Weekly Curation Report by Team Burn- Second week December 2023

in Steem POD Team6 months ago

Edited By PhotoFiltre


Greetings dear Steemians,

As we acheive the conclusion of the second week of December, specifically on Thursday, December 14, 2023, we find ourselves at a significant juncture coinciding with the release of the Team Burn curation report. The primary objective of this endeavor has been to actively endorse posts that adhere to the guidelines of the #burnsteem25 campaign. Notably, this campaign is dedicated to curbing Steem token inflation while spotlighting top-notch user-generated content throughout the week commencing December 8, 2023.

Upon closer examination of the developments during this second week, a notable uptick in the number of posts receiving upvotes has been observed, reaching a total of 170—a commendable increase from the preceding week's figure of 161. Furthermore, it is heartening to note that the count of engaging comments, also earning upvotes, has remained consistent at 36, underscoring the sustained quality of interaction within the community.


For a more comprehensive understanding, let's delve into a detailed analysis of the outcomes from the second week of our efforts. In the course of this presentation, we will intricately examine the communities that have garnered support from our team, quantify the number of posts that secured upvotes, identify the most impactful hashtags, and conduct a thorough assessment of the current state of the club.

This moment serves as an optimal occasion to celebrate the triumphs of the users and to contemplate the ways in which our initiative has contributed to realizing the objectives outlined in the #burnsteem25 campaign. Your insights and reflections on this enriching experience are warmly welcomed, so please don't hesitate to share your thoughts and ideas.

Our statistics:

Let's delve deeper into the statistics and insights derived from the club status, tag usage, geographic distribution, and the communities supported during this significant period.

Community Support and Publications:

The comprehensive statistical analysis covers 26 communities that received support during this week. This diverse range of communities demonstrates the breadth of topics and interests within the Steem ecosystem. Users from these communities have contributed their unique perspectives and creations, fostering a rich and vibrant environment.


Tag Utilization :

Despite the consistent dominance of #thediarygame as the most frequently used tag, it is crucial to underline the importance of incorporating distinct and specific tags alongside it. The provided statistical visual emphasizes the need for diverse tags, enhancing content discoverability and ensuring that each publication finds its niche audience.


Geographic Diversity:

The geographic distribution of supported publications highlights the global reach of the Steem platform. With contributions from 17 different countries, the prominence of Venezuela and Indonesia showcases the international and inclusive nature of the community. This diversity not only signifies the platform's growth but also underscores the healthy competition and collaboration among communities worldwide.


Club Status Variation:

The status of clubs reveals a dynamic scenario with noticeable variations. The predominant #club5050 stands at an impressive 65%, indicating a substantial commitment to the principles of equal distribution. Following closely is #club100, representing 26%, and #club75 at 9%. This breakdown emphasizes the diverse nature of contributions, showcasing a mix of equal reward allocation and more focused reward distributions within specific communities.


Top 7 Selected Publications Of The Week:

The article : Link
The author:@chasad75
Club status: #club5050
Chosen by:@sduttaskitchen


The definition of humanity we often forget especially when it comes to taking care of animals who can't express themselves in words. While reading the content I felt proud of our friend. The way he describes his pets and the way he takes care. I have seen people leave their pets when they become sick.Though that is a challange post; But there is a message for all those who love to keep pets at their home. Hence, I nominated this post as the top post of the week.

The article : Link
The author:@ninapenda
Club status: #club5050
Chosen by:@inspiracion


@ninapenda tells us about a day that begins with a list of tasks to do, for which she prepares and goes to carry out each of them. A visit to the bank is a test of patience to achieve what was planned, then she will pay a visit to the tailor to check that everything is going well as requested. Then she continues with her schedule of going to the stylist, then home, to rest and go to church.

It was very interesting to read this diary and see her dedication to carrying out each of her tasks, in which she shows a patient and animated attitude. She illustrates the story with photos that give us a more complete idea of ​​what she is telling us.

It is the story of a day that inspires us to set goals and achieve them with patience and a good attitude.

The article : Link
The author:@rdp89
Club status: #club75
Chosen by:@kouba01


It is a pleasure to discover @rdp89's participation in the season 14 challenge. His approach to survival in natural environments is insightful and well-founded. The choice of the jungle as the ideal place to survive is supported by solid arguments, highlighting the availability of essential resources such as water, animals and fruits.

The reference to the show "Survival Naked" adds a practical and realistic touch to his perspective. The detailed description of necessary skills, must-have items and the disadvantages of depending on the urban lifestyle shows a deep understanding of the topic.

The article : Link
The author:@crismenia
Club status: #club100
Chosen by:@irawandedy


On curation on December 11 2023, I nominated a post with the theme Diary Game as Top Post. The selection as Top Post is based on several things, for example, the author writes in detail about his activities from morning to evening, the most important thing is that the author is able to show different moments in each picture, such as a trip to the shopping centre, finding Christmas decorations, and enjoying delicious food. Descriptions of daily activities attract other users to read them, and the accompanying images add authenticity to the Diary Game of the Day.

The article : Link
The author:@yenny47
Club status: #club5050
Chosen by:@sduttaskitchen


Our friend mentioned in the post how the cleanliness of a house creates an impression about the person in that house.
Mothers are indeed responsible for keeping the house clean. But if every member of the family does some work from their side, then the work is a little easier for the mother. That somewhere teaches us a lesson that, cleanliness is not only one member's responsibility!

I love the thoughts of our friend when she mentioned how we can involve children in homework. If they put away their toys and clean their bed, it doesn't bother them much, but they can help a little with the housework. And they develop the habit of keeping the house clean from childhood. If you listen to music while cleaning, the work gets done much faster and you don't feel tired.

Well elaborated and some essential messages are conveyed in the above post.

The article : Link
The author:@vasc0
Club status: #club5050
Chosen by:@inspiracion


@vasc0 shares his ideas about traveling, the necessary equipment for a trip according to the place to visit, the time to spend there, as well as the season, whether it is summer or winter.

He illustrates his publication, accompanying his words with appropriate images that allow us to have a clearer idea of ​​what he expresses.

The article : Link
The author:@fjjrg
Club status: #club5050
Chosen by:@kouba01


@fjjrg, I would like to express my appreciation for your post describing the celebration of the V anniversary of the Scout Mara group. Your ability to detail your day, from waking up to the end of the festivities, allows readers to fully immerse themselves in your experience. Your active engagement as a university professor and scout leader reinforces the credibility of your story.

The photos you included greatly enrich your publication, giving readers a visual view of the celebration, activities and participants. Your recognition of parents and staff for their contribution underlines the importance of collective effort in the success of the event.

The indigenous theme chosen for the atmosphere adds an interesting cultural and educational dimension to the celebration. In addition, recognition and prize giving to winning patrols help to establish a feeling of success and recognition for participants.

Overall, your post successfully conveys the emotion and pride associated with the Scout group's anniversary celebration. Thank you for sharing this enriching experience.

This is our second report for this month of December, Team Burn would like to thank the Steemit moderators for their support over the past period.

We are at your disposal for any question or comment.

To learn more about our work, please click here

Thank you so much.

Best regards,


@inspiracion [Venezuela]
@irawandedy [Indonesia]
@kouba01 [Tunisia]
@sduttaskitchen [India]

 6 months ago 

Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
(Go to https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type fbslo at the bottom of the page)

The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

Muchas gracias por la nominación y apoyo @irawandedy. Me complace saber que mi publicación haya sido de su agrado.

Saludos y bendiciones.

Me siento muy contenta por qué mi publicación fue seleccionada eso me motiva a seguir publicando y tratar de dar lo mejor de mi para que pueda ser de provecho al lector.
Hay muchas cosas que mejorar y estoy atenta a las recomendaciones.
Gracias equipo mil gracias

Muchas gracias por resaltar mi publicacion, muy buenas publicaciones han seleccionado.


Posted using SteemPro Mobile

Thank you for selecting my post as best of the week. I will do my best to share my publication with my thoughts and feelings in words. 💕 💕

Wow! Thank you so much Sir @inspiracion. I am happy for this selection. It's amazing how you found my publication worthy to be selected, thank you so much. To the steemit team, thank you all.

Friend kouba01, thank you for being mentioned, I wish you success and many blessings.

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