

  • Step 6

The orange lemon tree grows very nicely with proper care and attention. The tree looks very beautiful. Plenty of fruit is available. It is very juicy to eat orange fruit. Everyone loves to eat, my parents in my house, my neighbors all love to eat the orange fruit of my tree. It tends to be much tastier.

  • Step 7

I have taken great care of my orange orchard for which I have got a lot of fruits this time. Each of my trees has got a lot of fruits this time. When the fruit of the orange tree is small, it looks like a small lemon, the aroma is also like a lemon, it looks very beautiful. My tree has borne more than 200 to 300 fruits this time. Because my tree is small now. This is the first fruit of the first orange tree in my garden, so the amount is a little less. I hope much more fruit will come next year. Now I am waiting for the orange fruit to ripen.

  • Step 8

When the orange fruit ripens, its skin color turns yellow. Then it becomes edible. Then oranges have a lot of juice and it becomes suitable for marketing. The main reason I developed my orange orchard was to make myself self-sufficient. I have succeeded at least a little. This time I have returned my family's prosperity by selling oranges and lemons. Orange cultivation is profitable. If it can be cultivated wisely, then a lot of fruits can be obtained from each tree.

Health benefits of oranges:

Nutritional value of 130 grams of orange

Potassium237 miligrams
Calories61.1 g
Fat0.16 g
Sugar12.2 g

The daily requirement of various essential vitamins and minerals from an orange is shown.

Fiber9.34% depending on age
Vitamin C92.93% females and 77.44% males
Calcium4.36% and 5.24% depending on age

Thank you all very much again. I hope you all like my tree planting post. I will come to you next time with something better if I get your love. Everyone will be well, stay healthy, plant more and more trees, because trees save the environment, keep us alive, all the animals of the world keep everything alive. We will plant more and more trees and protect the environment. We will be better and take in healthy oxygen.

@knopka145 Madam thank you so much again for organizing such a beautiful competition.


Very good post korecish 100% like korlam...

sotti...thank you for your nice comment.

Nice post.

All the best post thanks.

Thank you vai.etto sundor comment korar jonno.

Hey! really 200-300 fruits? I didn't think that you can get that much even from a large tree. good care is a guarantee of a good harvest! Thank you for your participation!

Many many thanks for reading my post

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