Road to Masters #2: 2 Days of League Results, Lags are Getting Worst, Best Game Among the Worst Games.
Due to my winning streak a few days ago, My division went up from being a Gold 1 to Platinum 4. However, since the place I am playing at is currently having internet problems (consistent 140+ ping), I was not able to bring my best and had a losing streak.
This is today's result:
And yesterday's:
Yesterday's games are still playable with 30+ping to 100 ping. It was laggy and jumps from time to time but I was able to play good games. Today's games are worst. I had a game where in the ping spiked up to a consistent 400+ ping where in there was a 2 second delay. When this problem is solved, I would try to climb up again but if not, I would either go find another internet shop to play at (so long my loyalty), or just do normal games for the meantime.
Best Game:
If I were to pick what is my best game is that the one where I went 7/1 against a top Kai'sa. Kai'sa is a new champion but I never underestimated her. The Kai'sa player is actually good. She harasses me so much that I needed to keep my distance. Unlike vayne, she has longer range so she was not able to get the minion aggro.
The only reason why I was able to dominate the lane is due to 2 things:
- Champion Mastery
- Knowledge vs an ADC top
Champion Mastery:
As I always say, I have 430 000+ Mastery points on Tahm. I say this not to boast, but to show how many games I played with him against a variety of champions. Mastering a champion would also give you the confidence you needed to dive an adr or a lane you are not favorable off. Moreover, since I know the limitations of my champion, I know when I am over extending or being over aggressive thus my lane opponent will have harder time killing me.
Knowledge vs an ADC TOP:
I fought a lot against top vaynes and I dominate them most of the time. Riot's idea for Kai'sa is same as Vayne's. An ADC that is High Risk High Reward, late game burst and not so strong early laning phase. Tahm Kench is an all around tank that excels against 1v1 matchups. Since I met a lot of Vayne players, I have grasped a few tips and tricks against them like when to engage and disengage. Kai'sa is fairly new. A month hasn't passed since her release. If she used her probably for a few months, the result would be quite different.
Match Statistics:
Even though I had 7 kills, the game actually is in favor of the opponent's team. Our botlane is feeding and also our jungler. If our midlane is not good, we probably would not get a good result.
Since we're losing lanes and as you can see in the team gold advantage:
We are actually losing the game HARD. What I did is to split push all the way top lane and hope some of the enemies follow me. If I will be able to pull at least 2 enemies from the team fight, our team would have an advantage of 4v3. Even if only 1 of my team mate is feeded, that 1 extra champion on team fights balances the opponent's advantages.
Split Pushing Game:
ZZrot portal is an underestimated item on League for the reason that unlike other items, it does not provide high stats, no useful actives for team fights, no useful passive on team fights, and players often plays for kills, thus items that would be useful for killing and not being killed are the popular ones.
Zzrot offers immense pushing power for tanks. Every 4th spawnlings will deal damage on towers based on the champion's maximum health. The passive provides 20% move speed when in friendly towers or destroyed towers. All of these are really useful for split pushing.
With Zzrot I was able to get my teams back into play. I pushes as they pushes. When team fight occurs on mid, I make sure at least 1 enemy would be going to toplane to defend. I places my zzrot portal then uses my ultimate to go into team fights. If the opponent would go all in on team fight, we would have 5v5 but would probably lose, however, since I have my zzrot pushing on top, by the time We lose the team fight, we also have taken the top tower or inhibitor. If the enemy would be defending top lane, I would still push the lane since no one would be able to stop me 1v1. If they would send two, I would ult back to mid and we would be in an advantage of 3v5 in midlane and the opponent would probably die and we would take a tower or inhibitor. Any plays that the opponent would do will be unfavorable to them.
My kills are mostly top lane as well. I pushes bot CS first then go mid then top and focuses on top and mid. This results in favorable snowballs towards the end of the game.
Kills are really important since they make you snowball for easier wins BUT even if Solo kills would make you strong, the team wouldn't. Towers takedown would give gold to all team members thus making your tilted team mates get back into game.
We ended up with a victory thanks to me and our midlane. If it was only me who is feeded, then I would be tanky enough but we would lose hard in the team fights even if I were able to pull 2 of the opponent so commendations to Archive, the Leblanc player for making the result different.
Worst Game:
Well all of my losing games are worst games (lol).
There are really no outstanding plays or anything that we would get from them. I was just really lagging so I would not be able to dodge or do anything on those games. If my internet is fine and we still lost, then I would say a thing or two on how I lost. Losing games are important to remind you that you are still lacking something. It is up to you to make most of those lost games.
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