
Happy Birthday,
Eat, Drink and be fat and drunk! :)

That’s the plan!

Thank you so much!

Techincally you're investing in Steem when you vote on this post.

Technically, when I vote on your post, I am using my stake in the platform to take a little bit of the rewards pool from everyone else who actually contributed real content today, and give it to you because for some reason I thought you deserved it.

Happy birthday. ;)

Delete “for some reason I thought” and you nailed it.

May you have the happiest celebration days of birth you've ever had!
Make sure to drunk-text your exes, do things you ''won't'' regret and wake up naked & surrounded by pineapples.

Pineapples appear every time I wake up naked and hungover.

Where do they really come from?

I bet aliens.

Well with flawless logic like that, who could resist?

Exactly. It’s not really about me.

Happy birthday, I fully support the consumption of said bourbon!

Dudes like us have to stick together.

HaPpY bIrThDaY! My birthday is coming too soon, it’s on the 19th. Enjoy YOUR day friend.

Happy Birthday!

Here's a sip on me :P

Thanks my friend.

happy birthday kryptik, have a few for me. upvoted and awaiting the epic pathetic post, damn try saying that when you are drunk.

Happy Birthday bro, hope to see you at the SPL tables.