As predicted 9 days ago - Top Exchange Closes Doors for New Users

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Exactly 9 days ago i wrote a post where i spoke that exchanges will start closing doors for new users more and more -

Currently to the list of closed ones got Binance - the top1 volume exchange of the world.

So i suggest to speed up and register to other ones that are still open ie KuCoin that has same feeling as B.

Others Smaller/Differnt Use

  • BitMex - best place for leverage trading of loads of coins
  • CoinExchange - smaller coins but also big ones, loads of things to get early
  • LiveCoin - has SBD and some cool coins not found anywhere else
  • SimpleFX - anon forex with crypto and also BTC, NMC and other leveraged trades up to x500

Decentralized Will Never Close!

OpenLedger built on Bitshares will never close because its decentralized. It cannot close or steal funds. It has loads of pairs and also STEEM EOS SBD since its same faily as this very platform.

Follow, Resteem and VOTE UP @kingscrown creator of blog for 0day cryptocurrency news and tips!


It is strannge for me to see how little people know about DEX , the decentralized exchanges. Though the future belongs to DEX. Some boast their uncovenient and limited services today, while others continue the hard work in creating a better breed and still flying "under radar" (like blocknet) .
Everyone who wants not to miss the "next train" should keep an eye on them (DEX)

Interesting I have to put some time into investigating this further... What are the pros & cons compared to a "normal" crypto-exchange?

There is so much to answer to this - you could probably read day an night for half a year. One good place to read, with many links etc is this 3.5 year long thread:

BLOCKNET is my favorite. ( As I see it as the best, superior to competitors)
But ... it is not the only one

Thank you for the great advice! This stuff is so fascinating!

Thanks for sharing your wisdom @onealfa!
I will check out the link you shared and try to read day and night for 6 months...
There is so much to learn about this subject, it doesn't get boring that is for sure...
If you have time please take a look at my first blogg-post here it is about crypto,
it would be nice to hear your feedback @onealfa!
Read here: Will (ETHOS) fix the financial system (and make you rich)?!


  • many gateway to deposit/withdraw the coins (openledger, rudex, cryptobridge), so you avoid the failure of a unique company
  • your balance is on a blockchain and not in the private database of a company, so no one can manipulate your funds
  • shared order book that interconnect all the gateway and let you buy on one exchange and send to another without moving your coins out/in


  • harder to understand

Con? to someone willing "to understand" this might be not a real CON

Ha ha "harder to understand" your funny, thanks for your explanation sounds like some real "next-level" stuff... =)

OK, Thanks 1-Alpha! I'm noting that all my 'exchanges' I've dealt with so far leave a lot to be desired.
Coinbase (blah, not really an 'exchange' at all!) and then Kraken, good tools and trading pairs, but still a centralized exchange... Poloniex is OK, needs a lot more trading pairs, but now they are insisting I step up my verifications, for tax purposes I'm sure LOL

I'm going to follow you (done!) as you are where I want to be in a year or less... My account is growing with leaps and bounds, plus my other stuff is blooming pretty good as well :)

Yes, it is odd that cryptonites push for decentralization, yet, eagerly trade on non-decentralized exchanges, without regard.

Ironically, I have a current post regarding the vital need to research exchanges before signing on, with this "top exchange" as a focus.


@onealfa the main issue is to get to the cryptomarket. In South Africa we only have 2 to exchange from Fiat to crypto, making things very difficult.... For me this is the main barrier.... But I completely agree that decentralized is the THING!

For me buying BTC or ETH is difficult using credit/debit card as most exchanges don't offer this.Coinbase is not available in India.

Soon there's a new exchange platform where paying via PayPal is possible. Take a look a

Nice article, lucky enough I think I have a registered account at binance, but I believe I had some issues there trying to make that site work properly, I guess I did not put enough time into it I know I should have...

This crypto world is so amazing but the learning curve is steep...
And what about these "the decentralized exchanges"???
From reading the article I am guessing OpenLedger is one, is it really safe and fully operational???

Decentralized.... and fully operstional. Take a look at IDEX.

And shapeshift is very expensive if you want to buy SNT, Aragon or Golem. It’s almost five dollars for transaction. It’s cheaper to get ETC

God bless you.

Just hodl it! Although You should not be greedy if we really want this to blossom into the Future of Money.

Hmmm if OpenLedger is decentralized - and has USD pairs that the site claims are backed 1 - 1 with real dollars, who is holding the cash?

Also, fiat w/d and deposits are currently disabled, so how are they trading in them? Are they Tethers and not dollars?

Those are bitUSD/bitEUR/bitCNY/bitBTC/bitGOLD/..., they are called Smart Coin in bitshares terminology. The collateral is decentralized. Every Bitshares user can lock some BTS as collateral to issue smart coins. No central point of failure.
More info here:

Currently Fiat deposit is closed, but you can deposit many other tokens, they will be guaranteed by openledger (so centralized). Then you can sell it for a smart coin to avoid the risk of default of openledger. You will then be able to go out through another gateway (rudex, cryptobridge, ...)

I'm trying to get an account of bittrex for 2 weeks now. It's too bad I didn't sign up to binance when I had the chance...

That really does suck about biannace as it's slightly cheaper than bitrrex and has a few more coins.

Bittrex is still very good however so I hope you get on soon!

So why does everyone prefer bittrex?

They allow you to trade many coins, they are relatively trustwothy, and they serve NY.

What makes you think that users prefer bittrex? Binance is seeing more volume and has halted new user registration.

Again, like the OpenLedger concept, but the WITHDRAWAL FEES for minnows are exhorbitant no? Try inserting 100 steem into OpenLedger, and then withdraw the same amount, they grab a HUGE fee. Can you account for this?

Uh what? Costs are very very low, and in the case of Steem, you pay 0 steem to withdraw, and about 0.20 usd gateway fees, its way cheaper than centralized exchanges

Edol, we are referring to the WITHDRAWAL FEE charged by OpenLedger when removing Steem from OpenLedger back to Steemit wallet. Yes, agreed, the STEEM fees are nothing, that's not the issue. We still have yet to find anyone fully explaining these OpenLedger withdrawal fees.

I'm glad I read it to the end because I was going to say "What about Openledger?" :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 61436.18
ETH 2381.46
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.55