The success of your children depends on how you educate them at an early age.

in Project HOPE2 years ago

How are you all in the #Steemit-Hope community? May health and safety always be with you all, so you can carry out all your daily activities.

Everyone must be very happy to have a child from their marriage and have a smart child you should be careful when you want to talk to him. Your words become one of the keys for your child to grow up and be smart. don't get used to you issuing harsh words in front of them and never make a fuss with your partner in front of the children.


In essence, at an early age children must be educated positively and provide input slowly about the future for your child. You can give them insight on how you can raise them, tell how passionate you are at work and give your motivation when you have failed while in the process of trying.

Children are very easy to catch what we are talking about or catch what we are telling them. then, that's when you can educate them about living life when they grow up and can make their parents happy.

You also have to guide them to become good people when they grow up, can help others and can be people who can motivate others.

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Never feel bored when you are guiding them to strengthen their minds and the importance of success in the future. until whenever you are still parents of peacocks when they are successful in the future, teach them how to talk to parents, with people who are older than them and people who are the same age as him. teaching good behavior at an early age becomes a good memory for your children.

In today's modern era, social media is very influential for life and you must really be able to distinguish which ones lead in a positive direction. Their success will depend on how you educate them since childhood and they will remember how you educate them since childhood when they are adults and become successful people in the future. happiness you will feel and get. happy smile when you see your baby become a successful person.

Thank you for taking your time to visit my blog and thank you for reading it too.

Believe that with passion, hard work and consistency within us, surely what we aspire to in the future will be achieved. Don't complain to achieve it all and fight to the top.



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