Co-Sleeping with Your Baby Seen as 'Child Abuse' and a 'Reason' for Kidnapping Them

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

The time-honored tradition of parents sleeping with their babies is coming under fire and being threatened by the controllers of society. It used to be a normal practice, but not anymore thanks to doctors and other experts who frown upon this behavior. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is alleging it is connected to SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) and even linking it to perversion and sexual abuse.


Rather than allow parents to be connected to their children during sleep, we have to be separated and put kids in cribs for all sleeping times. There are no longer any valid health or emotional benefits, only problems that outweigh such claims, at least that's how it's being portrayed.

Child Protective Services (CPS) is also stepping in to steal babies from their loving parents for this apparent "crime". So yes, co-sleeping is now a grave risk to the child's health, since CPS can come and kidnap them. That's a "good" way to put an end to co-sleeping, through fear of child abduction. What a great system!

True, some parents may be negligent, and be drunk or drug users that can be a danger to sleeping little babies, but that doesn't mean all parents are the same. Yet so-called "studies" that come out lump all parents together as unfit to sleep beside their child. The problems of a few parents are being cast over all parents to deny them co-sleeping and justifying the kidnapping of babies.

What do the statistics have to say about the risk?

Image by Cristina Spanò for NPR. Sources for statistics: BMJ Study On Bed-Sharing (SIDS); NOAA (lightning); CDC (drowning and car accident); NIH (peanut allergy)

You better be careful posting anything online where you are sleeping next to your baby. These innocent and sweet photos of mommy or daddy sleeping beside a baby are now grounds for being reported to CPS for neglectful or abusive behavior. The control-freaks are on the prowl to make sure you abide by their rules.

And be careful sharing these details with your child's doctor. Some pediatricians have reported parents for daring to put their child in such "grave danger". For these doctors, the risk outweigh any benefits or rights the parents have to be with their child.

Studies from the 2000s indicated a higher risk of baby injury from a bed not designed for them (as the beds are often too soft and fluffy for the baby), and by 2011 pediatricians were giving strong advice not to share a bed with the baby, but now the message is turning into:

Not only shouldn't you sleep with your baby, but it's almost against the law, and parents should be arrested.

Look at this crazy ad from the Safe Sleep Campaign in the city of Milwaukee:

A meat clever by the baby. Because sleeping with your baby is like chopping them with a knife, right? What the hell...

Another ad had a tombstone on the parental bed, etched with the phrase: "For too many babies last year, this was their final resting place."

Studies put alcoholics, drug users and smokers int eh same category as low-risk parents to conclude the same level of danger applies to all parents. Studies that looked at the absence of the high-risk factors some parents pose to their children concluded a much lower risk, despite some accidents still occurring.

"For babies older than 3 months of age, there was no detectable increased risk of SIDS among families that practiced bed-sharing, in the absence of other hazards."

If the baby is younger than 3 months, there may be an increased risk because of how fragile they are, but it's still nowhere near the other high-risk factors. Of note is that none of these studies look at how vaccines or other causes correlated as a factor in SIDS.

Many children want to be close to their parents for comfort and security. Forcing them to sleep in a crib can cause separation anxiety and trauma as they cry to be in their parents care, why isn't that seen as "abuse" by these experts? Babies are secure and bonding with parents, and have an easier access to be breast fed (which is another often taboo subject in our confused society).

The UK has shifted from a scare tactic to forbid bed-sharing to instead focus on safer ways to do it. If you have a bed that isn't suited for a young babies comfort and security, then maybe you need to change your bed to make sure they are as safe as can be. Take the steps necessary if that's the case.

The AAP hasn't budged though. Doctors or social workers who are told of bed-sharing can result in a child being taken into the foster "care" system which makes them 6 times more likely to be abused, raped, molested or killed.

How exactly he CPS thinks they are helping babies by stealing them from their parents is a wonder. They must be so bent on controlling people that they don't care about the actual safety and wellbeing of the babies.


Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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That's it. I've had it. Time to posse up the entire nation and arrest these psycho-babbling morons.

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"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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Every kid in my family sleeps with their parents. I was the LAST kid, my parents, no kid came along AFTER me to kick me out of my parents bed. In my family that is the way it works, usually the kid sleeps with his/her parents until another kid/ baby comes along & kicks him out. It has been this way not just with my family, but it seems to be the way most of my cousins, nieces, nephews are also raising their kids. In fact I'd say about at least 70% of the CLOSE - life long family friends that not just me, but my extended family has- all raise their kids this way.

After a few years- the MEN USUALLY start ASKING - are the kids Sleeping in their OWN beds tonight?

There is NOTHING WRONG with this sleeping arraignment for normal, healthy well functioning people.

I will say HOWEVER- that recently, in the past few years, I have noticed a few casual acquaintances (NOT FAMILY- NOT FRIENDS) stupid women, mention how they have their NEW boyfriends sleeping in bed with them & their kids. A BIG RED FLAG NO NO NO!

I read numerous times over the years SIDS is yet another effect of Infants Getting VACCINES.

At what AGE a child should be sleeping in their own bed is a valid question. But to suggest that Newborn infants or toddlers still in diapers, should be SEPARATED from the loving human contact of their MOTHER and off in a DIFFERENT room, is promoted by the Government because an Infant & Toddler that lacks motherly love & contact will grow up to be a Mal-Adjusted person - MORE Easy for the Government to CONTROL.

Yup, it's pretty normal for many. Thanks for the feedback.

Thank you for posting this.

A few thoughts about parents sleeping with infants/babies in the same bed. Here in Asia (I am in China) it is actually quite the norm, culturally (especially in Japan, Korea, and China). There is no such nonsense about parents being deemed "cruel" or "unfit" here about such a thing. This is a Western construct devised by TPTB as yet another arm to destroy the family unit. Unfortunately, doctors are in on the game. And don't get me started with vaccines.

It is absolutely ridiculous the levels things have gone to in the US in particular (but my home country of Canada is not far behind and Australia seems just as bad. In the US, the CDC is nothing more than a branch of organized crime put in place as a source/funnel of children and infants for child trafficking. I would not want to live in the US, as your child could be taken from you in an instant for very bogus reasons. Some states seem more crazy than others (like California).

Glad to see that there is a support community on Steemit for parents to share info and tips as to better protect themselves.

Thanks for sharing.

Yes, it's certainly about replacing the family autonomy and creating dependence on the state and favoring the state for one's survival. The control of authoritarians is scary :/

That's the thing with experts sometimes. None of this is absolute science. First, showing something statistically isn't going to establish a causal relationship. Second, as you have shown, even statistically speaking it sounds like an absurd idea. and to think it would come to this - parents sleeping with their child is now criminal - how truly and utterly absurd. But this is what experts do sometimes, the crazier the idea sounds, the more applause it gets.

And i am shocked to see how meaningless the studies done by these experts are. So many variables have been left out that are absolutely relevant to find out the reason for SIDS. And to rely on such an incomplete assessment to make something so pure & important a criminal thing. Thanks for sharing this, tells us where the world is headed. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. While these experts may be knowledgeable, their conclusions this time are truly dangerous for how we evolve as a society. I am very shocked to read this.

The "experts" like to be in control. If you don't do what they say, they power trip.

This is very frustrating, we know many people who co-slept with their kids and there’s nothing wrong with it. There are risks yes, but there are many benefits to it as well and the benefits out weigh the risks in the proper circumstances.

This is another of the litany of examples of science that’s going political. Science is supposed to produce facts, not form opinions. This is another absurd opinion from the corrupt American medical system. All too often they cherry pick numbers to fit an agenda that they want to push forward; traffic accidents due to cannabis use ignoring many factors and then putting a statistic and percentage on it; this farce of a ‘study’, anything regarding vaccines it’s all modified data, they don’t compare numbers that doesn’t fit their agenda. They don’t even bother to stay unbiased any longer.

Much in life has risks, and knowledge of how to do it right vs. doing it wrong matters. Good point on the politicization of medical research.

How about the studies linking SIDS with vaccines? Just wondering...
They could try sell the risk of suffocation, I guess... but sexual abuse?? How sick are the people who come up with such a thing?? How about when an older kid begs to come to your bed - both of my children (girl/boy) went through such a phase (and grew out of it) - I guess I should be in jail by now...
By the way, some time ago I read an article of some feminist according to whom parents should explain and demand permission from their babies in order to change their nappies, seemingly to teach them about consent... like there's anything sexual about wiping their little asses...

I saw this too - it was some dumb bitch from Australia. Absolutely ridiculous. A large segment of Australians (along with many Canadians, Brits, and Americans) are some of the most dumbed down, gullible, PC/Liberal brain-diseased, gender-confused individuals to walk the earth. No backbone whatsoever. Not sure if there is any hope for them. Thanks for posting. Following you now.

... wow... that's stupid. As if he baby can give consent... it's for their own good anyways. Nothing sexual there... idiots!

The hospital called CPS on me because I chose to breast feed, there was a nurse in my room that was always trying to take my daughter away from me and put her in the bed side bassinet.. like.. excuse me, but I didn't give birth to my daughter just to not be allowed to hold her or feed her..

Unbelievable! Don't know how you guys can live and stand for that.

This was in St. Cloud, MN Mercy Hospital. There is something seriously wrong with the system here in Minnesota.. So serious in fact that a handful of our county CPS agencies are now under investigation after Trump came into office.. I was one of the mothers who wrote to President Trump about CPS and their frivolous spending and half assed fraudulent claims against my family.

Unreal psycho society and retarded people...

Minnesota is a pretty crappy place for raising kids, only because of the cps and elderly people not minding their business.

Based on my own view and level of understanding on this, I see no paramount reason why parents should be separated from their kids....most if not all parents love sleeping with their kids, and placing a law against this is just like taking away the love from this kids. But if we are to view this issue from the angle of it being able to cause sudden infant death, then these agencies are slightly right. Either ways this whole thing shouldn't be an issue atall...

Education sure, but not authoritarian kidnapping... :/

That's another proof that we live in hugely over regulated society. One thing is advice to parents be very careful when you put fragile child near yourself in bed specially if you know that you like to turn in a sleep, but taking the child from parents is crazy police state thing. You can't enforce rules on any habit you don't like, you can promote your view, you can explain to people, why you think such thing is bad.

Yeah, be careful, but to take kids away is crazy control freak symptom...

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