We Can't Agree On Pizza Toppings But We Can Save The Planet?

in #nature7 years ago

Meta Pizza: You argument is Invalid

Have you ever tried to order Pizza with a group of friends? In 10 minutes the disagreement can escalate to a point where even your friendship might be put under questioning. Yet, somehow, people believe that 7.5 billion people can come together and agree on complicated issues such as vegetarianism, global warming, vaccinations, armed conflicts, money and politics.

People fail to understand that there is no such thing as "We" on this planet. It is a cultural travesty, a common delusion. It does not and cannot apply. "We" do not have the same desires. "We" do not have the same motives. "We" do not share the same passions or histories because we carry unique physiologies that have been shaped gradually from different sets of events.


Sure, humans do get together if there are some vested interests about a single issue but this means nothing. The same people are guaranteed to-disagree on plenty of other constituents of that particular issue. There is a reason why political language is so nauseously generic and why religious heresies always seem to multiply.

A group of people come together and let's say agree that gay marriage should be allowed. They push the decision through congress and they make it a reality. They naively cheer "We did it!" when in reality it was not their individual decision that did it. Rather, it was a single common interest about a broad statement "gay marriage should be allowed". The same people disagree on a bunch of other things that involve the very constituents and freedoms of gay marriage such as child adoption, parades and transgenderism just to name the few.

In the same respect the people who claim to fight for protecting the planet do it for different aspects of the issue. Not a single single one of them agreeing in all the details. A vegan might travel 3 times a year with an airplane destroying the ozone layer. At the same time she refuses to eat meat because she is concerned about her carbon footprint. A guy might eat steak twice a week, in his lonely one bedroom apartment while planting trees on the weekend.

Nonetheless, in a meeting with friends — that have 3 kids each on average — the loner might be accused of adding to the pollution of the planet. In reality, having a child is the most polluting action. Another guy eats salads and claims to be vegetarian just to get laid in college. He is also saving the planet by being a hypocrite. All of them care about themselves. Saving the planet comes as an after-effect of their lifestyle. Nobody want to be an asshole so everyone destroys and protects the planet in their own fucked up way.

We always eye-ball the negative aspects of someone else's behavior when we claim that "we try our best". Thing is, everyone does the same thing about us. We just fail to see this because every single one of us is absorbed into their own version of delusion.

The narrative of "We" is a by-product of our primitive tribalism. It is a not logical thought process. It fails when applied in global situations because our individuality shines. "We" are all selfish and self-absorbed either we like it or not. "We" can't save the planet because the planet does not need saving. "We" do.


Ooo don't be such a pessimist!
People CAN come together through compassion, sufficient knowledge and perspective.
Even though we're a bunch of selfish bastards...
I know I would kill, maim and burn for a bite of that pizza xD

People CAN come together through compassion, sufficient knowledge and perspective.

and create world wars....


And can also put together an enormous Ship, or a Platform that rewards content creators..

Oh shit ...pizzas within a pizza. Hot Oven..... that's brilliant.

pizzaception. Di Caprio's wet dream

You got it. Full voting power for you brother. Funny stuff :)

thank you man! :)

I once had over 50 k in steem...wish i could upvote you with that...i'll get there again and this time i'll keep the coins. By the way thank you for taking the time to write this post.

it was my pleasure man. hope to see you once more in new heights

Thanks, all the best to you too.

I've seen what you're talking about, in practice, many times. There was a blanket organisation in Australia that attempted to unite activists. The first onrush of enthusiasm was relatively enormous. There was was one thing though that united everyone, their contempt for the Prime Minister. The signs at the nationally 100 000 rallies (in a country of 28 million that's a significant number) were for all the different causes and issues the then Prime Minister was a threat to. So... after the media bias and lack of immediate change, people went back to focusing on their own issues. I had an umbrella, still do, but people just don't want to band together. For example, asylum seeker advocates have the environment much further down on their list than environmental advocates, and vice versa. Only a few see a common ground, yet for a broader thinker, there is one.
It upsets me that you are right, but I know it to be true.
There is hope though, and we have to keep that attitude.
If your roof has 10 holes in it and you fix one, then another one later, while another hole is appearing, then it's still better than not fixing them at all. That is the only thing that stops me from literally climbing onto a rooftop and using a megaphone to call everyone idiots, and as you say, I don't know what each individual does in their private life. I may be speaking to someone who rightfully believes that I am complacent idiot compared to them.
And then there's the "anti-hatred" activists that protest protests and start swinging at the haters. (and gets global news coverage doing so, and harms the reputation of any movement they are involved in)
Save the forest signs on brand new pieces of painted cardboard. Getting to your gig to play your anti fossil fuel , anti deforestation song, in a van, on a road. Many people seem to forget the privileges that are a direct result of what they are striving to change and balk at being confronted.

Buddhism 101, create change from within first. Then you can start saving the world.

'Many of us regard ourselves as mildly liberal or centrist politically, voice fairly pleasant sentiments about our poor children, contribute money to send poor kids to summer camp, feel benevolent. We're not nazis; we're nice people. We read sophisticated books. We go to church. We go to synagogue. Meanwhile, we put other people's children into an economic and environmental death zone. We make it hard for them to get out. We strip the place bare of amenities. And we sit back and say to ourselves, 'Well, I hope that they don't kill each other off. But if they do, it's not my fault.'
—Jonathan Kozol, educator and author

wow, excellent comment. you should male a post about this one.

I should. Thank you.

Enjoyed a lot your analogies.
Fully agree that Earth doesn't need our help in saving. Its been doing fine before we came and will continue strolling along just fine after us.
"We" is exactly Dunbars number, by-product of tribal history, but I still believe we are capable of "feeling" much more. For example Overview effect astronauts have or experiences during Ayahuasca ceremonies.

"We" fell fairly enough i believe :)

"We" think they are exempt from natural laws and like with the first flying machines, built without really understanding the laws of physics, test them by jumping of a cliff.
"We" believe they are flying just because they are not in free fall and are convinced they could rise above the clouds if they could just pedal a bit harder :)
As long as "We" realize the problem is in the machine in time, we actually might not crash :D

So the only thing humanity could hypothetically agree on is that we disagree on absolutely everything, but we operate under the narcissistic delusion that "We can make a difference if we come together in agreement regarding issue A, B, C..."?

No wonder everyone is commenting on the pizza😉!

As someone who eats pizza far too often I feel like the toppings area is still very vague since I tend to eat it alone, lol. However, I do also feel the need to recommend comedians George Carlin's opinion on the subject of people wanting to quote "Save The World".

Though his approach on the subject is judgemental, the guy made some interesting points on mankind's position on that.

As someone who eats pizza far too often I feel like the toppings area is still very vague since I tend to eat it alone, lol.

GOLD line :D

However, I do also feel the need to recommend comedians George Carlin's opinion on the subject of people wanting to quote "Save The World".

priceless clip

That pizza deserves to be in the sequel of inception.

wow that pizza literally got me starving :D

you and half the people in the comments

We are all living things, therefore we must be selfish without it we as individuals could not survive because all other living things around us are selfish, at every time they would benefit more, every act we do must benefit us, otherwise we would have no motivation to do it and that is how we achive our goals.

WOW! You hit this one out of the ballpark! Social Sites (and the social engineering that go along with each and every one) are excellent examples of what you state here. We are all selfish, most everyone has a touch of narcissism which only seems to be fed with such sites.
Yet we can not exclude duality... there can be no good without the bad, and being selfish and somewhat narcissistic does not mean one can not care for or support another. It is about common causes and sharing in the networks that feed what one desires (be it to watch the world burn or to save the planet).
Namaste02a.png UntitledWorld1.gif Namaste02a.png
Yes, the Planet would do just fine without our parasitic presence.

I can't yell which way the earth is spinning. Ill be sitting here for a while

LULZ !!!
Indeed, I do the same thing (looking slightly away from it makes it even more "weird", shifting from one direction to the other).
I assure you the configuration was set for it to spin from left to right.... the illusion of from right to left was purely a happy accident.

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