๐ŸŽถ Open Mic Songwriters Week 5 - Theme: Wind Swept Shore - My Top 5 Judges Selection ๐ŸŽถ

in #openmic โ€ข 7 years ago

So here we are at week 5 of Open Mic Songwriters and yet again another amazing week of entries!

You guys never fail to impress, you make each and every week a pleasure to partake in as a judge and best of all I have the best excuse to sit down and listen to some truly brilliant music.

I can't believe we are past the halfway mark of the first edition of the Songwriters Challenge, it has been so much fun - I have heard so many amazing songs that may not have come into existence, had it not been for this Challenge.

I look forward to hearing what you guys will come up with in the remaining three weeks of the Challenge, you have blown me away week after week - with simply astonishing quality and variety of music, the different takes each of you have over that weeks theme.

Anyways my point is you should all be so proud of what you have accomplished here, so without further delays - here are my picks for this weeks top 5 entries in the Songwriters Challenge.

This week's top 5:

1st Place - @luisferchav- The Wait

I don't know where to start with this entry, you just blew me away in a big way!

What a brilliant entry so unique and beautiful, such a creative way to present this song - I love the looping track, I love it even more that it's all your voice (no instruments included in the loop).

Your voice is so stunning, you have amazing vocal control and range - you use it to full effect in this song, creating such a full and unique sound.

I love the lyrics and the way you have incorporated this weeks theme, you have created an amazing sound and a fantastic song!

There is so much texture to this song and it's even more impressive when you think that it was all done with your voice, this is one of my all time favorite entries into the Challenge and a clear leader in this weeks Challenge.

You use complex language with a decent meaning and better yet you created a beautiful and yet haunting song, with an important message contained within about self growth and self appreciation - a lesson we could all learn to take to heart, believe in yourself and don't allow others to hold you down.

There isn't anything I would change about this song, it is perfect in every way and I absolutely love it - you have given us so many brilliant entries I have no idea how you keep upping the ante.

The structure works so well, I enjoy how you use the evolving hook to aid in telling the story - it has a surreal energy within the timber and harmonic backing vocals.

I have a few favorite lines from this song "this underdog don't bow its head no more" and "I waited for too long Now I know not waiting anymore...", these two sections show the evolution of the character and the story as a whole - and they are in themselves two very powerful lines.

You had me sold on the first listen, I feel as though this is a viral song waiting to get traction - I hope it does go viral as music of this high degree should be shared with the world, so thank you for sharing it so willingly.

You have made a massive fan, not only of this song but of pretty much everything you contribute musically on the platform - I will be listening to this song for many years to come, that's for sure!

2nd Place - @basilmarples -Windswept shore

So Basil you broke me a little this week, your song was just so powerful and emotional - I don't know if it is because my own grandmother passed away last week, but you had me blubbering like a baby within moments.

I always feel a great song is one you can create an instant emotional attachment to, your song spoke to me on so many levels - lyrically, emotionally, technically and of course musically.

Even in a clear emotional moment you presented that song beautifully, in fact I felt it was made even more powerful by your emotional connection to the lyric and meaning.

Your songs lyric structure is tragically beautiful, the verse evolves perfectly telling the sorrowful story of loss you have experienced - and the chorus not only incorporated this weeks theme, but the way you have used it to such massive emotional effect throughout the song is unparalleled.

Over the past few weeks I feel as though I have come to know you in a small way, the moment you were on screen I knew something had deeply affected you - whilst I am so deeply sorry for your loss, the music you created in such loving memory is a majestic honor of those no longer with us in physical form.

In my opinion the most powerful and emotion filled lines (I am tearing up just trying to write this bit):

But long after I have gone
We'll still be walking on this windswept shore
And we wont need anything anymore

I will always love you
Upon this windswept shore
I dont need anything anymore

I have a lump in my throat just reading them, but when you hear the words sung with such clear attachment to the emotion - the listener feels every moment along with you, I think you hit a lot of people hard with this amazing tribute.

The point I was trying to make with the highlighted lyrics, was that they show the depths of the tragically beautiful song you have written - whilst you may feel alone at times you know he is with you and one day eventually you will again be joined, such a poetic beautiful sad conclusion it's just bittersweet perfection.

I can understand your hesitation to participate in playing the song again, but this was an absolutely breathtaking emotional journey - as is life and you have captured both the beauty and the pain with such precision you choked me up repetitively.

Now besides the lyric which is what really hooked me this week, it was coupled by absolutely flawless piano that suited the mood of the piece perfectly - aiding to contribute to the emotional factor even more.

The melody throughout was complex and varied, you showed the full range and tone of the song with your voice - in spite of the emotion becoming overwhelming at times, you held it together better than I could have and I tried singing along it didn't end well.

I have listened to this song at least 30 times now, each time you evoke an emotional response from me - in other words I have been blubbering for an hour writing this section, the tissues are plentiful.

Again I am so sorry for your loss, I cannot fathom the pain you must feel (I get a small idea from the song) - but I hope in some small way writing this song acts as some sort of catharsis for you and aids in the healing process even if only in the slightest.

Thank you so much for feeling secure enough within our community to share such a personal and vulnerable part of yourself with us, know that even if for only a small time you made people feel what you're feeling - which in my opinion is the sign of a perfect song.

In the video you said you weren't sure of the name of the song, for me the most powerful word used throughout the song was "Anymore" - I felt it captured all aspects of the emotion, tone and evolution throughout the song (just a suggestion not trying to force anything, especially if you don't want to revisit it again).

I feel like I could keep writing about this song for hours so I should cut myself off, but know that your song spoke to me on a deeper level - and I think in a way your song is helping me deal with my own recent loss, so thank you so much for that as well.

I appreciate how difficult putting this out there must have been for you, so again thank you for trusting the platform and the community with something so precious - I think it was an epically moving tribute.

3rd Place - @onetruebrother - Wind Swept Shore

Then you go and do it again, oh man I just love the feel of your music - there's a warmth to the tones you choose to use and it creates such a brilliant sound.

I don't normally go for longer intros, but with your music it just works perfectly - there's always such a vibe with your music, such texture and depth.

The lyrics are as always spot on this weeks theme and also just perfect storytelling material, your a seemingly bottomless pit of musical creation that just makes a perfect emotional connection to the listener.

People do like standard structures sure, same as they don't like change - but the thing is writing a good song that isn't necessarily to the formula, means at least to me more skill required to pull it off and indeed you have again.

Formulaic music can be beautiful, but we should never restrict our ability to convey a story and tune - having the versatility to make such a great sounding song that stands on its own, is even more impressive in my mind.

Because of your ability to not follow a formula, you have created yet again another classic @onetruebrother songs I have grown to adore and even love - for the unique and skillful creations that they are, you have a gift and I wish more musicians scoffed at the norms and created what they love and works for them.

Your vocals are as always beautifully arranged with your guitar composition, there is a nice balance within this song - it sounds almost harmonic at moments throughout the song and I just love the way it sounds.

I love the variety of music I have been hearing from you each week of this Challenge, there is always a new element that hits the perfect chord - helping you to create such a unique to you sound that I just love.

I look forward to binging on this weeks new entries and I really can't wait to hear what you have in store for us this time, your a brilliant musician and a great addition to the Songwriters Challenge - thanks for sharing your music with us each week it has been such a pleasure.

4th Place - @jaybird - Meet Me On The Shore

Well Jay I believe you have yourself a hit here mate, this song is great in so many ways - I love the darker tones throughout, but the lyric is also stand alone - but the melody is what sold me on this overall, I just absolutely love the power behind the melody.

The composition is brilliant, you tell a great story that just keeps building during the whole song - and that ending was just killer, you absolutely nailed it.

The verse tells the story and the chorus completes it perfectly, I love the way you build to only allow it fall back only to build again - it creates a song that you just can't help but get into, I love singing this song and best of all some of those power notes are quite a lot of work.

This is by far one of my favourites from you ever, it is a brilliant song and I could easily see this playing on the mainstream radio - you have an amazing talent and I am so grateful you are participating in this Challenge.

The rhythm you create in this song is infectious, I can't help but move to the music as I'm hearing it - that coupled with the lyrics, the amazing guitar and the super awesome vocals, what more could I want from a song?

Well in truth nothing you hit this one out of the park for me and as I said I truly hear groups of teens singing this song badly as they listen, you have a great hook, plenty of emotion and just a great overall sound.

I've been a fan of your music for a while now and this week you didn't fail to impress, I really look forward to hearing your submission for next week's Challenge soon.

5th Place - @kayclarity - Take a Picture

I was instantly hit by the light and airy feel to this song, coupled to such beautiful perfection with your stunning voice - just an all round great song and entry for this weeks Challenge.

Anyone who reads my Open Mic posts knows there are a few main things that make me feel a songs quality, one being if there is an actual story being told another is strong vocals and a great melody - and this song met both of these without breaking a sweat.

It's just such a beautiful sound you have created here, I love the happier feel the way the rhythm builds the song constantly onwards and upwards - I thought it worked so well when you changed the tempo on the word warm, it conveyed the nervous energy chilly people experience and I thought it was a creative element to include.

You have such a beautiful voice, your higher notes just forced me to join in involuntarily - the melody you created works brilliantly for this song, coupled to perfection with the lyrics.

Thank you for creating such a pretty song, I'm stoked your entering the Challenge and I can't wait to hear more from you soon.

Honourable Mentions:

@guitarlots - Wind Swept Shore

There have been so many entries this week, a bunch of new faces and I too want to share that the challenge isn't over until week 8 - every person still has a chance to win the amazing guitar.

You have all worked so hard to get to this stage, but the end is almost in sight - hang in there and keep pushing yourself to create the brilliant songs we keep hearing.

I so look forward to jumping into week 6 of the challenge in the next day or so, you guys are amazing keep it up and I can't wait to hear what you've prepared for this week!

A massive thank you to @luzcypher for hosting as always, your the rock of Open Mic - @meno for being the super generous sponsor of this Challenge, without you we wouldn't have a prize to offer - and @passion-ground for your continued enthusiasm in relation to music and the Open Mic projects.

Until next time have a good one and enjoy the tunes.

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oh my.... Its difficult to put in to words how this post has just made me feel.
I would like especially just to say thank you krystle for this.... I am feeling an immense heart overload right now.....Im struggling to think properly, but it might be something to do with being heard..... you've just so beautifully expressed a connection to the song I shared, which is something I could never have shared anywhere but here and your response makes it feel so worthwhile. The idea that sharing this would help anyone to even fractionally come to terms with a loss of their own is an amazingly special feeling and one I will not forget. This song will absolutely be titled 'Anymore' in honour of your response.
Whether I ever play it again is another question altogether! I wasn't even planning to listen to it again until you just inspired me to, and I didn't find it very easy.... I should probably go to the post again and reply to peoples supportive comments but I have been avoiding it ever since I posted it. (which I realise is not in the spirit of this amazing supportive community or a particularly mature or responsible way of behaving after having put something like that up in the first place) so AGAIN thankyou for inspiring me to re-engage with it. I guess I was in need of a helpful nudge....
And finally thankyou again to this whole incredible community and this particular magical challenge for being like this, and encouraging me to create like this and making me feel like this, it is clearly FAR MORE than just a blogging platform, it is performing alchemy on my heart and mind and allowing me to grow in to new areas of my potential in a way that I could never have predicted. So much love to you all and so much love and gratitude to you krystle for being an amazing friend to this song and in turn to me by giving it such careful and authentic attention. I feel truly blessed. x

I'm sorry it took so long to reply to your amazing comment, I wanted to ensure I had the time and focus to respond to you properly.

Firstly you are most completely welcome, please know I too struggled immensely with writing my review - too many feels to think straight and word good :P

I absolutely connected with this song on a much deeper level than I think I was ready for, the first time I listened to the song I was just overwhelmingly concerned for you - until I heard and read the lyrics it was then I understood where my happy go lucky Basil had gone and why (I may have a little bit of a possessiveness when it comes to our entrants).

I settled in for another round and then it really hit me just how epically moving this song really was (and yes that is when the tears started coming in droves), for the longest time I just sat there all teary and listened to the song on - repeat unable to find any words at all to convey the sense of loss you had just shared with all of us, here at the Songwriters Challenge.

I have to mention just how proud I am not only of you, but our little community for making this such a safe place to share such an epic piece of yourself and allowing yourself to be vulnerable and knowing we will have your back - this is a really epic moment for all of us and I am ever so grateful you found the strength to trust us with a piece of your life and soul.

I am so relieved you liked the review, I was a little worried (really half expecting) you to just ignore it and move on past this emotional moment - above all else I didn't want you to feel pressured into anything by what I was saying, I just wanted to share with you how much it meant to me not only as a judge but a fellow human.

On that note music has amazing healing powers not only for the listeners but those writing as well, you allow yourself to re-experience a tragic moment in your life and find a way to share your emotions in the most amazing and beautiful way possible - again not trying to push things but I am so glad to hear you not only went back to the post to reply to people (kudos not sure I'd be able to) but also that you listened to the song again that just means the world to me.

I really want to share this song with my mother, as I think it would resonate with her in the same way it did with me - but I'm a little concerned about causing her an emotional meltdown, seriously dude you gave me all the feels.

Your music made me feel that I shared a similar pain with you in that moment and your words filled me with such bittersweet mix of tragedy and hopefulness, your skill to depict the emotions was just brilliant.

I just want to say another thank you, for having the courage to share this and for feeling as though this was a place where you could share such a private part of yourself with us - I am just so relieved my words showed in some small way what a truly amazing gift you have, even in times of great emotional stress.

Thank you again for just being so awesome, it has been such an absolute pleasure to get to know you through this challenge - I love your music, your creative energy and your passion and feelings towards our little corner of the steemosphere.

Your a lovely addition to the Songwriters Challenge and Open Mic alike, your entries (until this one that is) always make me smile and whenever I see your name pop up as the next in line to listen to - I get a little excited to see what gems you've created for us each time, your'e an absolute legend and a brilliant musician.

Love and hugs and thanks once more xox

thankyou so much krystle. you are a very special person. massive love to you and a warm hug for your mother too (sorry if I am the cause of any emotional breakdowns! haha). No but seriously, its an incredible honour to have had such a profound effect and to feel the reciprocated feels. It means the world. You KNOW how much I love this challenge and this community! Just one more week left after this one......wow. There will be a strange gap in my life......and maybe some time to reassimilate! x

I appreciate this @krystle ๐Ÿ˜‰ thank you for the inclusion

No worries you guys were absolutely brilliant, with entries like that you will be in a top 5 in no time :D

Glad you think so @krystle ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Thank you sooo much @krystle!!!
I'm speechless, I want you to know how much I appreciate the time and effort you take when speaking about each entry, your thoughts on my entry made my day!!

It would be awesome to have it become viral haha.
I actually am planning on producing en entire EP with 4 to 5 of the songs that I like the most from my own entries and uploading that to all of the places, including musicoin, so we'll see how it goes, this is the first one I'm gonna fully produce from this contest :)

Oh well I'm stoked to see you got to read it and that it means so much to you, I try to really cover every possible aspect I can think of that stood out to me - in your case it was the whole bloody thing, I worry sometimes I go on a bit long so it's nice to get some good feedback :D

This song was on a different level for me, I was just amazed and in awe throughout the entire performance - you absolutely deserved your place on my list and I can't imagine anyone not loving it!

As for the EP that sounds amazing and you have several songs that are ready to go be recorded in my opinion, your work is always so polished, finished and full they truly stand alone as great songs - I can't imagine how awesome a complete collection of your music would be, look forward to hearing the layout :D

Thank you so much for your really kind words! Your reviews are "long" in the best way possible, it makes me feel like my music is really being appreciated so thank you very much!

The EP is on it's way hehe, this week I couldn't manage to write a song for songwriters challenge, but I managed to make a cover for open mic.
I'm already working on the next entry! Only three more to go! :)

Shudang man, great pics, some of my personal favs from this week too actually.

Thanks for the kind words. Very glad it spoke to your inner teenage girl lol. j/k

I do agree though that I've been writing a lot of music as of late that would likely fit that market.

Been really enjoying this comp my friend. Even when I'm struggling to write a song it seems! Just checked out what the new theme is and I'm gona start brainstorming. working on 2 other tunes at the same time already !

Lmao I guess in a way I saw it's possible future success through the eyes and ears of my teenage years, all that means to me is you have mass appeal with these songs.

Let's face it these days in music that's the crowd you want loving your music, they are the big spenders and can control the mainstream market (or at least what the music execs think teen girls want that is)- you have another great song that has the potential for mainstream success.

It's been great having you in the Challenge and sharing such awesome songs with us each week, I'm glad that you're still able or even being inspired to create even more music at the moment - btw love the idea of @steembrds going on tour!

Keep being awesome - Cheers :D

Sorry for the late read - didn't see this till now! Thank you for your wonderfully kind words. I very much appreciate it, and am so glad to be participating! xx, Kay

No worries at all, steemit can be a lot like a faucet at full speed - the firehose of content, comments and votes begin to blur and things get missed, just glad you got too see it generally :D

A brilliant post @krystle. Reading your review of the song by @basilmarples brought me to tears, thank you so much for your honesty and sharing your experience. Sending you my best wishes. xoxo

Thank you so much for your kind words, it was a beautiful and emotional song and @basilmarples deserved an honest outpouring like he had inadvertently done to me lol - thank you for the lovely comment I am so glad you enjoyed the post :D Cheers

wow thank you for being in the list of the honorable mentions mam @krystle.

Happy New Year.

No worries I love your entries, you have a beautiful voice and your original music is definitely up there in this Challenge - Cheers :D

Really great post, @kyrstle... Just when I thought you couldn't possibly get any more "real" - here I find you once again in all of your beautifully realistic glory!

Your connection to the entrants is undeniable - and that's precisely what makes me look forward to your selections and reviews. You sure didn't let me down here - that's for sure! Thank you for your very special and unique take on all of the Open-Mic and Songwriters entries! You keep going, girl! ain't nobody gonna stop you any time soon! .x

Thanks so much passion, after the insane hours I spend on these posts I really appreciate you dropping by and reading them - I think all our entrants that make the level of top fives deserve a little extra and if all I can do is tell them what the music meant to me then that's what I'll do :D

You always make me feel valued as you do with all the entrants in both the Open mic's and steemit in general, your a positive influence and I'm glad to call you friend - thanks again mate, chat soon :D

That means so much to me... Thank you, @krystle! .x

How I wish I am a good musician.

Time and practice is all it takes, Open mic is a great way to keep pushing yourself to practice - give it a go you never know :D

Impressive thoughts and much appreciated efforts.

steem on

Thanks for dropping by and having a read - glad you enjoyed this weeks selection :D