Rebel In The Rye–叛逆字傳:我的麥田捕曲
In November, there is a movie attract me is called Rebel in the Rye. It is based on the book J. D. Salinger: A Life by Kenneth Slawenski, about the life of young writer J. D. Salinger during and after World War II.
在十一月有一套很有吸引力電影名為[叛逆字傳:我的麥田捕曲]。本片改編自史拉文斯基─[沙林傑傳],故事講述二十世紀非凡小說家─[麥田捕手]作者沙林傑的叛逆少年時代。沙林傑一直夢想逃出成人世界的虛偽,追尋自己的寫作夢,無奈他如何努力,現實總令他挫折纍纍 。其後他被逼參戰,經歷不能磨滅的創傷,加上被富家情人拋棄,與啟蒙老師決裂。最後,終激發他寫下反抗權威,追求自我的傳世作品[麥田捕手]。
Let us go though the book-[The Catcher in the Rye].
The story concerns Holden Caulfield, a smart but troubled teenager who, after being expelled from his boarding school in December 1949, spends three days wandering around New York City, mourning for the loss of innocence in children, and failing to understand the people that surround him. Holden himself can come off as a Jerk with a Heart of Gold as he unkindly judges almost everyone, but as the book explores his underlying psychological issues and reaches its Bittersweet Ending, his true nature becomes apparent.
This is my favor paragraph.「Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around - nobody big, I mean - except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff - I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be.」
I read this book many years ago, I will pick it up to read again before I go to see the movie. The same book will have different views at your life stage.
The definition of a good movie for me is that have a subtext messages. Movie can explore my views. As same as movie, the post I type here that I want to bring you a message. Whatever you think, just enjoy it!
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Hey kona,
Thanks for the great content